View Full Version : How often do you change the water?

12-20-04, 03:20 PM
How often do you change your snakes water and why?

12-20-04, 03:23 PM
I like to change it every day.I am just a freak like that lol ;)


12-20-04, 04:35 PM
I play it by ear. Some of the smaller dishes dry out within 1-2 days, hence need to be filled more and cleaned less. The bigger ones I change if soiled, and if clean, maybe once a week.

12-20-04, 04:44 PM
I change it when it gets to be dirty, or when it's half full or less.

12-20-04, 04:44 PM
I do the same linds - littler dishes get topped up and everyone gets new water once a week about

12-20-04, 04:57 PM
With my little snakes, the bowl goes dry every couple to three days and they get fresh water then. With a big bowl (I'm talking the biggest crocks for dogs), weekly during cage cleanings is my usual schedule. Any time a bowl gets foreign matter in it, it's cleaned and refilled.

12-20-04, 04:59 PM
I change it and clean the bowl when I do cage cleaning which is usually once per week.

If it gets something in it like substrate or crap, I change it.


12-20-04, 05:03 PM

Everyday the collection gets fresh water, some twice because they see new water its washroom break. :)



12-20-04, 05:08 PM
how do you find the time to change them all everyday? I know that animals should have fresh water everyday - I know I wouldn`t want to drink from my bath water for a week at a time but - I just find it increasingly difficult to maintain a proper schedul and tips Tony?


12-20-04, 05:18 PM
Every few days or when it's needed. :)

12-20-04, 05:41 PM

I just plan ahead is all, they either get new water in morning or later but always fresh water at least once. I put my animals ahead of alot of things actually just because I feel they deserve the best I can do for them. I use a wheel trolley that carries most of the equipment like bowls or paper toewls or news paper just incase I need to give them a fresh cage fast. A wheel garbage can comes along as well to dispose of the mess. And 2 different locations in the facility have long hoses where I simply refresh there water or provide them a clean bowl altogether, each bowl gets washed and replaced at least within a week also. Either myself or my 2 younger cousins makes this all happen. We are still fine tuning this system to be even more simple and faster :)

I just hate it when they get clean water and turn it into a toilet in an hour, but it makes clean up so much more easier overall.

We like to keep everything neat and clean as possible even with 6 foot constrictors, who love to remodel there cages the moment I walk away........Tim Cranwill loves my anal attitude (hope its ok to say this word) on clean set ups. :)

Guess I won' t get into kingsnakes and milks, lol.



12-20-04, 05:52 PM
As for me, i change the water dish every time it is dirty or if the water level is too low. For Christmas day, i poor vodka in their water bowl, just a little so that they can enjoy the holidays too! Just kidding, i would never do that!!


12-20-04, 07:37 PM
Vodka LOL.. I change mine everyday, mind you I only have one snake right now so its not that complicated for me to do it. But it is obviously alot harder with a big collection.

12-20-04, 07:40 PM

Thanx - I`ll have to come up this spring to see your set up - I only have a snake room right now - it would be great to have your set up though. My snake room it okay its really a hodge podge of mis matched shelves and rubber maids but I guess everyone has to start somewhere
I should be finished my job at the end of january and from there I am sure I`ll have a lot more time to spend with my babies
Right now I want to focus on some sort of a schedual to get things in motion to be a better keeper - thanx for your post


12-20-04, 07:45 PM

Thanks, yup we all start slow and what can be managable at the time. Evolving slowling with an improved design is the best way. Jump to fast you' ll rethink new ideas and it will cost you alot after so slow and steady best way to go.



12-20-04, 08:13 PM
When it dries out or dirty.

Scales Zoo
12-20-04, 09:10 PM
Tony : you change the water once or twice a day? Slow down man, what kind of pills do you have over there?

We are gone for 3 days at a time, at times, and none of the water gets cleaned or topped off in that time. Sometimes it takes me more than a day to tend to everyone when I get back.

Sometimes the snakes go a few days with dirty water because of this. They know enough not to drink it, and if they don't, it's time to learn I'd say.

I used to have tiny dishes for the babies, but in winter, they dry out every 2 days or so. So I got bigger dishes.

Snakes with out water, or with dirty water, for long periods is bad. But for the person thinking of getting a snake and reading this - you don't really have to change the water every day, and definitely not twice a day,that is a tad on the "anal" side.

A topped off water dish can last a week or more if it has too.


12-20-04, 09:17 PM

LOL.....its twice only if the boid decides clean water means toilet time in the water dish. Otherwise they enjoy daily water changes. I even notice for the most part they go for a drink right after I move onto the next cage. I hate drinking warm water or soda, and I think these guys love fresh cool water. :)



12-21-04, 12:49 AM
i change it when needed. either when it dries out or gets dirty, but i clean every water dish and change water 1-2 times a week.

12-21-04, 02:20 AM
I give my IJ a martini shaken not stirred and a pinkie instead of an olive on wednesdays and alka seltzer on thursday but the rest get water every couple days unless the water is dirty/ level is low.

12-21-04, 03:24 AM
I'll clean it anytime it gets dirty or once a week. Whichever comes first... my ball has never used his water dish for a toilet though. But I know it's a common enough thing overall :)

Leos get water every other day due to small dishes that dry out a lot faster.

12-21-04, 05:28 PM
I got these great containers at walmart for my snakes water bowls, they are like rubbermaid except cheaper and they have a divider in them - I use them for my jungle corns because they like to poo in their water - so now they poo in one side and drink from the other - it works great!

12-22-04, 02:32 PM
Im kinda somewhere in between. I try to change their H2O about twice a week or more often if it's dirty.

12-22-04, 02:39 PM
I change when it dries out, but that is every 2-3 days since the water dishes are large and shallow ( I use glazed 10" pot saucers). I like the fast evaporation rate as it adds humidity to the cages

01-05-05, 06:36 PM
I change it everyday

01-30-05, 02:29 PM
Every Other day.... usually. or every third day....

but atleast 2 times a week

01-31-05, 07:44 AM
Daily, they diserve fresh water :p

02-17-05, 06:25 PM
I change it every 2 days...or if they deficate in it....also it depends where your water dish is..under the heat lamp..above the heat pad or on the cool end....it evaporates in 5 days on the cool end so i dont need to change it every day...Connor

03-15-05, 10:42 AM
I voted "when it's dirty" but if it doesn't look dirty, I still change it every week.
