View Full Version : Merry Christmas Everyone!!

12-24-04, 11:38 PM
I know there have been a few Christmas Threads started already, but I just wanted to send a very Merry Christmas wish out to everyone from all the Moderators and Admin of www.ssnakess.com..

A few of the MOD's are away on Vacation and likely won't reply, but on their behalf i'd like to wish everyone the very best over the holidays..

Hope you all have a very Happy And SAFE Holidays!!

-Matt Kameka

12-24-04, 11:44 PM
I would also like to wish everyone and their families a safe and happy holidays!!!

I hope everyone gets everything on their wishlists! I know I'm not getting any herps for Christmas, but I am getting one for my birthday that's less then two weeks away :D

Merry Christmas everyone and all the best in 2005!!!!


12-24-04, 11:46 PM
Yay. Christmas. I baked brownies! :D :D

I hope everyone gets lots of spoils and gets their fill of family for the year!!! Ha-Ha!

Merry Christmas!


12-25-04, 12:32 AM
Thanks and have a safe holiday to all ;Paul Bighill Reptiles thanks for doing a great Job To all of the MOD'S hope santa was good to you all '

12-25-04, 05:06 PM
Merry Christmas everyone! Be sure to stuff your faces with lots of turkey and eggnog! :D