12-18-04, 12:35 PM
Hi there folks:
Where does the sun rise near you?
Well around here that question is easy it rises in the midst of our on going ever expanding boa morph collection. That’s right we ventured into Sunglow Boas. We have some possible projects of our own but thought to get ahead on something unique already created. Sunglows to us is very important because of there look and gene pool, that we hope to explore. Now the unique factor in this Sunglow is the Coral. After searching all year on Sunglows from many sources in the USA, I settled on this girl. Finding males at a decent price is totally impossible, just because the Sunglow craze is extreme in the USA. She has improved so much on our wait on her from the long waiting period on CITIES paperwork. She will arrive soon and finally relieve some stress off me, lol. After waiting 6 months for her she is almost here.
Everyone meet RA, yes it’s a male name but suits her best…so this is RA my female Coral Sunglow Boa. RA represents sun in Egyptian Gods, and being a Sunglow this works for us as well.
This girl came from a Jeff Ronnie female Albino Boa and Rich Ihle male Salmon Heterozygous Albino Boa.
RA - Coral Sunglow Boa
Now I have to think out who will be her mate from all the males in our collection.
Thank you for viewing
Tony Pharosx
Where does the sun rise near you?
Well around here that question is easy it rises in the midst of our on going ever expanding boa morph collection. That’s right we ventured into Sunglow Boas. We have some possible projects of our own but thought to get ahead on something unique already created. Sunglows to us is very important because of there look and gene pool, that we hope to explore. Now the unique factor in this Sunglow is the Coral. After searching all year on Sunglows from many sources in the USA, I settled on this girl. Finding males at a decent price is totally impossible, just because the Sunglow craze is extreme in the USA. She has improved so much on our wait on her from the long waiting period on CITIES paperwork. She will arrive soon and finally relieve some stress off me, lol. After waiting 6 months for her she is almost here.
Everyone meet RA, yes it’s a male name but suits her best…so this is RA my female Coral Sunglow Boa. RA represents sun in Egyptian Gods, and being a Sunglow this works for us as well.
This girl came from a Jeff Ronnie female Albino Boa and Rich Ihle male Salmon Heterozygous Albino Boa.
RA - Coral Sunglow Boa
Now I have to think out who will be her mate from all the males in our collection.
Thank you for viewing
Tony Pharosx