View Full Version : Anaconda Question

12-28-04, 07:03 PM
A friend of a friend has a yellow anaconda he needs taken off his hands, an approximately 4ft female. Does anyone have a yellow, and what are their tempermants like? Does it vary with the individual snake? Any other suggestions/advice would be much appreciated.

The Dom
12-28-04, 07:07 PM
They tend to be agressive althgouh I have a tame pair of yellows..

I have also tamed down a few with time and patience although in my oppinion .. anacondas are one of those snake you should never trust as i have seen some tame anacondas that had never bitten anybody in years.. bit repeatedly out of no where for no reason) ..

Great snakes to care for (only boas I own) although compared to all my pythons, they pee and go to the washroom too much lol ..

I clean there cages out 2 to 3 times more often then my other snakes..

Enjoy her.. trully incredible snakes


12-28-04, 07:58 PM
I "work" with two at the store I work at. They are great snakes.

I feed them every thursday which means they get seperated for feeding. I usually take out the "smaller" one who is still at least 7 feet, and hes usually dog tame. I still use a hook just incase but I usually dont need to once hes out. Very recently, the same one, started getting VERY aggressive and I mean striking at the glass and cork bark if I open the glass doors. So I agree with dom, they are incredibly unpredictable.

Just my $0.02

12-28-04, 10:11 PM
Thank you guys so much for your replies. Everybody else keep 'em coming. I just wanted to ask Dom, what is your enclosure setup like?

12-28-04, 10:13 PM
Sorry, Bartman-same question to you too. Didn't mean to leave you out, lol.

12-29-04, 12:28 AM
Well all the did was use mulch as bedding. A nice 3 or 4 inch layer. They are housed in what I believe to be a 7 or maybe 8 foot long cage by 2 feet wide and high. Then the usuall lighting.

They also use some cork bark for hiding and a big rubbermaid tub for them to be able to both go in and soak when ever they want, which is usually.

Thats basically it as we need to keep it a bit more simple to be able to get them out and clean easier :D

12-29-04, 10:25 PM
Well, I've got her now. I couldn't stand to see her go to some pet shop or whatever. She's been calm so far. She stays in her water dish mostly. Hopefully I'll get my buddy to put some pics up before long. She's a pretty girl. I want everyone to see the cage I built too. LATER.

01-01-05, 12:27 PM
My yellow spends 60% of her time in the water. I keep her in a large vision cage. I've had her about 5 years and she has only bitten me once and that was the first day I got here. She is close to 9' now. She is somewhat mellow but I don't trust her as much as I do my BCI. She tends to be a bit skittish when handled, no fast movements allowed. Oddly, she goes off feed for a couple of months during the winter. Dec thru Jan even though the temps are the same. Be prepared to do a lot of water changes, water container=toilet. Mine also has a quick feeding response, use tongs when feeding. I've found newspaper to be the best substrate for my yellow. Good luck