View Full Version : Co-dom x co-dom

01-05-05, 06:48 PM
Me and a friend were discussing co-dom breedings but could'nt figure out what you actually get from two diff co-dom traits like spiderxpastel,I know you can get a bumblebee but what are the %? Is it the same as breeding two pastels,25% normal 50%hets and 25%superpastel(or in this case a bumble bee)?

01-05-05, 06:59 PM
Let's say you bred a Spider to a Pastel, assuming your spider is NOT a homozygous Spider, on average you should get:

25% Spiders
25% Pastels
25% Spider+Pastels
25% Normals

Correct me if I'm wrong because I just might be. :D

01-05-05, 07:20 PM

01-05-05, 07:23 PM
your right

01-05-05, 07:30 PM
Thanks,sorry if this sound like a stupid guestion but I'm still trying to understand this whole genetics thing,but what do you mean if its not a homozygous spider? Does this mean if the spider did not come from spiderxspider breeding?What do you get when you breed two spiders together? Just regular spiders or is there a super form(I have'nt seen or heard of one?)?

01-05-05, 09:11 PM
I'm not aware if it's been proven or not but there could be what would be known as "homozygous" Spiders that, like you said, would come from a Spider X Spider pairing. In theory, you should get 25% Normals and the Spiders you got would have a 33% chance of being "Homozygous" Spiders. If you bred a "Homo" Spider to a Normal, all the babies should be Spiders.

If you bred a "Heterozygous" Spider to a Normal, 50% of the babies should be Spiders and the remaining 50% should be Normals.

I'm sure someone has proven these genetics out but I'm not 100% sure it's happened. Someone here will know though. :)