View Full Version : Young ETB poop question

12-22-04, 12:57 AM
I was wondering what does a healthy ETB's poop look like?!? I have had one of my two emeralds out and had it poop outside of it's tank but it is always very fluid... It is mostly liquid with the defecation and the urates in it... Both my emeralds are young and i have once been told that it gets more solid while they grow old, is it thrue??? I'm getting kind of paranoid because the ETB i've had pooping out of its cage a few times since i've had it always pooped very liquid stuff and i'm not even sure its a CB... For the other one, i'm sure ( thanks to JD_Terrariums who sold it to me as a neonate ). So for the runny poop, is it diahrrea or is it normal for young ETBs to have very liquid defecations? I cant really compare the poops when they are made in the cage since they get all wet in the bottom of the cage anyways... Can someone help me out??? By the way, none of my snakes look dehydrated...


12-23-04, 03:09 PM
often I find they look like small solid piece of white urate, with a small shiny soft but solid piece of brown feces floating in whay looks like a clear viscous fluid (almost like raw egg minus the yolk).....there does seem to be alot of fluid BUT the feces and urate parts should be well-formed.....remember it is a rainforest creature which means unlike a sand boa there is no need to conserve water in its stools. This has been my experience with my small CBB collection.