View Full Version : Another dog attack!

12-29-04, 10:14 AM

Manitoban Herps
12-29-04, 10:28 AM
You can always expect that to happen when animals and humans are together.

Scales Zoo
12-29-04, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
You can always expect that to happen when animals and humans are together.

You can ALWAYS expect human death when animals and humans are together? I sure hope not - if so, I'm in a lot of trouble :)

My gut feeling is that this is one of those cases of why children should always be supervised closely around animals. I still feel bad for the parents if this is the case, very tough way to learn a lesson.


Manitoban Herps
12-29-04, 12:30 PM
Well look in the wild, humans would not get attacked by bears if the humans never entered there terriorties.

12-29-04, 12:35 PM
I wonder how long it will take the press to change "Rottwieler" to "A dozen rabid infected Pit Bulls"

It's a really sad story though. VERY tough lesson :(


12-29-04, 02:43 PM
If we all just kept ourselves locked up inside & never went anywhere things like bear attacks etc. would never happen eh Manitobian LMAO! Mark :p

12-29-04, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
Well look in the wild, humans would not get attacked by bears if the humans never entered there terriorties.

Exactly :)

12-29-04, 05:12 PM
there was also a chocolate lab attack on christmas in welland

so whats the next breed to be banned?/


12-29-04, 05:13 PM
People can be horrilbe these days, banning the ones with reason is not needed.

12-29-04, 10:08 PM
People need to have control over there dogs. It seems that more and more people are getting dogs and have no idea on how to handle them. People shouldn't have animals that they can't control.

12-29-04, 10:17 PM
Sad to hear, poor kid. But up here i know it all to well. Over the past 4 years about 3 toddlers have been killed in surrounding areas by dogs, cases where adult supervision was needed. IMHO some parents need to watch their kids around animals more closely. I NEVER leave my neices or nephews unattended with my dogs, and one dog is the biggest suck i have ever seen, that just doesnt mean that he wont do anything.

Tara Garratt
12-30-04, 02:43 PM
I feel so bad for these parents. Nothing could be worse than losing a child, and losing a child to a preventable accident must be even worse. I definitely agree with Ryan. Children and pets must be supervised. It really does not matter what species of animal, supervision is key. So many people forget that even trusted pets need to be watched with children. Just as we cannot accurately and completely predict human behaviour, neither can we completely predict animal behaviour. Toss people and animals together and there is definitely no guaranteed outcome.

As for breed banning, this is one of the most ridiculous ways I have ever heard of for trying to reduce dog attacks. The town we live by has recently created a breed specific ban on numerous breeds. I am appalled by the stupidity of people sometimes. The reality is that the research is very clear that breed banning does not work yet governments still try to make it fix the problem. There is no research to support that any particular breeds are more likely to bite than others. In Canada it is even more difficult to prove which breeds are more prone to biting, as there are no laws currently in place for mandatory reporting of dog bites. Some of the literature seems to indicate that the breeds most apt to have the highest number of bites are the breeds there are the most of in Canada. This makes sense. I would expect that there would be more bites caused by breeds that there are more of—increased probabilities of exposure.

My personal belief is that there is no room in society for a vicious animal. That stated each animal has the right to be presumed innocent until proven to be vicious. Banning specific breeds does not work for many reasons that I will not bore anyone with. One of the biggest reasons however is because the people who are drawn to a vicious pet are attracted to the viciousness, not the other qualities of the animal. When this animal is banned they will simply move on to something else with the temperament they like--vicious. Meanwhile the people who love the breed for the other characteristics are left to clean up the reputation that has been besmirched. It is all very frustrating and the animal attacks just keep coming because the politicians would rather try wide spread bans than deal with the people who perpetuate the trouble.

Tara Garratt

Scales Zoo
12-30-04, 03:08 PM
After reading more articles, I see that the dogs got out from their containment, and I don't think the kid was left to play with the dogs.


12-30-04, 03:15 PM
...the dogs were in the basement. Could've been neglected---it all sounds fishy to me. Wouldn't the adults have heard the attack? I feel sorry for the child.

Here's another story for you:


12-30-04, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
You can always expect that to happen when animals and humans are together.

We humans ARE animals.

12-30-04, 04:03 PM
I have a feeling there are going to soon be bans on any breed of dog bigger than your average jack russell, first rotties, than sheppards..... I think since they went ahead and banned pit bulls they are on their way down a very slippery slope, especially with incidents like these and more on the horizon.

12-30-04, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by sneaky_boa
I have a feeling there are going to soon be bans on any breed of dog bigger than your average jack russell, first rotties, than sheppards.....

The funny thing is... As far as stats go..... Your more likely to get bit by a jack russell then a rottie. How weird is that?

Manitoban Herps
12-30-04, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by joey
We humans ARE animals.

Most of us don't consider us animals but I have another saying then, any different species of animal put together you can expect casulities...example a cat and a dog, lizard and a snake.

12-30-04, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
Most of us don't consider us animals but I have another saying then, any different species of animal put together you can expect casulities...example a cat and a dog, lizard and a snake.

If you say so boss.:p

12-30-04, 09:43 PM
Sorry to hear about the attack.

My little cousin (2 years old) was bitten by another relative's 8 month ol dYorkshire Terrier on Christmas day. The Yorkie was being held by it's owner and it lunged out of her arms and bit the 2 year old who was doing nothing but walking by at a distance of 3 feet. It was crazy to see that. The dog was unprovoked and went nuts. Even the little toy dogs that are suppose to be the perfect miny pets can be vicious when not trained correctly.

I've trained dogs before and I know that this was due to not socializing the dog as a young puppy and not training it right. It all boils down to training as far as I'm concerned. Just my 2 cents.


Manitoban Herps
12-30-04, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by leoncurrie
If you say so boss.:p

Boss eh?

12-30-04, 10:02 PM
yep lol

12-30-04, 10:19 PM
I think that training is the key here. Some people purposely buy rotties or pit bulls to protect their 'property'. Some people like to own mean dogs. In this instance there were two family dogs as well as two dogs of friends being housed together in the basement. What amazes me is that the adults didn't even hear that their son was being killed!!!! Were they even in the house when it happened??? His death wasn't reported for several hours after the fact.
I really don't think we have to look at any particular breed of dog here. I think that some people train their dogs to react viscously (spell check?) to serve some purpose and then when it backfires the breed is blamed.
I owned a Doberman. When I bought him, his temperment was guaranteed. I took him to obedience school etc. and as my son Ryan from Scales Zoo will testify, he was almost too sucky.......but I'd rather have that than a dog which is bred to be protective and encouraged to be aggressive. So maybe it is the owner that needs to be screened before owning a dog. Couldn't hurt!

12-31-04, 04:19 PM
what a terrible thing to happen.
i am the carer of two dogs myself. although one is getting on now, 16.5 years old and the other is 5.5 years old, and both are totally soppy, i would not leave my children alone with them.
unlike us humans, animals are unable to tell us whats wrong with them.
i do not believe that the animals are to blame in an otherwise devastating situation.
my heart goes out to the family concerned.