View Full Version : Hog Island or Common?

12-26-04, 07:43 PM
I am looking at getting a boa shortly and have been looking at common BCIs and Hog Island boas. Aside from the difference in size (I have read that Hogs stay much smaller) what other difference are there? Is temperment similar? I just love the lighter coloring on the Hog Islands. Thanks!


12-26-04, 10:37 PM
Hogs aren't always the teeny tiny snakes people make them out to be. I have a female that has to be nearing the 7' mark. Temperaments are quite variable in both, and what you make of them has a lot to do with the outcome in most cases. Hogs tend to be a bit more on the hissy side than Colombians I find, however it is more often for show than for action :p Both are great feeders, however Hogs tend to have an even more voracious feeding reflex. Some people mistake this for aggression, but they are usually fine once you get them out and they see you are not food :flick: My Hog is probably one of the most handleable snakes in my whole collection. Good luck with your decision, you can't lose with either one!

12-27-04, 07:54 AM
Linds, 7 Ft is not a problem. I just dont want a snake that COULD reach upwards of 10 Ft. I dont have the space (which is why I am not taking in my girlfriends aunts Burm that is not being cared for properly). Now I understand the size of a BCI or Hog will never compare to a Burm or Retic, but how thick does an adult BCI or adult Hog get? I actually have never seen an adult in a store. All you see is Burms and Retics and Afrocks. I understand the sad reason behind that.

12-30-04, 11:03 AM
I beleive the tempermant of the snake depends on the snake. I have Hoggs that are sweet as can be and one that is the devil. The I have several BCI that are nasty and some that are puppy dogs...

12-30-04, 11:14 AM
Matt, does it depend on the snake or how much you work with it? I spend a lot of time handling my snakes and there isnt a nasty one. Now I must admit that my 5 (soon to be 6) snakes arent the biggest collection but its my only point of reference.


12-30-04, 06:16 PM
I tend to agree with Jamie.

I have owned Hogs for a few years and currently have 7 Hogs in my possession.Whilst other herpers may have owned more Hogs and have had differing experiences, I am of the opinion that Hogs have one of the better temperaments of the whole Boid family, rivaling even the docility of the Spotted python.

The temperament of the animal, I believe, is largely influenced by the amount of, and more importantly the type of handling that a snake has been subjected to in its early life.

Most of my snakes are handled on a fairly consistent basis; during cleaning, water changing, or just for the sheer fun of it; but only, and this is important, during the hours of daylight. Darkness is when my snakes are fed and is therefore not a good time for handling. Especially so, when taking into account the strong feeding responses that Hogs and many other snakes seem to possess.

This of course is not unlike most other Bcis, Bccs, or Bcos, but the compact size, combined with the beautiful subtle colours of Hog Island Boas, makes them a particular favourite of mine.

12-30-04, 06:24 PM
I've never seen any sign of aggression from my pair of hogs except feeding time.

12-30-04, 06:36 PM
I for one am psyched to get him on Wed!!