View Full Version : Any monitors that dont bite

01-03-05, 11:00 AM
I was thinking about geting a monitor but i want one that is more freindly:)

is there even a monitor that is freindly?

01-03-05, 11:13 AM
Sorry pal I think I emlaied you my thoughts .. here is what I wrote anyhow lol sorry ..

A monitor is what it is .. if it has amouth it can bite you .. my Sav is relatively tame and he has bitten my a number of times .. nothing major just nips ..

the key from what I have red , heard and been told by experts os to get them young .. then if they do bit you it is not anything more than a pinch , biting is a reflex action and they learn quickly that if you do not let them go and hold them that biting does not ge them put down and they stop doing it .. there are always exceptions to the rules , you could get one that is really docile and others taht will not tame no matter what you do .. personality .. gotta love it !

01-03-05, 11:16 AM
I'm not a monitor guy, but I think your best bet would be either a ackie or a savannah. Ackies are smaller but super active, and I've never heard of one that bites. Savannahs get a nice size and are usually to fat and lazy to be mean, but watch out because they have a crazy food response. I have owned a couple savannahs and they were all handleable.


01-03-05, 11:28 AM
a savannah will be a good choice. i just got one recently and hes tolerant of me handling me. hes a little less than a foot. most people will say that if you get them young and hold him a lot then they will be tolerant of you. my savs is just calm whenever i hold him and when i put her food down then i see the monitor in him.

01-03-05, 11:33 AM
Boomer is just like that .. the ocassional hiss , never tail whipped me at all .. bit a few times .. still the odd times does a little do do on my though .. reflex actions ...

gotta love him anyhow

01-03-05, 11:40 AM
Argentine Black and White tegus are usually pretty docile. I have 3 adults and they are all MUCH friendlier then my dog(rescued abused dog). None of them have ever tried to bite or ever showed any agression

01-03-05, 11:41 AM
I find the ridgetails to be particularly friendly. :)

01-03-05, 11:53 AM
every monitor can and will bite. It's how you deal with them that makes the difference between being bit and not being bit.

I would start with ackies, expensive initially however, cheaper to feed and care for. Good beginners.

01-03-05, 01:06 PM

My 21" Daytek Computer Monitor doesn' t bite, the price did but only a little :D


01-05-05, 06:50 PM

Any monitor will bite, people ask this about ferrets (small furry weasle critter ;)), it really erks me, i bite, (no, really), cats bite, snakes bite, ANYTHING WITH CELLS BITES ;) Just be carefull, the least likely to bite is an Ackie (Ridge tail monitor), and a well cared for one too LOL, also savvies, even though bug, sometimes calm down (at least from what i've heard)

01-05-05, 07:19 PM
Anyone who says Savannas don't bite, take a look at the thread with one hangin' off a guy's arm. If it doesn't bite, then that's one HECK of a lot of Crazy Glue.

I'm with Tamizan.

01-05-05, 09:03 PM
thanks, my advice, if you don't want a vicious monitor, no niles, they are beutiful though, just that most do not calm down and are not handlable full grown

01-05-05, 10:05 PM
Yeah I think everyones summed this one up for you pretty well. Let me just add my Savannah has never bitten me. However he's bitten my mom who cared for him for a month while I was in the hospital but she trusted him a bit too much, but it was nothing major just a little blood no pain she said, and my friend was petting him while he was in the cage and he latched onto his hand but let go before applying any real pressure.

Also I've read a couple of places, although I dont know how true it is. Monitors can sense fear, true or not I know people who have hesitated to pick Beaner up or pet him have been lunged at, tail whipped, or bit (like my buddy). I've never hesitated to scratch his belly, pick him up, or clean his cage while he was in there. On that note I've never been bitten, have been hissed at when I first got him but that's it.

Long story short, don't get a monitor if you have a fear of being bit because you must handle them, it's not necisary to tame them down if you don't want to but you must clean their cages, and work around them and it's much easier to do if they don't want to eat you.

01-05-05, 10:27 PM
^ nice sumery, and not "Everything with cells" bites as i stated, anything with a mouth LOL