View Full Version : To the People of sSnakeSs

01-02-05, 06:40 PM

I have been a member of your community for a while now, and I must say the majority of your people are horrible! I do not know what you have against new people to the forums, its just so pathetic how much effort you put into to talking **** about people on the forums. I knew how horrrible you acted to new members who are young in age, so I told you that I was 22 years old, one I reveal my age look at how you act, seriously think about what you have said, its horrible and pathetice, no one should be treated as you treat people on the forums.

After I thought you people were mature enough to handle expressed opinions how wrong I was, you are the most closed minded people I have met, you simply only listed to what you believe in, you let nothing else it. You talk like you are the only person who as a saying in what happends, as if you are in control and always right. News for the majority of you: Your wrong! Think a little more open minded and you may have some new members stick around every once and a while.

Once I told you that I am an animal rights activist, I also told you that I do NOT fully support the animal rights organization PETA. You act as if PETA is the bible for animal rights activist. Just because I do not support the murder of the inncoent does not mean PETA 'owns" my soul. I love to keep pets, the majority of mine are rescues, does this mean I shall never purchase a healthy animal and provide him or her with a good home? No! Though you were angry at me and continued to make ignorant remarks such as "What will PETA think of You", " You said you Only Rescue", let me do what I want, you control NO ONE rahter you like to think it or not, I can do what the hell I want to.

I also am a web design and web host and own Kyrosera.com. I posted inforamtion about my web site in a post discussing copy rights and there you go starting stuff again! Now im not permitted to have a few animals and have a job?! One member, tried to dig up **** on me, and found out that I registered my reseller account with HostGator.com a few days ago, GOOD FOR YOU! As said I was previously with ExcellHosting.net and moved my clients to the HG server, even though it is none of your business you seem to try to tell me what I am doing wrong.

As said you do not control me, and when you do not know the situation you should not respond. T

The majority of people at sSnakeSs are pathetice, and if the only thing you can do is talk about people you need to find a life!

Good Bye sSnakeSs!

P.S. Im sure you will close this to hind the true sSnakeSs but atleast YOU have heard my side of the story. :(

01-02-05, 06:43 PM

01-02-05, 06:44 PM
Ummm... Why do you feel the need to say any of this??

Maybe if you didn't Lie about your age in the first place, no one would have looked at you differently.. Maybe if you didn't say that you only rescued animals and then post looking for wholesalers, you wouldn't have had people look at you different..

Don't blame the members for looking at you in a bad light, blame yourself for not sticking to one story..


01-02-05, 06:46 PM
You really seem to have some trouble understanding what people say Rikki.

Some of my favorite people on here are in the sub 18 category so your whining about not getting any respect when you're only 14 is a moot point at best.

Why do I have a problem with you? Because you lie, make hypocritical statements and then post outright wrong information on other topics when it's obvious to anyone who knows anything about the topic at hand that you haven't a clue what you're talking about.

In short, don't let the door hit you on the rear on the way out ;)

01-02-05, 06:47 PM
As said I lied because I wanted to be treated as a normal member! I told you I rescue animals, though that does not mean I cant purchase animals as well.

The members, are ALWAYS digging up stuff, and just trying to make a situation. Its pathetic.

01-02-05, 06:50 PM
It's called FACTS and they're disproving your false info.. I don't see that as being pathetic..

01-02-05, 06:56 PM
You constantly are, I would not have to lie about my age if you didnt act as you do!

01-02-05, 06:57 PM
Ah well, I suppose it was too much to hope that you'd just leave. And the trend continues.

You didn't say "you rescue animals" you said "all your animals were rescues" That's an important distinction for most people. I have the utmost respect for people who run reptile rescues in general but I can't help but wonder at what the motivation is to be all high and mighty about that ideal in one thread while asking about "Cheap wholesale reptiles" in another thread?

I find it more than a little amusing at how you start a relationship with a lie and then have the audacity to be offended when you're taken to task on that lie and you lose all credibility because of it. No one here cares how old you are. 13... 30... 96.. makes absolutely no difference to me at any rate. At least you have the advantage of being young enough to learn from your mistakes and to hopefully not repeat them in the future.

Enjoy your resue operation, your wholesale operation and your webdesign firm. Just try to stay away from the horses. I've become concerned that you may be trampled yet again if you keep at it while doing so many other things at once.

