View Full Version : Post your African Arborals!

01-01-05, 09:29 AM
Hey, have not posted any pics of theraphosids for ever here... the title says it... any african arborals fanatics out there... let's see some snow immaculate Heteroscodra maculata or some fierce Stromatopelma calceatum!

I will start by an amazing species... hope you like it... a female Xenodendrophila gabrieli...

01-01-05, 10:11 AM
Martin posting an African species? Apparently New Years brought with it a warp to imaginary-backwards-land.


01-01-05, 11:24 AM
is this anything to do with our e-mails Martin? ;)

i just love the African genera, nice gabrieli too, got a spare there Martin or do i have to wait for mine to be brought over? lol

01-01-05, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by skinheaddave
Martin posting an African species? Apparently New Years brought with it a warp to imaginary-backwards-land.


Either that or perhaps a little too much new years partying.


01-01-05, 01:12 PM
LOL, yeah, it seems my interest has been sparkled for the African species... it started with the lectures from Richard Gallon when I was in Stuttgard... discovered a bunch of crazy stuff, now I cannot get enough of them... I am particulary fond of the Ceratogyrus genus!

Jaracas... I guess you are Steve!LOL well, I will be attempting mating soon, I will keep you posted... but no spares at the moment...

If anyone has some really white H. maculata females, I am all ears and very interested!

Happy new year to every one!


01-01-05, 03:44 PM
yup, thats me.
i'm pretty happy that our early attempts to obtain gabrieli (it was just Xeno. sp. then)from Arusha were thwarted by various means as it would have meant me leaving them behind in the UK, i particularly like the way this genus retains its spermathecae upon moulting.

C.marshalli was always a favourite in my collection, well never mind, by the end of this year i should have a pretty comprehensive collection again, especially the African sp.
i'm also wanting to get some work done with Australian sp. this year too.


01-01-05, 04:55 PM

Actually, the female de not have any spermathecae... it retains the sperm upon molting... I am sure it is what you meant, just did not phrase it properly...

Take care


01-01-05, 05:32 PM
lol, thank you, thats what i was trying to get across, the fact that the genitals are deep inside the body, so a moult doesn't affect a mating :D

Tim and Julie B
01-01-05, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Tarcan

LOL well, I will be attempting mating soon, I will keep you posted... but no spares at the moment...


MARTIN:eek: This is a family site;) When will all this damn snow go away so I can order more T's. I need to rebuild my entire collection. I would post pics but all I have left is my Salem and the same pics I already posted anyways. TB

01-08-05, 07:29 PM
Well, here's an old pic of my H. mac. Her name is Star (yeah, real original for a Togo Starburst, I know). She's not real white, but a nice light grey!
I took a more recent pic of her with a different camera, hopefully I can get it on the computer soon.
<IMG SRC="http://varanid.mvd2.com/files/dragoon/H.mac">