View Full Version : Glass Thickness

12-28-04, 08:38 PM
What's a good thickness for the glass used in a bearded dragon enclosure?

The piece of glass would be 24'' by 18''.

I'm thinking 4mm?!?!


12-28-04, 09:01 PM
1/8. For boas and stuff, I use 3/16.

12-28-04, 09:04 PM
So that's 3mm.
Thanks a lot Jeff!!

12-28-04, 09:30 PM
id go with at least 4mm.... 3mm glass is very flimly and all it would really take for a peace that size is the food dish hitting it to break... 3mm is usually found in old factory windows but there only like 8x12... id really suggest 1/4"( 6 mm) but 4 mm should be fine... i really would try to stay away from 3 mm.... expicallyt for sliders... the standard frame for sliders is for 4 or 6mm....

ive said this a few times but my father owns a glass company so i do really know what im talkin about... i havent put a slider in a tank but ive work with my father for about 5-6 years... and alot of glass companies( smaller ones) will give you a better deal on 6mm cause its more common.... and they prob stock cut offs....

if theres one peace of advice i can give anyone is stay away from 3 mm.... its ok for pic frames but thats about it.... for your safety and your animals go with 4, 5 or 6 mm.... ...

i also just asked my father and if your useing a solid peace you must go with at least 4... 6 is better but 4 will do.... if its a slider you must go with 6 and between 3 and 6 mill the price difference is only 10cents a sq/foot but the custumer shouldnt ever see that.... hes been in the biz for 20 years...

im really sorry if i sound pushy but i have to have caution for the consumer and the pets....

3mm SHOULD NEVER BE USED!!!!!! go with the thicker stuff... you should never see a price difference

12-28-04, 09:34 PM
Sorry - TYPO...

The piece of glass would be 24'' x 11''

It doesn't really make a difference, but just incase it does...

Thanks for the reply peterm15 and you've got a PM,

12-28-04, 09:41 PM
its still a pretty large peace... for 3mm.. i just dont wanna ever hear anything about a pet being hurt or worse cause of glass... you not saving anything by getting thiner glass.... ps shop around cause it shouldnt cost more than 25 bucks.... that price was for 24x18... but you get the point... or you can ask what size cutoffs they have around that size and build your cage around that...

i wish i could get the glass for you and everyone but for tax reasons i cant... sorry

12-28-04, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by peterm15
i wish i could get the glass for you and everyone but for tax reasons i cant... sorry

Is that in response to my PM?

Thank you,

Greg West
12-29-04, 02:51 AM
6mm is what I use. 3mm is too thin and one good run at the glass and I could see it easily breaking.

I hope that helps.

Greg West

12-29-04, 10:23 AM
i didnt get any pm....

12-29-04, 01:53 PM
Alright, thanks for everyone's input.
I think I'm going to go with 5mm.