Oh yes, let's not forget that being charged by giant aligators is also a bad idea. Just play safe K?

01-02-05, 06:58 PM
News for the majority of you: Your wrong! Think a little more open minded

isnt that a little hipocritical???

I do not know what you have against new people to the forums,

nothing... im pretty new myself


have you read the forum rules?

one I reveal my age look at how you act,

you didnt reveal it... someone di for you...

its horrible and pathetice,

actualy this is kinda pathetic...

you are the most closed minded people I have met,

peta is pretty closed minded themselves, and not pointing out the ppl who were good to you is to...

i could seriously keep going but i really dont care to.... you let a few ppl ruin your time here and that is really immature, you being 14 shows through that... but i myself know age doesnt matter. but when you go a little farther through life and realise that ppl are gonna bug you... and mean to, you just cant go putting up your fists... just take it for what its worth, which should be nothing... youve should have expressed your opinion and that was it... when ppl try to prove your rong let them... most things are opinionated anyways... but you just kept stooping down and down and down.. so ppl followed...

dont think im just attacking you again, look back at your posts... i did nothing but help... i even stuck up for you so im very nutural here... but you talk about being imature... dont you think this is kinda pushin the line.. you dont wanna be here dont... but why let a few ppl push you away...

lifes not fair buddy... get used to it, theres nowhere to go but up or down... and u choose that path... and letting things like this get to you is just gonna force you over the cliff

01-02-05, 06:59 PM
See what I mean about pathetice matt?

01-02-05, 07:01 PM
I think we are generally friendly with new members (See Here (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&forumid=28)), but occasionally there is one who wears out his welcome. IMO that's you.

Buh Bye

PS - Edit: getting too personal - PMed it.

01-02-05, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Rikki
You constantly are, I would not have to lie about my age if you didnt act as you do!

Im curious as to how I acted 'pathetice' to you??? Was it because your Signature had a link to PETA and I asked if you supported them and believed in what they believe??? If that's the case, im guilty of being 'pathetice'.. Im sorry you find your stay here not up to par, but sadly, no one is hanging on to you by the leg to keep you here.. (oh no, a mod telling someone they don't have to stay)..


01-02-05, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by CamHanna
PS - Edit: getting too personal - PMed it.

I was just going to edit your post :D Thanks for taking that down man..


01-02-05, 07:05 PM
*edit* i decided not to laugh at the link that was deleted...

01-02-05, 07:20 PM
Sorry you feel you need to lie about your age in an effort to receive fair treatment. I'm sure a lot of our younger members (and there are a LOT) would disagree with you. Additionally, if you were concerned about people holding your age against you, you shouldn't have posted a thread about age, and asking people to guess how old you were.

We have a lot of very perceptive members on this site, and they are good at picking up on discrepancies. If you've lied right off the bat to the community, you only have yourself to blame. Additionally, they are going to be on their toes afterwards. Respect and credibility are easily diminished by lies, especially when that is the initial impression.

We haven't grown to be one of, if not the largest reptile sites on the internet by behaving the way you are accusing us of. Like all communities, we have kinks that have needed to be worked out from time to time, and obviously people aren't always going to agree. We have a lot of new members stick it out for the long haul, so your comment about us is unfounded at best... "News for the majority of you: Your wrong! Think a little more open minded and you may have some new members stick around every once and a while."

If we are indeed as awful as you say, then why waste anymore time and effort on us?

01-02-05, 07:23 PM
Quite honestly, I didn't think age is a big issue. Speaking for myself, the last thing that concerns me is checking someone's profile for their age. I'm here to discuss things and such - to gather and give facts and meet new people along the way.
IMO if you talk **** , you're going to be treated like ****.

Take care Rikki, I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.

01-02-05, 07:27 PM
I guess one way to avoid the New Years' Day hangover is to stay drunk... Good for you Rikki!

01-02-05, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by mykee
I guess one way to avoid the New Years' Day hangover is to stay drunk... Good for you Rikki!


01-02-05, 07:30 PM
I guess one way to avoid the New Years' Day hangover is to stay drunk... Good for you Rikki!


Oh... but then there's the age thing.:)

01-02-05, 07:32 PM

Sorry couldn't resist

01-02-05, 07:32 PM
Promoting underage drinking. You're going to hell for that one Mykee ;)

01-02-05, 07:34 PM
HAHAHA That's terrible.

