View Full Version : html and tri-hybrids
10-31-02, 09:02 PM
hi everyone!
I have a few questions now:
question #1: Can anyone tell me the html code for making a punett square (mono-hybrid, di-hybrid and tri-hybrid).
question #2: can someone explain me how a tri-hybrid cross works and a square for it.
question #3: how would i use the tri-hybrid cross??
thank you everyone!!,
SnowSnake :atom:
10-31-02, 09:27 PM
Well my html is a bit rusty and my genetics was NEVER polished, but here goes...
If the male is something like aa Ee Ss (amel, het anery and het striped/motley)..
And the female is Aa ee Ss (Het amel, anery and het striped/motley)...
<html><head></head><body><table border=1><tr><td>.</td><td>aES</td><td>aeS</td><td>aEs</td><td>aes</td></tr><tr>
I think this is what you meant. I hope I got it right, if not, it was fun to try anyway:)
p.s. I needed to throw the periods in to get the blank cells to show up...
10-31-02, 09:33 PM
I can email you the code if this is what you were looking for....
Cranwill, a trihybrid cross has parents that are heterozygous at 3 loci, and the punetts should have 64 squares. In your example, the parents would have to be AaEeSs to be trihybrid :)
Snowsnake, the code is the same as is used to make any table in html... check out this page for an explination of how to make an html table: (this page is an excellent html writing tutorial, the main page is here )
As fas at the punetts, maybe someone with a scanner will write out a trihybrid one and post it... it would take forever to do one in html. (Also, I much prefer forked-line for trihybrid and up).
11-01-02, 12:03 AM
I am bored, so here goes nothing....;)
<table border="1" width="100%" height="222"><tr><td width="11%" height="19">.</td><td width="11%" height="19">AES</td><td width="11%" height="19">AEs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AeS</td><td width="11%" height="19">Aes</td><td width="11%" height="19">aES</td><td width="11%" height="19">aEs</td><td width="11%" height="19">aeS</td><td width="12%" height="19">aes</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="19">AES</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEESS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEESs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEeSS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEeSs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaEESS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaEESs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaEeSS</td><td width="12%" height="19">AaEeSs</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="19">AEs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEEsS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEesS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAEess</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaEEsS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaEEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaEesS</td><td width="12%" height="19">AaEess</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="19">AeS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeESS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeESs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeeSS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeeSs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaeESS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaeESs</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaeeSS</td><td width="12%" height="19">AaeeSs</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="19">Aes</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeEsS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeesS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AAeess</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaeEsS</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaeEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">AaeesS</td><td width="12%" height="19">Aaeess</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="19">aES</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEESS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEESs</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEeSS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEeSs</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaEESS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaEESs</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaEeSS</td><td width="12%" height="19">aaEeSs</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="19">aEs</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEEsS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEesS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAEess</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaEEsS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaEEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaEesS</td><td width="12%" height="19">aaEess</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="16">aeS</td><td width="11%" height="16">aAeESS</td><td width="11%" height="16">aAeESs</td><td width="11%" height="16">aAeeSS</td><td width="11%" height="16">aAeeSs</td><td width="11%" height="16">aaeeSS</td><td width="11%" height="16">aaeESs</td><td width="11%" height="16">aaeeSS</td><td width="12%" height="16">aaeeSs</td></tr><tr><td width="11%" height="19">aes</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAeEsS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAeEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAeesS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aAeess</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaeesS</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaeEss</td><td width="11%" height="19">aaeesS</td><td width="12%" height="19">aaeess</td></tr></table>
There you go... (glad I didn't have to do it ;) ). BTW, the S's are missing in the last 5 boxes of the second row...
11-01-02, 10:00 AM
i tried a di-hybrid cross table this morning, i wanted to cross a snow with a butter. Can some1 plz tell me where i messed up.
<head>My first punnet square chart!!</head>
<table border=4 align=center>
11-01-02, 10:41 AM
I think in your example, the only possible combination each parent could offer is amr, so every offspring would be aammrr.
If a=anery, m=amel, and c=caramel (remember, a butter is an amel caramel), your parents for the cross would be:
snow: aammCC x butter: AAmmcc
the snow would give all amC, and the butter all Amc... giving you babies that were amels het for anery and caramel. AammCc
Remember each parent contributes one allele from each locus into every gamete... so for example, an aAmMcc couldn't make an allele that was just aM or am... they have to be Amc or aMc or any other combination of the 3.
11-01-02, 03:15 PM
So for the snowXbutter cross i would have to use a tri-hybrid cross?
Sort of... that is, there are 3 genes involved... but, each parent is homozygous for all the genes they carry. In a punetts with these snakes, all the top boxes would have amC, amC, amC, across the top, and down the side all the boxes would be Amc, Amc, Amc... so, every box that represents one hatchling will be AammCc... they're all alike!
Mono, di, and trihybrid all refer to the # of genes that are heterozygous (that are hybridized) at a locus. That is, a monohybrid animal would be Aa <-- heterozygous at the one loci. So Aa x Aa is a monohybrid cross. AA x aa isn't. Aa x aa only has one monohybrid animal in it, so you can write the punetts with A and a across the top, and just a down the side.
