View Full Version : Mite Cures

01-06-05, 01:08 AM
I would like to hear about everyones cures and preventative messures when dealing with these tiny BEASTS! Any ideas/opions offered are greatly appreciated.
P.S. ~ None of my sankes have mites. I have won many battles like most of us. But the war continues to march forward!


01-06-05, 08:33 AM
I use nix to treat new purchases with excellent results. Since it is mixed into a 4 litre container with water is very cost effective and has a shelf life of about a year when stored properly.

01-06-05, 09:45 AM
Anti-mite spray for dogs works just as good in snakes. There's a brand called "frontLine" that is great.

01-06-05, 10:10 AM
Ive said it before... try predatory mites... they are mites that feed on snake mites... they work EXTREMELY WELL!

Grab some Hypoaspis ...

There is no risk of respiratory or neurological illness from chemicals and insecticides, also they are relentless.. they will seek out and attack until all snake mites are gone.. then they slowly disappear... dying off from starvation.

U can get them here: http://www.biconet.com/

And you can read about experiences with them here: http://coloherp.org/cb-news/Vol-28/cbn-0101/SnakeMites.html

01-06-05, 10:39 PM
Thanks. I have used Nix before and it did work great. Has anyone tried using pest strips as a cure or as a preventative?

01-06-05, 10:55 PM
Provent a mite. Just make sure you follow the directions. It has worked great for me.

01-06-05, 11:20 PM
i used to help out at super pet trying to save the animals and it was to expensive to get the mite spray so i put olive oil in a misting bottle and sprayed it on snakes and lizards (no ts or other herps) and that kills the mites becase they cant breath and if you do it twice a month it prevents mites from getting on them

thanx froggy

01-07-05, 01:19 AM
The search button on this very site can be your friend. Dicussed ad naseum for the last 3 years here. You can find some really really great stuff if you type in "NIX" into the search field.

Best of luck!

01-08-05, 09:20 PM
Thanks everyone. What I'm really looking for is something new. I have used most of these before and most work great.

01-09-05, 01:51 AM
i was told once that using a tiny bit of listerine and water in something like rubbermaid works good dont know if this is true or not just something i was told

01-09-05, 04:18 AM
What I'm really looking for is something new. I have used most of these before and most work great.

Why try and fix something that isn't broken? Seems kind of self-defeating, doesn't it? Why not concentrate on something that DOESN'T work great? Not trying to flame, just confused.

01-09-05, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Why try and fix something that isn't broken? Seems kind of self-defeating, doesn't it? Why not concentrate on something that DOESN'T work great? Not trying to flame, just confused.
I agree, I mean if some thing works well for you, why would you still look for other ways. I find nix the cheapest and once the bottle is mixed in to the jug o water very simple to use...Good luck anyways!

01-16-05, 01:57 PM
Anyone have any thoughts on Provent-a-Mite?

Also, if a mite infested snake was exposed to a tegu of mine... what are the chances the nsake mites will go for the liz?

01-16-05, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Why try and fix something that isn't broken? Seems kind of self-defeating, doesn't it? Why not concentrate on something that DOESN'T work great? Not trying to flame, just confused.

I agree Jeff. What I'm looking for is ideas that may be better, less toxic, cheaper, less work, less stress on snakes.... anything that is beyond the norm. I don't dissagree that most of the above suggestions work well, what I'm interested in hearing about is the newer or different approches.

01-16-05, 09:36 PM
I was speaking to someone who told me to use Nix and that whole treatment, but why not use a product like Provent-o-mite that has been designed to destory snake mites. A product that is specialized created and designed to do the job. So because it is more expensive people want to use their Nix, which cant compare in effectiveness? I personally dont get it...

01-16-05, 09:39 PM
The problem with Provent-A-Mite is that if you don't follow the directions perfectly, you can seriously injur, if not kill your snake.. THAT is why people take the 'less expensive' route..


01-16-05, 09:41 PM

01-16-05, 09:43 PM
NIX is very safe as its a soap. Do a search for it, and you'll find its very safe. But I agree chaotic, because in 10 years we'll be going, "man, that NIX was such a bad product, I'm glad we have ______ now". Evolution is good for the hobby though. Keeps progression going.

01-17-05, 09:05 PM
Exactly Jeff. I want to hear about that new cure that only one person in the world may be using. Not trying to tell anyone that they're wrong. Just want to hear some new ideas. Tired of the same stuff over and over again.

01-18-05, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Bartman
I was speaking to someone who told me to use Nix and that whole treatment, but why not use a product like Provent-o-mite that has been designed to destory snake mites. A product that is specialized created and designed to do the job. So because it is more expensive people want to use their Nix, which cant compare in effectiveness? I personally dont get it...
Well first reason was already mentioned above by Matt. Nix is safer to use. It is very easy to use.

How can you say provent a mite is more effective? Have you tried both? I have used Nix and I really can't see any other product being more effective than eleminating the mites after one treatment, unless it can cook me breakfest.:D

You are also seem to think that we all use nix cause we are to "cheap" to pay for provent a mite.... :rolleyes: I can't speak for any of the others here that use Nix but I can guarantee it isn't cause they don't want to pay extra for better treatment. LOL, I don't know how to be more clear with you. If provent a mite worked better and safer than nix, alot more people would be recommending provent a mite.

I just don't get it:confused:

01-21-05, 11:24 AM
my vet told me that frontline can cause breathing problems in snakes and can lead to the snake dying, so instead use a herbal flea/mite/tick shampoo. we use Ultrum pet shampoo its made from natural ingredients.