View Full Version : two males one enclosure

01-07-05, 10:14 PM
A few weeks ago I put two of my amazons together. One is a male that I've had for quite awhile and the other was sold to me as a female.(the yellow one from my other post!)

I put em together and watched them for a while. I left the room for a few min and then returned.

I came back to a disaster in the enclosure. Water dish tipped over, musk everywhere and my garden male constricing the other one. Then they were chasing each other all around the enclosure dispite me trying to separate them. Man, that was hard to get them apart when they are moving around at that speed.;)

Regardless of the mess, I was really suprised to see how brilliant their colors after. Brighter than they have ever been. Both males were very active constantly cruising the enclosures for a few days after. I then put the male garden in with another female I have and they were going at it right away.

I have never heard of anyone combating corrallus before and know that it isn't needed for successful breeding. I was just wondering if anyone had any similar experiences, or any comments combating Amazons...

Thanks for reading
Jon Dona

01-07-05, 11:11 PM
EDIT: I suggested they were both males but I forgot what the subject title was when I was posting.


01-08-05, 07:21 AM
On the old corallus.com forum, someone had mistakenly put two male ETBs in together in a similar situation. One of them ended up dead.


01-08-05, 07:43 AM
I find this interesting. Have never witnessed, or heard of any species of snake "COMBATING" like that.
All the "battles" I have ever seen were actully quite graceful, with neither snake recieving any harm, except to his ego if he possesses one. Its more like wrestling, it goes until one gives up.
Is there something about this species???

01-08-05, 06:45 PM
Yep they are both males as it turns out. I really need more females than males but whatever. I'll live:D

That would be one expensive mistake. I really believe, had I not checked up on them that one would have died.;)

Yeah there was nothing graceful about this combating, only chaos, hehe.

Thanks for the replies,

Jon Dona

01-08-05, 07:36 PM
Male Carpets repeatedly bite and strike at each other during pre-breeding combat. I can imagine if one Emerald would bite another with those teeth, in a certain place, one could die. Its why we supervise.

01-09-05, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Male Carpets repeatedly bite and strike at each other during pre-breeding combat. I can imagine if one Emerald would bite another with those teeth, in a certain place, one could die. Its why we supervise.

Do you think they would fight to the death in the wild? Or is it just the close proximity of 2 in one enclosures that don't allow the inferior male to leave the scene, resulting in its death? Just a thought..