View Full Version : How to heat an enclosure?

12-16-04, 11:52 AM
I built an enclosure for my Brazilian Rainbow Boa. The humidity and everything is fine its just the temp. The enclosure is 4 feet long, 2 feet tall, and 2 feet deep. The top is plexy glass and the front is plexy glass. The back, bottom and sides are 3/4 inch plywood. I have a radiant heat panel attached to one of the inside walls but the problem is that it won't heat the enclosure right. All the heat raises to the top of the enclosure and none on the bottom. I would put it underneath but I do not think it will heat through the wood because of the thickness. I bought just a regular human heat pad for the inside, I think I will attach that to a rehostat or thermostat unless someone has a better idea of how to heat this enclosure. I am trying to stay away from using a heat lamp. I would really appreciate any help.

12-16-04, 12:45 PM
A heat pad, an UTH or heat tape placed underneath the plywood bottom will heat up the enclosure adequately. Be sure to use a dimmer, rheostat, or proportional thermostat.

12-17-04, 01:26 AM
yep, like mykee said a heat pad UTH, or heat tape will work. Just be patient it takes a little while for the heat to work it's way through the wood. Let us know how it works out.

12-17-04, 01:27 AM
Sorry about the 2 posts, I hit the button 2 times and it actually posted it twice....???

yep, like mykee said a heat pad UTH, or heat tape will work. Just be patient it takes a little while for the heat to work it's way through the wood. Let us know how it works out.

12-29-04, 11:16 AM
I built my enclosure of 3/4 Melamine and I didn't figure heat under would do any good either so I used a 150w infrared bulb in an adjustable eyball fixture recessed into the top and pointed toward one end. I have a thermostat and reastat controlling it. My enclosure is 4x2x3 high. You can probably get by with a 75w or 100w bulb. You should put wire mesh over the bulb to keep the snake from investigating and burning itself.

12-29-04, 11:36 AM
NO bulbs, the BRB's have such a high humidity requirment that it would be detrimental to the snake to heat it with a bulb. I would use a radient heat panel with live plants in the cage to keep the humidity in check...