View Full Version : Help! Beardies attacking each other!

12-29-04, 11:53 PM
Ok, so I have 2 beardies, both said to be femail, can't tell otherwise. They'll be 2 years old in March. The one has recently started attacking the other's tail. And when I say attacking, I mean it's now half the lenght it was. They have plenty of room and things too do. They eat a well balanced diet. Any ideas on why she might be attacking her sister? I have no idea!


12-30-04, 12:04 AM
I don't have any beardies yet, but from what I hear its best to keep them housed separately because they mistake the movement of the tails as edibles such as insects. I'm not sure about this though.

Every place I've seen with more than one in a tank they bite each others tails.

12-30-04, 12:43 AM
I don't know weither they mistake it for food or not, they very well might, but I do know they develope somewhat of a pecking order, more common when males are present, but still not unheard of otherwise. I'd definatly reccomend seperating them or I'd keep them in atleast an 80-90 gallon tank (preferably bigger) with plenty of hides, branches etc., and a couple of places to bask so the risk of fighting over the best spot is somewhat avoided.

12-30-04, 11:04 AM
what size tank do you have...

01-02-05, 05:20 PM
the general rule is in a large enough tank multiple females get along but you have to be prepared to seperate them. If one of them has bitten the tail off the other, THAT TIME HAS COME (and gone). Next time you may not be so lucky. Toes and legs are likely to be next.

01-04-05, 07:14 PM
Thanks everyone for your help. I'm going to be re-houseing them asap!

01-18-05, 09:51 PM
At my work we have many beardies. I often take them out for exercise and today I took one of them out, and the other one on the top cage saw it and started going into fight mode. *Bobbing its head, puffing out its throat and darkening its throat. Beardies are territorial like dogs. They have pecking order for food and basking, and will fight (although there shouldnt be any physical damage done). Normally the less dominant one will just back off.

Scotch Keeper
01-30-05, 03:45 PM
to be honest with you i would say that they are either 2 males or you dont have a large enough viv or as a last thought you may need to feed them more.. i've been keeping them for 3 years and never seen this.. Mine have the odd tiff about who the boss is but there is no physical damage it can look quite rough sometimes but never any damage caused hope this may help

01-30-05, 04:13 PM
Mike are you sure these wernt mating signs. Becuase that is a very likily possibility. Darkend throat bobbing its head.

Just a hunch

01-30-05, 06:27 PM
I have two beardies myself and I have had them housed together for a long while, they are sisters. Both females and i dont have a problem, so one you could have a male and a female that dont get along or two males, most likely you have two males, but goodluck