Frankly it seems the only one with a problem is you Rikki. Seems everyone else replying is also tired of your lies and posts that are nothing but more dodging this and that.

And why would we remove this? Members aren't allowed to attack other members, but members are most certaintly allowed to make themselves look bad. No rule against that! :D


01-02-05, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Matt_K
Was it because your Signature had a link to PETA and I asked if you supported them and believed in what they believe???

I was going to comment on the PETA issue as well, but I wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly. ANYONE that supports PETA has to expect to have some sort of fire on any site that promotes the captive keeping of animals, since PETA is strongly against it.

01-02-05, 07:46 PM
ya i signed up for a peta thing once... i read the first letter and quickly added it to junk mail... animal rights is a great thing... but ppl also have the right to enjoy animals... outside of tv

01-02-05, 07:49 PM
When the whole PETA issue was brought up, I emailed them to see if I would get the quick response that Rikki got, well, as I had thought, I didn't.. It was only a couple days ago that they finally got back to me.. Interesting considering Rikki got a reply within about 5 minutes.. Anyway, here's the letter they sent me when I asked for their outlook on the keeping of reptiles as pets..

Dear Matt,

Thank you for contacting PETA about keeping reptiles as pets.

We discourage people from choosing reptiles as animal companions. As exotic animals, they require an environment that humans simply cannot provide. They are best adapted to life in the wild and are ill-equipped to spend their often-lengthy lives in confinement.

Keeping captive reptiles such as snakes is not only cruel to the snakes themselves but also to the animals who become their prey. In the wild, animals at least have the chance to escape a hunting snake, and if they are caught, their ordeal is soon over. But animals condemned to be eaten alive by captive snakes have to wait, sometimes for days, sharing a cage with a terrifying predator, until the snake finally becomes hungry enough to end the “prey” animal’s misery. Animals who are fed to snakes suffer horror and fear and have no chance of escape. PETA strongly encourages anyone who is presently keeping a snake to contact a herpetologist about the possibility of releasing that snake at a suitable time and place. These animals are very poorly suited to domestication.

If you do choose to keep a reptile as a pet, be prepared to make a long commitment of time, space, and money. You’ll need to provide the right temperature and humidity and specific light/dark cycles that may not coincide with your own or be convenient to you. Backup power is necessary to keep a constant temperature in the event of a power failure. It is a harsh fact that most reptiles are carnivores—do you really want your freezer full of dead animals? In all, costs for food, an enclosure, lighting, and vet bills can total hundreds of dollars per year.

Purchasing a reptile caught in his or her natural habitat encourages the removal of wildlife from delicate ecosystems. Buying captive-bred animals only encourages breeders to replenish their stock. If you must have a reptile as a companion animal, please consider adopting one from a local shelter or rescue group. For more information on the subject, please see our factsheet at http://www.helpinganimals.com/Factsheet/files/FactsheetDisplay.asp?ID=9.

Thanks again for writing to PETA. I hope that you find this information helpful.


Elizabeth Collins
PETA Correspondent


01-02-05, 07:56 PM
...and all dogs should also be released into the wild as they are meant to eat raw meat; rats, dingos, mammoth and groundhog. Being domesticated, they are fed from a bag, or a can, or a box. Stop their suffering, allow them to live in the jungles and forests and savannahs where they can hunt for their own food and mate under the full moon. Bad, bad people thinking that they could "imprison" poor Canis Familairis. Tsk tsk tsk.

Slannesh; I signed that Contract years ago, I'm just having fun with it now.

01-02-05, 07:57 PM
Wow that letter is just full to the brim with facts they have obviously spent long house researching.

LMAO I like these parts best

" It is a harsh fact that most reptiles are carnivores—do you really want your freezer full of dead animals?"

Well as long as they don't take up too much room, I like keeping my burgers in there too. ;)

"Animals who are fed to snakes suffer horror and fear and have no chance of escape"

Holy crap! Why didn't you guys tell me we could talk to rodents now? Thanks alot. I have been sitting here for hours wondering if my rats have anything to say about their new water bottles.


01-02-05, 08:01 PM
f'n PETA. Gotta hate em. Dont eat meat, dont wear fur, dont keep animals that they dont think are suitable. Does PETA require its members to learn how to goose step?


