View Full Version : Handling

01-04-05, 10:57 PM
My bd has been here for a little more than 3 weeks. What kind of schedule should I be on with handling? 30mins twice a day or more or less? Some people on another site that's dedicated only to beardies said that a good way to gain trust is to let him fall asleep on me when it's close to lights out. I tried that tonight even though he's shedding. When he was on my lap he was scampering. I couldn't tell if he was investigating or trying to get away. I feel like if he was trying to get away he would have. I then put him under my shirt on my belly to share body heat and he seemed to doze off but never fully went to sleep. I'm going to try that again in a couple of days. Any suggestions on the handling?? I don't want to over do it or under do it. I'm used to snakes who aren't as social as a bd and I'm still learning. Thanks.

01-05-05, 08:03 AM
im a new owner as well but what i do is if he is basking i put a few fingers under his chin and he usually crawls up on my hand then he just sort of walks around and licks, once he starts getting a little cold i put him back in. mine is probably quite a bit older than yours but, as i said i just got him this week. if they are anything like water dragons wait until they get a little bit of weight to them and they wont even want to stay in their cage.!

01-05-05, 04:17 PM
that's good advice. Just take him out and try not to hold him but to let him hold you. let him wander about and he will usually end up on your shoulder. When he gets antsy you can put him back. Just make sure he has enough basking time to warm up before and after meals (1 hour minimum).

01-05-05, 08:46 PM
That's the way I am with my snakes also. I let them handle me. He's learning to get on our hand when we put our hand under his chest and push from behind a tiny bit. He's really crabby right now because he's shedding. His food intake has gone down some. From 15 small silks a day down to the lowest of 8 today.