View Full Version : some tips plz

01-12-05, 09:32 PM
Im tired of going out every week to get adult mice.ether iam going to have to do this for like ever or i can buy mice and hope they bread? is it hard to bread them?? tips maybe??

Thanks Oliver

01-12-05, 09:37 PM
i dont breed tham so i cant help ya but do a search under the food for thought forum... youll pull up a few tips there

01-12-05, 10:59 PM
With regards to breading your mice, I like a nice eggwash before using seasoned breadcrumbs. Extra virgin olive oil is a nice added touch. Good luck.

01-12-05, 11:13 PM
ahhh mykee, the same thought popped into my brain. Haha, no one can sneek one by you/

01-13-05, 01:09 AM
lmao mykee now that **** is funny... as for the topic get to opposite sexed mice ( rats preferably) put them to gether and wait a few weeks. bamm you got babies.Like human men rats are controlled by there penises

01-13-05, 01:32 PM
first off, from reading your other posts, your feeding the mice to your bp....ok theres your first prob. Your bp will get more nutrition, in turn will grow faster and healthier as well as you wont be feeding 3-8 mice at a sitting to an adult BP. if you gonna set up a breeding colony, do it with rats..what you bp SHOULD be on, you should try switch asap. The longer you wait the harder the switch. there are a couple threads on here that show you how to set them up and all that. i have a 1 male to 3 females colony thats doing great. you can either rotate your male to each female, or just keep your colony together and they will work things out..
good luck.

01-14-05, 12:06 PM
bamm you got babies.Like human men rats are controlled by there penises

Correction. I would say I speak for most males here in this staement. We do not think with our *****, but I do like to bounce things off him.

01-18-05, 04:47 PM
Thanks for all you help guy!!!