01-02-05, 08:02 PM
hmmm...that peta letter is surprisingly "polite" although they do have some rediculous things in there, like leaving the prey in with the snake until it gets hungry

anyways...the site is generally unaccepting of new members because they ask the same questions and members get sick of answering, even though that's the purpose of the website

this, however is not a problem particular to ssnakess.com, it is to all message boards, but ssnakess.com is definitely not immune from that problem

the problem with age is that 14 year olds constantly come on this site thinking they're gonna open up a reptile rescue and zoo and everyone that is older realizes that is a ridiculous idea

01-02-05, 08:20 PM
Honesty is the best policy......

Manitoban Herps
01-02-05, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by latazyo
the problem with age is that 14 year olds constantly come on this site thinking they're gonna open up a reptile rescue and zoo and everyone that is older realizes that is a ridiculous idea

Thats what kids our age do, we look for thing we want to do and we talk non stop about it and then people tell us it's a stupid idea so we find something new and start talking non stop about that. And kids could be doing alot worse things at this age...talking about these things can hurt anyone so there isn't a problem with it.....

My opinions :D

01-02-05, 08:23 PM
Oh..regarding the PETA reply.

If "humans simply cannot provide" adequate housing...how do they explain captives of ages 20yrs plus......

I dont really see a need to get worked up over it though. Its just an opinion....and opinion that isnt going to affect our hobby anytime soon.

01-02-05, 08:24 PM
I realized that what I said was kind of harsh, and please don't think I"m old and wise, I'm only 22

kids with dreams are where great things come from...however if they were met with complete encouragement especially with something like this, they'd often have their hopes dashed

01-02-05, 08:25 PM
I'd like to add, I'm new to the site. I have had absolutly no problems with anyone from the start.

Seems to me Rikki, you put your foot in your mouth somewhere down the road. 'Tis a shame.

01-02-05, 08:25 PM
There a quite a few members on this website that have been under 16, and gotten more respect from the members than some that are 40 years + None have wild ideas on zoos and rescues as they simply educate themselves on the realisim of doing such a thing beforehand. That's also what kids do, read and learn.

It ALL depends on how you present yourself, and what kind of person you are. In the end the ones deserving of being treated as an adult, end up getting treated that way as the older members realize they might be young but deserve respect and have good opinions. But when a 14,15, or even 65 year old starts off with lies, crazy stories, then they are treated accourdingly by the members. It's a clear pattern.


01-02-05, 08:29 PM
I feel a lot of young people get treated like crap simply because they are young, but NOT here from what I have seen. I am very open about my age(17) and people have never flamed or bashed me because I am young...but they would if I were to spread blatant misinfo or lie, it seems that's what is happening to you...people hate liars. Nobody can make you do anything, you can only choose to react upon how others act towards you, and when you make a bad choice DO NOT blame it on them.

Edited for spelling and grammatical errors.

Manitoban Herps
01-02-05, 08:33 PM
Same, no one has ever said anything about my age, it does not matter...

01-02-05, 08:44 PM
Heh. To those who think 'we' are harsh, try going to the 'other forum'. The mods their are jerks. The mods here are very open minded, and least they know there herps well.

Btw I'm 23. Flame me, I'm young. :D

01-02-05, 08:45 PM
HOLY CRAP :D :D... Manitoban Herps... i was under the impression you were alot older than you are... really i would have guessed at least 25...lol..

i used to get reamed on by ALOT of ppl about my age( not here) then... i just proved them rong....

i always had teachers telling me, " your just a STUPID young kid what do you know" they used to call me alot of nasty thing... until i proved them rong... it was easy too... i graduated... at 16( well had all my creds, got diploma when i was 17).. with honers... then they were all like "oh i always knew you were smart"

when your among friends act as young as possible... when your among elders act acordinaly.. when you among all different age groups, act your age... and be honest...

01-02-05, 08:45 PM
23 year olds know nothing.

01-02-05, 08:48 PM
23 year olds know nothing.
LMAO.. That's a good one.
Sure I do, I know the sky is green and the grass is blue :P

01-02-05, 08:49 PM
Btw I'm 23. Flame me, I'm young.

;) oh shut up u old geezer....lol...:D :D... im only 19....

