View Full Version : Is it a problem?

12-19-04, 11:56 PM
I’m using an extremely reliable digital probe thermometer (actual tried the other one incase, same thing) and I’m getting 109-115 in my savannah monitors tank on the warm end or basking spot.

I find every time I see him he is either in the middle of the tank, on the cool end, or in his tub (rarely in the tub)

I was just wondering if that was okay because he’s always been doing this, but I assumed that they would bask more like a bearded dragon or something.

Just paranoid?

12-20-04, 09:36 AM
as long as he's got an 80 degree and lower escape from the heat he should be alright.

12-20-04, 10:11 AM
Bartman -

I wasn't sure about one thing in your post. You said:

"I’m getting 109F-115F in my savannah monitors tank on the warm end or basking spot. "

If you're getting 109F-115F as a basking spot, then you shouldn't run in to many problems. In fact I have heard of keepers using higher temperature than that for adult Savannah's basking spots.

But if you're getting 109F-115F as an ambient temperature on the hot side, I would say things need to be cooled down a little. Maybe bring it down to around 90F-95F

12-20-04, 11:34 AM
Well yea, it’s not a very focused beam as im using one of those ceramic heaters I found laying around. Do you think I should pick up one of those lights that focus it in a more controlled spot?

12-20-04, 11:37 AM
Get a halogen flood lamp man, it has a much more focused beam for basking. Use some kind of a stack too, so the lizard can get closer to the light, and further from it if nessecary. this is how monitors thermoregulate.

12-20-04, 03:44 PM
Ceramic heaters are okay for supplementary heat (middle of tank, or night time) but not as the main basking source. Use a flood light of some sort, such as halogens.

12-20-04, 08:23 PM
Will do. Problem with using the stack thing I made a while back and these flood and eve the ceramic heater is that it gets SO close to the top and the light isnt covered by screen, so I like to make sure he cant really reach it.

Im moving him into a 6x2x2 or maybe even 3 high very soon.


12-20-04, 09:32 PM
Reaching a halogen usually doesn't create a problem as long as it's not able to actually sit on it (which those screen things allow them to do). Most monitors are smart enough to learn not to touch a bulb twice.

12-20-04, 09:35 PM
So maybe ill get a halogen to put in this tank, just I wont put the stack as of yet.

Thanks again everyone!