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I was wondering what is the worst smell/s that come from your reptiles.
For me #1 is Regurgitation stank...I almost fall over when I open the rep room door..happens once in a while(always the same ATB) but whooowweeee
01-06-05, 01:23 PM
Not from one of my aniamls, but there was a blue beuty at work that crapped, and I was very close to throwing up.
Twice one of my colubrids has tricked me into thinking it ate, only to find two days later a bloated nasty prey item that had been hiding under paper towels on the hot side.
It's the worse smell ever, and when it happened those two times I threw up once, and both times my boyfriend has to deal with it. The smell also clings to anything so I have to totally air out the reptile room.
I do better checks now! lol
Holy Mackerel
01-06-05, 01:31 PM
I'm with marissa on this one,
That hidden, rotting mouse, has to be the worst smell. The pungent s**** are nothing compared to the rotting flesh. And you've got it....the smell lingers and attahes itself to everything!
01-06-05, 01:32 PM
I ha a rat that I kept re-freazing over a span of three weeks. to the say it stunk is a uder statement.
the fecal matter of what was once a chicken an be pretty bad.
Yea Ill have to say a regurj... more specifically.. a prey animal thats been sitting in a snake's belly digesting for 4 days... then barf....
EWWWWWWWWWW Almost lost my lunch at the sight and smell!
3 adult tegus pooping all over the cage. With all the eggs these guys eat(and other meats/veggies). Not as bad as regurg but I haven't had a snake regurge in over 1.5 years
01-06-05, 02:08 PM
30 rats that thawed in my freezer when it got accidently unplugged, I've never smelled anything so bad when 4 days later I opened that freezer!
Rotting rodent flesh has got to be one of the most disgusting smells ever. I've unfortunately smelled it way too many times in my life. Thank god it's cold right now; there were some dead wild rats rotting in my garage for several days and I had to throw them away, part of the flesh decayed to liquid mush with a big ol' juicy pile of maggots underneath.
I used to hate rats; after having stepped on a dead one in the basement just in my socks when I was a kid. Now that I breed them I've gotten used to them for the most part, but dead rotting decaying carcasses still make my stomach turn more than anything else in the world I can think of.
01-06-05, 02:55 PM
Melted pinkies...
My sneaky snakes used to drag them around over to the hot side and under the substrate, the little freaks.
Now I check up on everyone to see that they've ate now that they're up to larger prey items.
ANY decomposing animal flesh smells awful.
01-06-05, 04:48 PM
I'm with most of you, it would have to be nasty rotten dead rodents.
thawed rat that has exploded. My coastal decided to squeez a little to hard and the rat burst. Not only the smell but the visual of a burst rat turned itself inside out.
Next would be fresh chicken reproductive tract, now thats a smell that sticks to your clothes, I got the wierdest looks on the bus home from class after that one.
01-06-05, 06:57 PM
my favorites are the same as shad0ws post 4 day digested rodents:medpuke:and
Than there is the blue beauty crap. holy mackerel that was the most putrid $**T ever, it was very hard to get through my first cage cleaning. :medpuke: :medpuke:
Originally posted by marisa
Twice one of my colubrids has tricked me into thinking it ate, only to find two days later a bloated nasty prey item that had been hiding under paper towels on the hot side.
I agree thats absoultly the worst smell in the world!!
VI Reptiles
01-06-05, 08:24 PM
I remember a month or 2 ago we had our septic tank cleaned and we took off the cover and man it stunk so bad, then a couple weeks later my snake regurges a rat and it stinks SOOOOOOOO nasty and I hope it never happens again for my sake and the snakes.
01-06-05, 08:48 PM
I used to keep a large collection of Pituophis snakes. They all ate on the same day as my collection was fed in shifts. The Pitophis all defecated within 2 days of each other. I could smell their feces from the outside hallway of the apartment. Man I hated the winter as I could not open a window in the animal room
I have to agree on the rotting rodent thing. Had one snake do the hmmmm lets hide the rabbit pinky one time and OMG, I almost threw up at the smell.
I hear that, had an amazon hide a small rat once. Found it two days later... Damn gross!!;)
couple of hundred rats and a lot of fish that sat in my freezer for a week or so whn the power for the freezer was turned off. What a horrible smell and mess.
01-07-05, 06:00 PM
one of my female ball pythons took her rat started eating it so I left the room... anyways she dragged it in her hide and left it there for a couple days and I started to noticed the smell... I opend up her cage and saw nothing I lifted up her hide and she was sitting on it. Worste smell ever.
now none of reps have ever regurg
so i dont know what that smells like
but my sav mon can give a real nasty smell when he goes!
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