View Full Version : Boas - Pythons very informative books to check into.

12-15-04, 03:21 PM
Hi there folks:

A while back I posted a photo on Boa books of interest to help a fellow member get a head start on information on them. So I looked through my collection of books and found I can do a better post of that information including pythons as well. Since this is about boids mostly boas I put this post here.

This is our collection of informative and useful books we collected over the years aside from internet information and contacts with breeders and the forums.


Listing the books and video from top left - right and each level:

01. Pythons of Australia, a natual history - Geordie Torr

02. The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas - Richard A. Ross M.D.

03. The Living Boas, a complete guide to the boas of the world - Jerry G. Walls

04. Boas, a complete pet owner' s manual - Doug Wagner

05. Pythons, a complete pet owner' s manual - Patricia Barlett

06. The Green Tree Python & Emerald Tree Boa - Kirschner & Seufer Verlag

07. The Boa Constrictor Manual - Philippe de Vosjoli

08. What' s Wrong With My Snake? - John Rossi D.V.M., M.A.

09. The Guide to Owning a Red Tailed Boa - Glen Drewnowski

10. The Guide to Owning Tree Boas and Tree Pythons - Tom Mazorlig

11. The Complete Chondro - Greg Maxwell

12. All About Boa Constrictors VIDEO - Tracy and Dave Barker and Rich Ihle

If you looking for useful information check your local library or book stores and pick these up as well as internet.


Tony Pharosx

12-15-04, 03:30 PM
I really reccommend ''What's wrong with my snake'', it's an excellent book that i've read a few times but i'll buy one soon... Its a must for every herper... Ive read the Complete Chondro book and its also an awesome book, i would have bought it just for the pics in it!!! Even if i dont have a chondro, hehe! Does anyone else have comments on some of these books?


12-15-04, 03:37 PM
How is The Complete Chondro, as far as depth, info, etc...? I have heard good things about it, and would like to get a copy as I would love to get into some Chondros in a few years down the road... Any other Chondro books to reccommend...?

12-15-04, 03:47 PM

The Complete Chondro (book) is a must have if you want to get into Chondros..........there may be other books but this one is the top. Loads of info, loads of photos....overall a great book. Its the bible of Chondros in my opinion. I ordered mine direct from author and got it signed as well.

ORDER BOOK - Press here (http://www.finegtps.com/Book.htm)



jim mcallister
12-15-04, 04:11 PM
I am just finishing reading the complete condro and it is very good! Next year i plan on attaining my 1st condro and i wouldn't want to be without this book!!

12-15-04, 06:35 PM
The Complete Chondro is a must have period! I have most of those books but there are two I would like. As for the Guide to owning series I think they are the bottom of the barel when it comes to herp books.

Scales Zoo
12-15-04, 09:07 PM
I've got most (10 I think) of those books, but my favorite one of the bunch is the complete chondro - and I don't even have gtp's.

I've read it front to back twice. It's a good book about pythons, good book about snakes really, and you can learn a lot of things from the book. Even his perspective on things like forums and the current state of some things are really accurate and well put into words and is enjoyable and easy to read.

It's also an evil book that makes me really want to get 12 fancy GTP's. Well, that is, until he tries talks you out of getting them in the next section.

I should take a picture of some of my favorite books in my collection.


12-16-04, 03:33 PM

Please do it be great everyone shows there book collection in snakes. I started it off lets see everyone' s book collections.




12-17-04, 09:57 PM
Well I deffinatly gotta get the new chrondo book it's the only one I don't got :) that and the video. I love herp book :)

12-17-04, 10:28 PM

Order book here.

ORDER BOOK - Press here (http://www.finegtps.com/Book.htm)

Order video here.

ORDER VIDEO - Press here (http://www.vpi.com/KeeperShop/keepershopcatalog.htm)

Good luck, the prices on video are cheaper than I paid but I got it when 1st released.

