View Full Version : Black rat snake...

01-04-05, 10:40 PM
We saw this black rat snake in southern ontario a couple of years ago. Enjoy!! :bounce:http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/6607Black_rat_snake_6-med.jpg

01-04-05, 11:27 PM
Why must people insist on posting specific location info for Species at Risk? Have you no regard for the implications? And people wonder why these animals are declining :mad:

edit: Thanks to herpers2 for removing the site information; good on ya!

01-05-05, 09:37 AM
Great photo and very nice snake. Thanks for sharing - great to see these snakes in their natural habitat and he looks like he was in good shape,

mary v.

01-05-05, 09:47 AM
Ryan where in the post did you see the location ,southern Ont is a freaken huge place not like they said at old _____ rd in ------ township or anything like that .My two cents worth .Go look at any decent reptile field guide and they will give you more info then south Ont.

01-05-05, 09:50 AM
Sorry beautifull rat snake and picture is top notch.

01-05-05, 10:14 AM
Paul, you'll notice that the original post has since been edited in order to remove the location info :thumbsup: It originally contained specific information. Do you think I would have replied if it orginally said "Southern Ontario"....? :rolleyes:
Most of the range maps on Environment Canada's SAR website have been taken down as well. It is an issue and I don't think the original poster intended to do any harm; rather I believe he/she wasn't aware that it might not be a great idea.
Anyway, it is a very beautiful photo of a gorgeous snake!

01-05-05, 10:22 AM
Sorry but I did not see the original post . Just some people wont post because of people jumping down on them . I see what you mean by posting there location as it will do more harm then good in the long run .

01-05-05, 10:39 AM
I hope people aren't afraid of posting. I don't think anyone will jump down anyone's throat if they are just posting a pic. People don't need to put any location information in the first place, but I admit that I do include what province or state the animal was found in. Posting something specific like a county or a provincial park simply opens the door for illegal collection, which is a big problem for Eastern Ratsnakes.
Anyway, I find it admirable that herpers2 edited the post - which is why I like this forum and its members so much.
Best regards,

01-05-05, 12:36 PM
Thats a great shot. Nice looking animal, I can't wait to find my first Black Rat.

01-05-05, 01:33 PM
Thanks, and no problem Ryan. Just to let you know, we had been going to the site for more then 3 years before seeing this snake, and so far its the only one we've seen!! Thanks for the compliments everyone!!:bounce:

01-05-05, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by herpers2
Thanks, and no problem Ryan. Just to let you know, we had been going to the site for more then 3 years before seeing this snake, and so far its the only one we've seen!!
Let's just hope there's still somewhat of a population there and they're just being secretive.
Sorry for my abrasive post but it's mainly directed to the people who consistently post specific location information and should know better by now. And, again, I really like the photo :)

01-06-05, 01:51 AM
Wow, what a great picture and a beautiful snake. It almost looks iridescent.

Its kinda wierd reading about how rare these things are, and how some people cant wait to find their first. Down here, just about anywhere I go I can count on finding a black rat or two. I knew there was a reason I didnt want to move to Canada. :)

01-06-05, 01:55 PM
Beautiful snake and photo! hes huge, Herpers2 how long did the snake look cause the snake looks like its 6 or more feet! nice shot man.

01-06-05, 07:03 PM
Thanks!! This snake was in shed when we saw it, and due to the size we believe it's a female. It looked like she(?) was probably more than 6 feet long.:bounce: