View Full Version : She got junk in her trunk

12-22-04, 09:23 PM
I've had these two together for a while now and she is getting fatter and rounder all the time. She looks like she's just eaten a rabbit but she actually hasn't eaten for over a month. I haven't bred boas before but I'm taking this as a good sign, what do you think?

That's the male coming out to greet me.


A closer look at her swollen area.

http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/2511IM000071a.JPG http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/2511IM000074a.JPG http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/2511IM000073a.JPG

One without the stupid flash that makes her look greenish for some reason.


And a couple of quick head shots while I'm getting trigger happy with the camera.

http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/2511Im000102.jpg http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/2511IM000103a.JPG

I know this is no reason to get my hopes up too high but it's definitely exciting to see what at least appears to be progress.

12-22-04, 10:05 PM
Good luck man, i am going to give it a try next year..

12-22-04, 10:09 PM
Hay killa rember where you got her from lol looking good that makes three for three females i sold that are up the stump best of luck with her ;Paul Bighill Reptiles

12-22-04, 10:23 PM
Up the stump?? LOL That's a new one for me! Haha!

And of course I remember where I got her Paul, who could forget a guy that travels the province in a mobile zoo? lol! One thing I did forget though was to ask you if you know if this is her first time, I just assumed it was.

How about you, are you breeding any boas this year?

12-22-04, 10:40 PM
That is her first year and looking good so far. No boas for me this year but lots of pythons and milks,kings and rats snakes taking a break from boas for a wile and have some fun with the hondos lol again best of luck keep me posted
;paul Bighill Reptiles

12-24-04, 11:03 AM
Goodluck with those just beautiful.

12-24-04, 05:54 PM
MouseKilla, your avatar... is that python eating a cat?

12-24-04, 08:39 PM
Thanks guys, I'll be checking on them every couple of hours for the next several months. LOL


Yup that's a BP eating a cat alright, I was really lucky that time because usually they eat them head first.

12-24-04, 09:17 PM
lol robbie, that is soo obviosly a photoshopped picture. Nice snakes mousekilla

12-25-04, 05:13 PM
Very nice gravid girl there Mousekilla. :) Love your avatar btw. :)

12-27-04, 12:58 PM
That looks good to me. I hope I see the same thing soon too. Looks like there is going to be a heck of a lot of boas in Canada this year!
Best of luck,

12-27-04, 11:09 PM
Any swelling like that in a breeding female is always a good sign :) Best of luck with that pairing, I bet they will make some really nice babies for you :)

12-28-04, 04:25 PM
I'm glad you guys can see the swelling also, it's not an easy thing to photograph and it's always much easier to see swelling or growth in a snake in your own collection. Like I said, I'm not counting the babies yet but a good sign is still a good sign.

I have my avatar in a larger size if anyone wants it for wallpaper or whatever just PM me. I just hope no one tries to copyright it on me. LOL! Sorry, couldn't resist.