View Full Version : Ball Python Cages

12-29-04, 01:40 PM
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any nice BP cages that they made themselves that they could tell me about or better yet give me a pic :). Oh and if anyone has read my other posts I think my mom is probably going to let me get a snake maybe February or March:D . Anyway some pics or some words telling me how to make a nice BP setup would be great. I would want to make it a minimum of 4 ft long by 2 ft wide by 18 in tall.

Thanks Guys For All Of Your Help


12-29-04, 02:16 PM
I have one for sale in the classifieds right now.
Take a look if you'd like:

Here's a page where you can see how cages are made:

Hope that helps,

12-29-04, 02:41 PM
Thanks David, I was wondering if you could ship out of Canada. If you can I might be interested it seems like it would be an awesome enclosure. Will you pm me some pics of it?



12-30-04, 06:13 AM
Here is my 4ft cage that I built. You are more than welcome to take some ideas from this if you like. Does not house a ball python but could do quite easily.



01-01-05, 02:02 PM
Hey awsome cages!!

01-01-05, 04:44 PM
Hi guys, I have another cage question. I have heard that some people put their heat pads inside the cages is this a good/bad idea?


01-01-05, 10:49 PM
My opinion is to never put heating pads inside cages.
You need to tape the pads down so your snake could
get caught in loose tape and overheat. Also the pads might feel only warm to our hands, but is extremely hot to a snake so close to the ground with it's whole body on it.
Heating pads give plenty of heat underneath a cage, as a matter of fact if I didn't have a dimmer it would provide to much heat (well over 90 F on the lowest setting through 5/8 melamine).
Hope this helps.

01-01-05, 11:08 PM
Thanks Bob I thought it was a bad idea. i was wondering where you have a dimmer, is it hooked to a wall or to the cage?


01-01-05, 11:23 PM
I asked the same question a while back, that's what I thought to.
I didn't think my heating pad could heat through melamine, just takes a while. Here's a pic, the dimmer is on the right side of pic and the pad is underneath on the other side.

01-02-05, 12:20 AM
I could ship, but it would cost one h*ll of a lot of money because it's so big and heavy.

I would suggest using the method in this thread.
It's fairly simple to build the cage if you know what you're doing.

Good luck,

01-02-05, 02:24 PM
Thanks for the pic Bob, very nice cage. I had a few other questions about your cage. How much did it cost, where could I buy that kind of thing, how long did it take you to build, and where does it open?



P.S. David I dont know if you wanted it to be a eBay link, but if you did I didnt understand.

01-02-05, 03:43 PM
Lot of questions. I removed the doors for pic


Just look at all the pics under Bob04 at that link to see more pictures. I looked for a cage like this but couldn't find one so I built my own (cage and stand as one unit with shelving).

Cost about $175 and took about 3 days (mostly running back to Home Depot for more supplies). I took my idea from the link below
only I made the cage and stand as one unit and added shelving.
Glass had to be custom ordered ($50) but next time I'm going to find some scrap glass and build a cage around it.


01-02-05, 04:24 PM
Thanks Bob. I think I am gonna try and build that cage that is in the second link, only because Ball Pythons don't need a cage as high as yours.

Thanks For All The Help Guys And If Anyone Has Any Other Tips Please Tell Me


01-02-05, 09:28 PM
Hey Alex, glad to hear your parents might let you get your snake. Got your pm and found the thread! I keep most of mine in rubbermaids, they work very well at keeping heat and humidity. A custom enclosure like the one above made of melamine is another great idea. You can probably get one built for you for almost the same cost as you could build it, I found that out and am having a rack and 2 breeding cages built for me for $600 CAD. Boaphile makes great cages that are light weight, they are made of plastic and are in the states, not sure on their prices, I have a rack from them but it was second hand bought at a show. If you are not in a hurry check out when the nearest Reptile Expo is in your area and check there, usually lots of enclosures available at shows. Good luck once again.

01-03-05, 08:31 PM
I think what i am going to do is use a Rubber-Maid until it gets older then I will have a cage that is custom built. I want to use a rubber maid because they cost less and then I dont spend as much money as I would when I bought multiple cages for when its a baby. Then I will have much more money for vet bills and for a nice custom cage. But I was wondering about what size rubbermaid I should get when its a baby. Also when it gets bigger because i will be using a rubbermaid until it will fit into its custom cage because the size I want it would be about 4' by 2' by 18". Could anyone give me some feedback about rubbermaid?
