View Full Version : island of Komodo

12-30-04, 09:39 AM
Anyone know if komodo island got hit with the Tsunami ? If so how bad ?

12-30-04, 10:09 AM
Good point.
Indonesia considers the komodo dragon a national treasure, when it should really be a world treasure. The fact that they don't let dragons to be taken out of the islands is a very bad thing. A tsunami is all it takes to destroy the total population of komodo dragons.
It's curious that some species are not allowed to be kept as pets, but it's the pet industry that could garanty the survival of certain species.

12-30-04, 10:35 AM
I dont think Komodo would have gotten hit that bad because of the position of the islands geographically. Sumatra and Java would have absobed most of the waves. I dont think they would have gotten anything but rough seas. I have written to the head of the research team on the Islands and hopefully he will be able to get me concrete info soon.

12-31-04, 08:03 AM
hi i'm kris from indonesia....
no. komodo island was not hit by the tsunami....
komodo island are miles away from north sumatra and aceh where the tsunami attack.
80.000 people died because of it. and it well assumed to be increase because all the victim have not found yet.

12-31-04, 08:33 AM
This is really a tragedy. It reminds us that we don't need terrorism or wars to feel unprotected. We are all at the mercy of nature and our time can come at any second.
Last i heard there were over 100.000 dead people, now.

12-31-04, 10:37 AM
thanks Kris for letting us all know about Komodo Island. I hope that your country recovers from these tragic events. Please keep us all posted on whats going on over there.

12-31-04, 04:34 PM
Weirdest thing about the whole disaster? They can't find any dead animals anywhere. Not rabbits, large mammals, snakes, anything. Lots of human fatalities, but there's like NO dead animals anywhere. Bizarre.

12-31-04, 04:40 PM
I've heard that as well but wasn't sure if it still held true. If so, that is spooky-strange.

12-31-04, 05:09 PM
I was talking to someone at work today about that storm...He was saying about the animals native to the island, they had a helicopter flyin over head... they didn't find many Dead animals at all...

................ Could this be true ? ..... Its no secret that animals can sense this sort of thing..

Maybe there is something we can learn from the Animal kingdom..

01-01-05, 11:42 AM
I got a question here. They say they haven't found any or many dead animals but have they found any alive? When i mentioned that to my wife that was her question. The water could have easily swept alot of the animals out to sea right? Just a thought ..............

Tim and Julie B
01-01-05, 01:40 PM
I don't believe they have found many animals dead or alive. Animals have a sixth sense when it comes to mother nature. If you ever walk through a forest and cannot hear any birds calling, then there is definately large predators in the area. They flee well before our scientists are aware of any possible danger.

01-01-05, 01:55 PM
If any of you live in California you wouldn't wonder about animals ability to sense earthquakes.

Before even small quakes there dogs will bark frantically, goldfish have been known to jump out of their aquariums and so on. In fact usually after earthquakes you can think back and notice even birds go silent before hand.

They didn't find any animals because they all took off. :D

I hope these people are getting what they need. It's a terrible tragedy.


01-01-05, 03:30 PM
It will be interesting to see ecological impact studies in the near future but of course the priority right now is dealing with the human cost of the disaster.
Marisa has a good point, no doubt that animals fled inland as far as they could go. Time will tell.
Hopefully, some study group will attempt to access the impact on the animal population in the area.

01-01-05, 03:45 PM
But how fast can a Retic or a Blood or a Burm flee? Why haven't there been any dead snakes turning up?

01-01-05, 03:55 PM
Jeff, from what I've read regarding the wildlife(the odd piece in newspapers), the animals were leaving days in advance...

01-01-05, 03:57 PM
I see your point and noted it in your post but have no more clue than you do Jeff. I do hope that some real answers come to light, it could really show that animals sense these events much earlier than we suspect.

01-01-05, 04:02 PM
The most I've seen about any animals, is survivers' tales of having to swim through water infested with crocs feeding on the dead.
In the same article in todays Toronto Sun, a guy climbed a tree and had a large snake follow him up. They both spent the night clinging to the tree.

Scales Zoo
01-01-05, 04:14 PM
The human tragedy story is terrible, but the animal things are amazing. Garter snakes come out of dens in the dead of winter before earthquakes. They may freeze and die, but it's interesting anyways.

I too wonder where the animals are. With reptiles, they could be underground, dead or alive - but you'd think they'd find deer and pigs and things - which apparently they are not.

The whole thing also makes me feel pretty safe about living in Saskatchewan. I never thought people were meant to inhabit coastal lines in large numbers.


reptile boi
01-01-05, 04:40 PM
Anyone think that the tsunami was caused by green house gases? Maybe its time we started to reduce it. Check out www.cleanairchampions.ca

01-01-05, 04:56 PM
Yeah, its definitely food for thought. The world is an amazing and scary place sometimes.

01-01-05, 09:43 PM
hi...i'm kris. i'm from indonesia.

i think the reason that they can't find dead animal there bacause it WAS a city near by the sea.
let say if new york attack by it you wont find any dead pig, or cow there right?

but they do find some dead pets like dog,cats esp chicken.
aceh and north sumatra dont have may reptile species.
the snake species such as python curtus take place in the other side of the island, and they live in the woods too..

its a real tragic..there's a little island called 'congh na' that have 7000 people population, ony 100 survive.others dead.
the island itself practically gone.out of the map.

there is a chance that they all swept to the sea.the island i mention before, half the bodies found in the sea.

there's no tears left to cry....

01-02-05, 04:24 AM
Thanks for the info, GreenDay. It is a terrible disaster, I hope that the affected areas get the help that they need in the aftermath.

01-02-05, 11:35 PM
It's so sad about it all, all the horrible stories. My heart goes out to all that have lived through it and now have to deal with the after math first hand. It's all just so sad.

01-03-05, 12:53 AM

I found this very informative site, helps explain some things people don' t catch on the news to often.



Pictures from this site.


On a personal note.

Both myself and Analisa are saddened from this disaster and hope the survivors and there families all the best to regroup and regain their lives again.

Tony Pharosx

01-03-05, 04:50 PM
I feel sorry for the people that died and their families. I'm just glad that the tsunami didn't kit komodo. The first thing that came to mind when I heard that there was a tsunami in indonesia was the death of komodo dragons.

01-04-05, 10:09 PM

Was doing a bit more reading on this disaster.


Today' s numbers.


Tony Pharosx

01-04-05, 11:30 PM
I saw on the news that a day or two before the tsunami struck the elephants wre acting freaky and many headed for higher ground, when they came back they were actually pulling bodies out of the water like they were trying to save them. Strange huh?