View Full Version : Radish Greens

12-16-04, 06:06 PM
I was just at my local organic food market (picking up the regular greens for my redfoot) and I came across 2 very neat things:

1. A small tray of living radish greens (which can be easily sunk into the substrate) and grown there in the tray

2. Same thing as the radish greens but wheatgrass

So what do you guys think? Are these options a healthy choice for grazing redfoots? I think my little guy would go nuts....

12-16-04, 06:15 PM
its probably a good idea for about 10 minutes untile the redfoot kills the thing - i`m sure he would go nuts for it tho...

12-16-04, 07:56 PM
i grow wheatgrass for my torts because its high in calcium (for a gras at least) and has various other vits and minerals. However, because wheatgrass promoters also claim it has protein I don't feed my torts the wheatgrass too often. I am looking for nutritional value of the stuff online but most of it is just people talking about how miraculous wheatgrass is for human consumption. Its a very easy and cheap grass to grow though (payed two bucks for seeds in aug and haven't run out yet) and its ready to serve in under two weeks of growing.