( now thats an age issue... lol ;) )

01-02-05, 08:52 PM
oh shut up u old geezer....lol... ... im only 19....
I don't know what's worse. Someone suggesting 23 yr olds know nothing or being classified in the same catagory as BoidKeeper

At least my walker will be cooler looking then yours. It will me Camo colours. :D

01-02-05, 08:54 PM
I'm 20..........minus 3.

01-02-05, 08:57 PM
LMAO at all of the above!

Rikki, im going to dismantle your age comment RIGHT now.

I am 14 years old(soon 15), as many members on this site know. I have NEVER been treaty badly or like some insignificant little kid. I have ALWAYS been respected, NEVER goten into a battle with someone, I and OTHERS have ALWAYS been respectful and understanding of each other during problems. When I first became a member of this site, though I never said anything about my age, I was treated VERY well when I started frequenting this site. I joined this site a little over a year ago, and the only difference is the variety of reptiles available to this day and the amount of people on this site.

I know of severeral other members that are about my age that are treated VERY well. Maybe we have always been respected and well treated because we have always told the truth and not covered up the facts? Can I ask the other members why it is you and I are treated so differently?

Just wanted to "clarrify" an issue that you seemed to be a little confused on.



01-02-05, 08:58 PM
That is it everyone, I'm a wopping 26 sometimes feel 62 though!! I also know many young herpers that I think are very intelligent and honestly didnt' realize they were young until meeting them in person at reptile shows or meetings. Age is completely irrelevent, I myself was living on my own and taking care of myself at 16, maturity is everything.

01-02-05, 08:58 PM
Edit: I just finished reading the second half of the thread, and I must agree with all of the comments!


01-02-05, 09:03 PM
Well my last post was how age didn't matter to me on these forums. My mistake, now i just feel old at 30. :) tee hee

Manitoban Herps
01-02-05, 09:05 PM
I always though Chris was alot older than he actually is...lol

01-02-05, 09:06 PM
Well my last post was how age didn't matter to me on these forums. My mistake, now i just feel old at 30. tee hee

Woot. I'm middle aged. :D

Gary D.
01-02-05, 09:08 PM
That PETA leter is great!

" But animals condemned to be eaten alive by captive snakes have to wait, sometimes for days, sharing a cage with a terrifying predator, until the snake finally becomes hungry enough to end the “prey” animal’s misery. Animals who are fed to snakes suffer horror and fear and have no chance of escape... It is a harsh fact that most reptiles are carnivores—do you really want your freezer full of dead animals?"

I'm so confused, am I suposed to keep my reptiles in the freezer with the terrified mice, or just put the mice in there after they die of fright.

And last I checked cattle, fish and poultry were considdered animals, and by the fact that none of them (or parts thereof) are muscling their way out of the saran wrap, and banging on the lid of my freezer, I'll assume they're dead to.

"In all, costs for food, an enclosure, lighting, and vet bills can total hundreds of dollars per year."

Ever have a dog? Tally those bills.


01-02-05, 09:23 PM
Kevin: Until you disclosed your age I thought you were a little older too.

Gary: I MUST agree! Lol, also, my bills yearly(and I have 7 snakes), total maybe.....$300-400 yearly!. I have a dog(family dog)......he cost more, yearly.


01-02-05, 09:25 PM
THat peta letter is bogus. Once I regain the normal flow of oxygen to my lungs, from laughin so hard at the letter and the responses to it, I may commit on it as well.

As is, I can barely type from eyes watering. LOL.

01-02-05, 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Gary D.
I'm so confused, am I suposed to keep my reptiles in the freezer with the terrified mice, or just put the mice in there after they die of fright.

LOL.....way to funny :D


01-02-05, 10:29 PM
Man,cant we all just get along........:). I know first hand how mean you guys can be to people that you dont know or people that are new here or sometimes even people that have opinions of their own that you dont agree with. You guys have a click of people and you dont let others in very often, I have been on this site for years and still treated as an outcast(but i think i am starting to enjoy it now)LOL,but Rikki if you are lieing about your age and everything eles that is why people may not be as nice to you as you would like then to be. I think that telling the truth is the best thing to do but sometimes you have to bite your tonuge not lie but sometimes people dont want to hear what someone eles has to say but again there was no reason to lie there are many young member on this site and I am sure many PETA members aswell that noone knows about,so again why cant we all just get along....:)

01-02-05, 10:34 PM
I really don't see how age has anything to do with it. If you educate yourself, you educate yourself, if you don't, you don't.

