View Full Version : Tiger ratsnake feeding MPG

01-04-05, 10:12 AM
I took this last night to show people how fast these guys eat. It is amazing!

CLICKY! (http://primareptilia.com/gallery/albums/spp03/spp03_001.mpg)

01-04-05, 10:14 AM
Wow...do all eat in that manner?

Thats pretty funny...and quite amazing at the same time.

01-04-05, 11:05 AM
They pretty much do, yes. I have a couple of shy eaters that I have to leave the prey with them and walk away. But all the ones that take prey off the tongs are fast like that.

01-04-05, 11:22 AM
Cool video! I'm curious as to how fast one of those snakes could eat something if it were live...

Is that guy handleable?

01-04-05, 12:46 PM
He's perfectly handleable. :) You just don't want to reach into his tub, LOL This species is notorious for being territorial!

Feeding live: They usually don't constrict smaller prey, just swallow it. The prey is dead by the time the front paws are down. It seems they take it down a tad slower until it's dead then GULP. Something a bit larger that might take a bit longer to die or is really trying to do some damage I have witnessed cervical dislocation performed. The snake grabbed the prey by the head until it had most of it in his mouth, pinned the body up against the tub with his body and yanked real hard by the head. Extremely interesting technique for a snake! This particular yearling refused all f/t and p/k I offered so I went with live. I had one baby, and one only, constrict its prey... and it was f/t ROFL.

01-04-05, 02:15 PM
Haha, thats EXACTLY how the ones at my work eat. The much less aggressive one eats "normally" but the crazy agro one is much like the one in the video. Its incredible to see!

01-04-05, 02:19 PM
I love to watch them. :)