View Full Version : dumeril or red tail??????

01-02-05, 10:58 PM
Hey everybody,

Im getting a new snake but im not sure which i should get, a dumeril or a red tail. Could anyone tell me the goods and the bads of each one so i can decide. Im talking about things such as if they have problems eating tend to bite or anything such as that.

Thanks everyone,


01-02-05, 11:08 PM
I'm definately no expert on either species but I do know that Dumeril's are smaller 6'ish feet if i'm not mistaken. They are reputed to be very calm and even tempered.

They're also about 4 times the cost of a common boa around here. $400ish vs $100ish.

Both great snakes though!

Though as an aside you'd probably get much more informed responses by putting this in the General Boa forum. :)

01-03-05, 11:20 AM
If you have to ask, then I would go with a BCI. Dums can be a bit tricky sometimes.

01-03-05, 11:25 AM
I have only kept BCIs, and they are great!

VERY good feeding responses, active as babies, and cheap.

Dumerils are good also, abit more heavy bodied if I'm not mistaken.

In the US the Dumerils arent very much more than the BCI...maybe 100?

01-03-05, 02:04 PM
In the US the Dumerils arent very much more than the BCI...maybe 100?
That all depends which BCI you're talking about.

I have Colombians and Hogs. I'd would much rather have dumerils than Colombians because of size and apperance. I wouldn't trade my Hogs for anything. Hog Island Boas are my favorite snake.

01-03-05, 03:18 PM
I would go with the Dums, they are great and less common than regular Bci's. They reach about 6-7FT, but females can get in the 8-9's in some rare cases. Here in Florida you can get a Bci at any local pet shop almost year round for $50-$100, Dumeril's go anywhere from $100-$150 and like I said are less common.

I have sold my normal Bci's for $50 - $75, Dums usually are sold for $125 and sell out pretty quick. Choose based on which snake you prefer and meets your needs.

If I had to decide on which to keep as a pet, it would be the Dum.
Just my opinion. I too love my hogs and can't wait for my argies to turn pitch blk.

Now if you are looking into Bci morphs, that's a different story all together. There you could be looking at a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

01-03-05, 09:50 PM
Okay everyone i've made my decision im going to get a red tail because i've been hearing storys on dumerils not eating and also im looking for a larger boa. Thanks everyone for your comments