Chrisandboids, I thought you were LOTS older, lol.
And wasn't there/are another young herper on here 14-16 emily or something like that? She knew what she was doing to, and never got flamed for being young, and I would readily take her advice on herps I got that she knew about!

If you lied from the beggining you will get flammed for it.

The first time I came here I believe I was 18, maybe 19. I am now 21.

Sure some of the people are overly opinionated ;) lol but so what, if you get the info you need, great! If not, wait till the next person responds!

01-02-05, 10:39 PM
hey everyone has opinions and they have the right to them even if someone does not like it.

01-02-05, 10:44 PM
"hey everyone has opinions and they have the right to them even if someone does not like it."

Is the exact reason for:

"why cant we all just get along"

And removing the freedom to express our own thoughts and opinions would be the only way to make sure "everyone just gets along" which would make for a very boring, lifeless board. ;):)

I am not sure how one goes about making a "clique" or making someone feel like an "outcast" on a message board, but its unfortuante you feel that way. I myself think both those things cannot happen on the internet because the forum is what I make it, just the like the rest of the internet. That's why its so great. :D


01-02-05, 10:54 PM
15 or 50, it's very simple; if you act like a child and don't command respect, you'll be treated like a child and will get no respect. It's no different here on this site then it is in the "real world" so there's no need to act as if this site is some alternate reality. If you lie, if you're disrespectful, if you carry yourself in a manner that is unbecoming, it's just as easy to see it in your words as it is to see face to face. I would also like to say that they are a few members that I would consider "young" ( I'm almost 30) that command the utmost respect, simply because they carry themselves with an intelligent, respectful and proper demeanor; Chrisandboids14, Camhanna, Manitoban Herps, Jordan, Emily Fisher to name a few. I'm sure I missed quite a few and I apologize, as you should be commended on your attitude and behavior. Conversely there are members on this site who are "older" and should know better that the young 'ones yet continue to embarass themselves with childish antics and immature feedback. (I'm in the latter group if you needed clarification..LOL)

01-02-05, 11:00 PM
Quit whinning..stay or go...lie or tell the truth...who cares..remember it is a computer web forum....it means nothing.
Go into the jungle and research reptiles and then write a book if you want a life or do anything you want, it is your life

01-02-05, 11:04 PM
Well, the mods can be considered a clique... being an exclusive club that most of us can not join ;P Of course, anyone with mod/admin experience could tell you there's a lot more responsibility than there is power to it.

Personally, I don't think people are prejudiced against new members. Now, some people may say there's no such thing as a stupid question. I disagree. As far as I'm concerned, any question that you can answer for yourself with a modicum of effort is a stupid question. Why should people spend time and effort to answer your question when you can't be bothered to spend it before asking?

I think this tendency more than anything that may cause older, more experienced members' patience to wear a little thing. How many times have you seen people start a new thread about something when an identical thread already exists on the exact same page only about 2 or 3 threads down? It's one thing to not know how to use the search button, but another not to even take a single glance at the page right in front of your face.

01-02-05, 11:25 PM
I had a lot to say about Mods, newbies, favoritism and what not here:


It's a long read so consider yourselves warned now :)

Now just in case it wasn't totally obvious before....

The reason I came off as such a **** to Rikki was twofold.

1) He outright lied about how old he was. In light of the fact that we now know he's 14 I'm a LOT more skeptical of his supposed knowledge on the multitude of subjects that he's got 'years' of experience in. Definitely struck me as the type to hype himself up to sound 'cool'

2) Get facts correct if you're going to stand by them. From the "murder" of crocodiles to copyright stuff he was just clueless and unwilling to adjust his view in light of actual facts instead of misquoted webpages and actual facts. Considering the amount of bad info out there it's no wonder someone gets jumped on for trying to perpetuate falsehoods.

The first couple of times i'll be civil if not polite when trying to correct someone when I know better. If I don't know better? Then i'll usually not comment at all or make sure it's clear that i'm offering an opinion or am flat out guessing. When facts are met with attitude? Well then I get much less civil. Anyhow, it's sucky that we've lost a member over this, but i'd rather have that than the next new person read wrong 'facts' and believe them.