For Aa x aa:<table border="1" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><br></td><td>A</td><td>a</td></tr><tr bgcolor="red"><td>a</td><td>Aa</td><td>aa</td></tr><tr bgcolor="yellow"><td>a</td><td>Aa</td><td>aa</td></tr></table>
As you can see, the red line and the yellow line are identical, so you get 50% Aa and 50% aa... so you might as well just write:<table border="1" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><br></td><td>A</td><td>a</td></tr><tr bgcolor="red"><td>a</td><td>Aa</td><td>aa</td></tr></table>
Still 50% Aa and 50% aa, but a lot less time writing ;)
(a true monohybrid cross will give you a ration of 1:2:1, a dihybrid of 9:3:3:1, and a trihybrid of 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1)
It's the same with trihybrids... an animal that is AaBbCc is trihybrid, one that is AaBBCc is dihybrid, and one that is AaBBcc is monohybrid.
So, for a snow aammCC x a butter AAmmcc...<table border="1" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><br></td><td>amC</td><td>amC</td><td>amC</td><td>amC</td><td>etc...</td></tr><tr><td>Amc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>etc...</td></tr><tr><td>Amc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>etc...</td></tr><tr><td>Amc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>AammCc</td><td>etc...</td></tr>
It really works like a cross between an AA and an aa (or an aa x an aa, or an AA x an AA) - there's only one possible outcome... it just happens to involve 3 different genes.
Make more sense?
11-01-02, 04:40 PM
Ya i get what you are explaning, ty. Take a look at what i did :
<br><br><head><center><font size=6>Snow X Butter (P1 X P2 and F1 X F1)</font></center></head>
<br><br><br><p align=center><b><u><font size=4>Snow X Butter</font></u></b></p>
<table border=4 align=center>
<br><hr width=75% size=10 noshade><br><br>
<p align=center><b><u><font size=4>F1 X F2</font></u></b></p>
<table border=4 align=center>
<br><hr width=75% size=10 noshade>
11-01-02, 09:01 PM
Now this is my final and improved copy!!!!! hope you like it!!
<br><br><head><center><font size=6>Snow X Butter (P1 X P2 and F1 X F1)</font></center></head>
<body bgcolor="cccccc">
<br><br><ul><center><li>a = Anery 'A' gene<li>m= Amelanistic gene<li>c = Caramel gene<li>All Capital letters = Normal gene</center></ul><br><p align=center><b><u><font size=4>Snow X Butter</font></u></b></p>
<table border=4 align=center>
<ul><center>Result:<li>1/1 Amelanistic Het for Anery 'A' and Caramel babies.</center></ul>
<br><hr width=75% size=10 noshade><br><br>
<p align=center><b><u><font size=4>F1 X F1</font></u></b></p>
<table border=4 align=center>
<th>Amc</th><th>AAmmCc</th><th><font color=red>AAmmcc</font></th><th>AammCc</th><th><font color=red>Aammcc</font></th>
<th>amC</th><th>AammCC</th><th>AammCc</th><th><font color=blue>aammCC</font></th><th><font color=blue>aammCc</font></th>
<th>amc</th><th>AammCc</th><th><font color=red>Aammcc</font></th><th><font color=blue>aammCc</font></th><th><font color=green>aammcc</font></th>
<ul><center>Result:<li>4/16 Amelanistic Het for Anery 'A' and Caramel<li>2/16 Amelanistic Het for Caramel<li>2/16 Amelanistic Het for Anery 'A'<li>2/16 Butter Het for Anery 'A'<li>2/16 Snow Het for Caramel<li>1/16 Amelanistic<li>1/16 Snow<li>1/16 Butter<li>1/16 Butter X Anery 'A'</center></ul></p>
<br><hr width=25% size=3 noshade><br><center><ul><li>Red= Caramel morph<li>Blue= Snow morph<li>Green= Butter+Anery'A' morph</ul></center><hr width=75% size=10 noshade>
11-03-02, 01:15 PM
hehe that is all too confusing for the likes of my mind! :)
Very good... now you're getting the hang of it :)
11-03-02, 09:03 PM
Thank you!
Are only Hypo, stripe and motley co-dominant genes?
Hypo is a recessive geen with modifiers, from what I understand. That is, some double recessive animals will just barely have reduced black, and others will be very reduced. It all depend on how much black the animal would have had if it wasn't hypo... which is a result other genes present in the animal (none of which I believe are simple dominant/recessive, it's a polygenic effect - that is, it's additive). Also, there are apparently 2 types of hypo now, A and B... an animal with 1 hypo a gene and one hypo b gene will not look hypo (like anery a and anery b). But, if carries a hypo gene, it will be passed along like any other recessive gene.
Motley/stripe I'm not too sure about... I <i>think</i> I heard somewhere that it's codominant, but I could be wrong (I don't have any stripes or motleys at present (may have hets I'm unaware of, who knows?) so I haven't really looked into it yet.
As far as I know, that's it.
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