View Full Version : What have you produced?

12-24-04, 10:28 AM
There's a ton of keepers out there with a ton of animals. I'd love to hear what people have actually produced and what has been the most challanging for them.
Since I bought my first snake on November 1st 2001 I've produced the following,
Corn Morphs
Ball Pythons
Amazon Tree Boas
This season I'm trying the following,
Pastel Balls
Colombian BCI
Hog Island BCI (not holding my breath on this one.)
Brazilian Rainbow Boas
Amazon Tree Boas
Anery Kenyan Sand Boas.
So what have you bred and what are you trying this year? I can't wait to see how long some people list will be. Oh and Roy and Don I expect to see you post on this one too!

12-24-04, 11:06 AM
Well I have mainly concentrated in corn snake morphs....
but other than corns I have bred:
Albino Nelson Milk
Honduran Milk
Tri-colored Milk
Albino Rosy Boa
Brazilians Rainbow
Normal Balls
Emory Rat
Egypian Rat
Children Python
Spotted Python
Jungle Carpet

Planning on breeding
Albino Emory Rat
Rhino Rat
and a lot of 'special' corn morphs...
I think that is it for breeding snakes...
I have bred Love Birds, Turtles (red ear sliders), Meal worms (LOL does this count?) Fish (Gold fish), and a couple of other little things...main thing of course are corns snakes!!!!

Merry Christmas!!

12-24-04, 01:27 PM
Cool list Simon! And yes I too have bred meal worms, so yes they do count! Crickets too. You've bred some neat stuff.
Tell me how do you sex a gold fish?lol

12-24-04, 01:28 PM
A thread of this nature was just done recently. Check out http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59229 for similar posts. Cheers Mark

12-24-04, 01:34 PM
Shoot man that was just on the 9th too. How did I miss that one. Thanks Mark.

12-24-04, 01:36 PM
You posted on it there Trev (11th) LOL Better slow down on the Egg Nog Heh Heh Mark :p

12-24-04, 01:50 PM
No no Mark. I just posted there after you gave me the link not before.lol I'm thick man but not that thick.

12-24-04, 05:27 PM
You did post there on the 11th, LOL!!!
Originally posted by BoidKeeper
Ball Pythons
Amazon Tree Boas
This year I'm trying for,
Ball Pythons
Amazon Tree Boas
Anery Kenyan Sand Boas
Brazilian Rainbow Boas
Was trying for Hog Island Boas and Colombians too but both my males are too small.

And again 3 posts down, ROFL!!!

Originally posted by BoidKeeper
Since I bought my first snake on November 1st 2001 I've produced the following,
Corn Morphs
Ball Pythons
Amazon Tree Boas
This season I'm trying the following,
Pastel Balls
Colombian BCI
Hog Island BCI (not holding my breath on this one.)
Brazilian Rainbow Boas
Amazon Tree Boas
Anery Kenyan Sand Boas.
So what have you bred and what are you trying this year? I can't wait to see how long some people list will be. Oh and Roy and Don I expect to see you post on this one too!

Must be some pretty good eggnog, let me know what the secret recipe is ;P

12-25-04, 05:51 AM
I guess I am that thick.lol Man my memory sucks!

12-25-04, 09:20 AM
Since I got into Chameleons almost 10 years ago I have reproduced the following either through captive hatching or captive breeding:
Bradypodian fischeri fischeri, Bradypodian f. multituberculatum, Bradypodian t. tavetanum, Furcifer cephalolepis, Furcifer lateralis, Furcifer lateralis (major form), Furcifer minor,
Furcifer pardalis(nosy be, ambanja), Chameleo (Ch.) calyptratus, Chameleo (Ch.) senegalensis, Chameleo (T.) cristatus,
Chameleo (T.) ellioti,
Chameleo (T.) hoehnelii( 3 differant color morphs),
Chameleo (T.) j. jacksonii, Chameleo (T.) j. zantholophus, Chameleo (T.) sternfeldi, Chameleo (T.) w. weidersheimi, Chameleo (T.) w. perreti, Rhampholeon brevicaudatus, Rhampholeon nchisiensis, and Rhampholeon Uluguruensis

For a brief time I also worked with Phelsuma and this is what I was lucky enough to breed:
Phelsuma a. astriata, Phelsuma breviceps, Phelsuma l. laticauda, Phelsuma l. angularis, Phelsuma l. lineata, Phelsuma l. bifasciata,
Phelsuma pusilla hallmanni, Phelsuma q. quadriocellata,
Phelsuma q. parva, Phelsuma q. lepida, Phelsuma l. leiogastor, Phelsuma l. isakae


12-25-04, 03:01 PM
Thats amazing Carl.
Well right now I'm just working on Panther chameleons(Nosy be). But I would really love to work with bearded pygmy chameleons


VI Reptiles
01-01-05, 03:47 AM
in about 6 yrs I produced 2 tokay geckos........ LoL so little...... But im just starting and I should have leopard geckos this year or next year and more tokays.... I am buying 20 geckos from gecko guy on here and I hope to pay for them soon as well as aquire them. The following geckos will be available in a year or 2............

Central American Banded Geckos/0.0.3

Tanzanian Forest Gecko/1.1

Tiger Gecko/0.0.4

Madagascan Ground Gecko/3.3

Fan Toed Gecko/1.1.6

I hope to make some money to pay for my ball python projects in the future namely a pastel male.

01-01-05, 10:29 PM
Most recently, I've been breeding lace monitors, Varanus varius. In fact, I dug up a clutch on new year's day (01-01-2005)

01-02-05, 06:57 AM
I've been breeding lace monitors, Varanus varius.
Must be nice! I can't wait to see some hatchling pics!

01-02-05, 07:29 AM
Unfortunately, it's a very long wait (up to 265 days in the case of last year's lot), so I was going to post a couple of photos of last year's hatchlings in the meantime. However, this site does not allow me to post photos hosted on another reptile site (I have just tried, the URL was replaced with a series of asterix) and as the photo hosting limit here is tiny and my account is full, I guess you will have to wait after all. My apologies.

01-02-05, 10:00 AM
I've been keeping reptiles since I was about 6 years old however I only began breeding them 7 years ago. These are my successes,
Nigerian uromastyx(I'm most proud of this accomplishment)
leopard geckos
fat tail geckos
sand geckos
giant madagascar day geckos