01-02-05, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by hhw
...Now, some people may say there's no such thing as a stupid question. I disagree. As far as I'm concerned, any question that you can answer for yourself with a modicum of effort is a stupid question. Why should people spend time and effort to answer your question when you can't be bothered to spend it before asking?

Things change in this and all hobbies. What is true today may not be tomorrow. You may be running around thinking the answer you hold in your head is the right one and anyone asking the question is asking a stupid one. Maybe one day you will browse a thread about a stupid question and realise that what you thought was the right answer is no longer so. Therefore, I do not believe that (in the obvious context of this topic) there is such a thing as a stupid question. When we stop asking "stupid" questions, we stop learning.

All that aside, I have learned a great deal about snakes from this board (I don't keep them). If someone were to throw a "rescue" snake at me I think I would be able to care for it rather well. I owe this to the multitude of "stupid" questions that people ask. You see, "stupid" questions don't just help the people who are asking the questions, they help the people researching to answer and the people who just happen upon the questions without even asking.

Didn't you ever ask a classmate the answer to a question just before a test even though you could have looked it up yourself (or even though you knew the answer already)?

01-02-05, 11:47 PM
I'm tired, so I'll be brief... ;)

No one gives a crap about your age. *I* could care less if someone says they're so many years old, are from a certain place, or say they are a busty blue-eyed blonde when they're something completely different, on these forums...

No one gives a crap if you're 'new' to the forums, or a 'newbie' to the site... we were all newbies once, we all asked the same 'newbie' questions.

It's the content of your posts, what you say, and how you react to what other people say that creates the reputation you have on these forums that influences how people see you and how they talk to you. Being ignorant, hypocritical, and contradicting yourself on the forums leads to a general negative stigma around you.

People can be extremely passionate about herps, as it's a really cool hobby and livelyhood in some cases. If you say things that threatens or offends that, (ex. supporting organizations that rally against pet ownership, or mentioning you want to find a place to mass order reptiles from) WILL get you hostility from others, and come on, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize what you should NOT say on a public forum. It constantly amazes me what people say on here with no concern for how people will perceive them afterwords. :rolleyes:

01-02-05, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Slannesh

2) Get facts correct if you're going to stand by them. From the "murder" of crocodiles to copyright stuff he was just clueless and unwilling to adjust his view in light of actual facts ...

In Rikki's defence, he did stop arguing the copyright issue ;)

01-03-05, 12:08 AM
Dropping out of the convo isn't the same thing as admitting or even acknowledging you were wrong. This was his last post on the subject:

What the hell is this about? Why are you diiginh into my business in the first place? I have been a reseller of ExcellHosting.net though just switched to hostgator, though it is none of your business what so ever.

Who are you to tell me what I do and do not know? I provided links to LegalZoom.com, worry about your self.

That's a big part of the reason I took issue with the guy. An almost pathalogical inability to admit when he's wrong. Offhand I don't think he ever did... about anything. But i'm not going to go through 300+ posts of his to make sure :)

01-03-05, 12:20 AM
Well, in defence of Rikki again ;) , you did follow him into the copyright thread with unrelated info/ammo that was a little personal. Even I was a little confused as to where it came from; I hadn't read the precedent threads prior to reading this one.

Anyway, I don't care what you do. Lot's of people do background searches on people. I do it, too. (I can't find the right smiley face to show I'm not attacking you.)

I always assume "dropping out" of a thread means conceding. We know he read the rest of the thread since he responded to your post and chose not to respond to mine.

01-03-05, 12:25 AM
I think most of the people here are nice. Sometimes I get short seemingly mean answers, but those are few and far between, and probably because i ask stupid questions. Sometimes I'm a little thick headed....but I would never go to the "other" forum. People get chewed over there.

01-03-05, 12:26 AM
I am stilla newbie and only been on here for about 2 months, and I have not had any kind of problems with anyone. Any questions I have asked got answered. So maybe Rikki you just really got on peoples nerves.

01-03-05, 12:28 AM
No worries SG... i'm not quite as thin skinned as some... I do dish it out so at the very least I should be expected to take it yes? :)
And if I thought you were attacking me :) Well.. you'd know. hehe.

