View Full Version : Heat Gradient in Rubbermaid

01-05-05, 01:18 PM

I am just looking for some advice on my temperature gradient in my rubermaid enclosure. It is a small size about 14" by 10" by 8". I have a UTH and started out by covering one third of the enclosure. This gave me the proper warm side temperatures but the other side was lower then was reccomended for my IJ. I have been slowly moving the UTH cloder to the cool side to bring the temps on this side up. A little over half of the enclosure is covered and the temp is still only about 75 degrees.



01-05-05, 11:56 PM
What are the temps in the room? If the temps in the room are very cool you will have a hard time getting the proper temps without some sort of element t raise the ambient. Thats a pain in a rubbermaid etc... What typr of UTH are you using and how is it controlled?

01-06-05, 07:34 PM

I have figures it out. I just took a little fine tuning to get the temps right on. There is a nice gradient for the snake to choose from.

Thanks anyways.