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Mark Pepper
11-03-02, 08:00 PM
green Dendrobates imitator

Mark Pepper
11-03-02, 08:03 PM
yellow Dendrobates imitator, a slightly smaller morph than the green, and not nearly as willing to reproduce

Mark Pepper
11-03-02, 08:06 PM
still more quinquevitatus group frogs, this one is Dendrobates ventrimaculatus

11-03-02, 08:10 PM
very nice. one day I will be keeping some thumbnails.


Mark Pepper
11-03-02, 08:13 PM
last one for now, as you can see dart frogs come in an astounding variety of naturally occuring colour morphs, I have not even scratched the surface with these pics, of the 60+ known species, there are easily several hundred colour variants, and many more morphs and species waiting to be described. This one is a Dendrobates reticulatus, in the process of eating its skin early in the morning. Retics are extremely small, max of 1.5cm for adult females, males smaller than this!

11-03-02, 08:14 PM
You wanna play leapfrog ? mine specimines.

11-10-02, 01:01 AM
i love the last pic