View Full Version : about boas

12-31-04, 08:38 PM
i was talking to a herpetologist the other day and he told me something i didn't know he said that i shouldn't breath over my boa as they react to carbon dioxide has anyone heard of this before.

01-02-05, 06:48 PM
I've never heard anything of the sort, additionally it really makes no sense at all. I'd be interested in hearing his reasoning for this, as it is naturally expelled by all animals.

I wouldn't take it too much to heart regardless. I've never observed any change in my animals from being breathed on, and in fact, you will notice many snakes tend to gravitate towards your face (re: heat).

01-02-05, 10:44 PM

I wear a painters mask with filters when handling my snakes :D

Just joking, be cautious when handling depending on attitude they exhibit, don' t do things you see a shows or circus' s, respect the animal and its possibilities and everything should be fine.