By the time the copyright thing came up i'd just become long tired of his antics and saw yet another thing where he was flat out wrong. Definitely not the upstanding mature thing to do, but hey, i'm not a Mod so I don't have to be impartial or anything. I fully admit that pretty much the only reason I kept chiming in was to annoy him.

01-03-05, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Slannesh
I fully admit that pretty much the only reason I kept chiming in was to annoy him.

Then how does this make you any better than him? Doesn't this just cause more problems and flaming?

01-03-05, 01:02 AM
Hey Swampwalker,

I've never once claimed to be 'better' than anyone else.

If you take a look at the posts I made all I did was call him out on factual inaccuracies. I haven't done anything that's against the site's rules. When I first started interacting with him I was at least civil, the PETA thing really makes my blood boil in real life because of all the BS and propaganda they use not to mention the borderline terrorist activities that have been observed by the more fanatical of the group. So no, I really don't take a good view of people who support an organiziation like that. After being told to shut up and mind my own business on a public forum I took it upon myself to keep tabs on him. You'll notice if you look that in the rare instances where he wasn't talking crap, I had nothing negative to say about or to him at least untill the end.

I'm certainly no saint :) But like everyone else I have buttons that can get pressed and he manged to hit a couple. I got what I wanted, either for him to shape up... or barring that, to ship out.

01-03-05, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by spidergecko
Things change in this and all hobbies. What is true today may not be tomorrow. You may be running around thinking the answer you hold in your head is the right one and anyone asking the question is asking a stupid one. Maybe one day you will browse a thread about a stupid question and realise that what you thought was the right answer is no longer so. Therefore, I do not believe that (in the obvious context of this topic) there is such a thing as a stupid question. When we stop asking "stupid" questions, we stop learning.

Didn't you ever ask a classmate the answer to a question just before a test even though you could have looked it up yourself (or even though you knew the answer already)?

My point didn't so much have to do with what would constitute a stupid question or not; rather, it's whether people are willing to spend a moment of their own time before asking other people to spend theirs. If new discoveries are made, I'm quite certain that those would also be discussed and would also turn up on a search of the topic. If not on this board, at least somewhere on the Internet. For instance, take the following examples:

"What's a good temperature for a ball python"

as opposed to:

"I have been reading several different caresheets and there seems to be some conflict as to what temperature gradient ball pythons are best kept at. I've seen suggestions for the low end as widely varying as anywhere from 75 to 85. Likewise, I've seen people suggest basking spots around 95 yet some say to not go over 90. I was just curious as to what temperatures have worked best for people here out of personal experience?"

They're both asking the same thing, but it would seem that in the former post, the person hasn't done much reading nor has bothered to look in the FAQ. In the latter post, the person would clearly have done a fair bit of research and put a lot of thought, time, and effort into the question before asking the board. Therefore, I would say the former post is a stupid question whereas the latter is not, despite them asking the exact same thing.

And about asking a question before a test; yes, I have... because it would've been right before the test when I didn't have time to look it up for myself, lol. If I had actually done my work the whole time and studied like I was supposed to, I probably wouldn't need to (not that I've ever been in this position myself, LOL!)

01-03-05, 01:24 AM
I think you've definitely hit the nail on the head with that last post hhw.

The first basically wants everything handed to them while the second has obviously done some reading and at least made an attempt to figure it out themselves.

The one that always makes me go :rolleyes: is when you see 3 or 4 threads on "what temp should my BP be kept at" on the front page of the BP Forum. Granted i'll still try to answer them all... but c'mon... if you can look hard enough to find the 'post' button you can at least look at the thread titles and see the other three on the exact same topic ;)

01-03-05, 02:14 AM
Look who is acting childish, you cant even talk in a calm manner.

01-03-05, 02:40 AM
Umm huh? that made no sense Rikki, you'll have to be more specific... there's about 30 people talking in this thread now :)

01-03-05, 08:45 AM
Rikki didn't you say "Goodbye" to us?

It's plesant you are staying but in the future why not just avoid making these dramatic goodbye threads.

It's pointless especially when you continue to post. Like another said, like it, stay, or leave.

As a mod I would hope anyone who comes here stays but in your case you just want to stay to cause problems. And that's fine. But don't expect special treatment when you lie or break rules, because of your age, or this display of dramatics.


01-03-05, 08:47 AM
And since Rikki made this post for no reason since she/he is apparently still here, its pointless to leave it up.

Thread closed.