View Full Version : Sick Corn HELP!!!

12-18-04, 09:43 PM
I think my corn has a cold or something. I heard what sounded like sneezing and when I picked her up I also heard little tiny popping sounds.

What should I do to help her?


12-18-04, 10:22 PM
Warm her up.
What type of heat do you have for her? How warm is her warmest spot and the coolest in her enclosure?

What type of enclosure?


12-19-04, 02:39 AM
if it's a respitory infection which possibly is make sure the snake is in an enclosure where it will get constint heat of about 30 c it will creative an artificial fever which will help cure the snake keep it in that temp for about 2 weeks. if you have a huge enclosure make sure it gets that constint heat i suggest moving into a smaller enclosure.