View Full Version : Update: On my pine. Thanks to Vanan and Vanderkm

12-15-04, 11:26 AM
Last time, I came in here, a few were trying to help me identify my pine. Was it a Louie or a Northern. Verdict after a while was a "redphase" Northern.

Also Vanderkm and Vanan helped me a bit, giving me ideas how to setup a proper enclosure.

I got "him" in early October. Since then its grown like a weed. LOL. It's taking rat pups, like they were goin out of style. When I fist got em, it was bout 2 feet. It's is now 32 inches. (I don't powerfeed. It gets fed every 6 days)

Thanks all that helped me. Last thing I remember was Vanan wanted me to keep em updated.

Pic is a bit old, I'll take better ones hopefully later.
It's bout a month old and he has gained quite a bit of girth since then.


12-15-04, 11:46 AM
He is looking great - love the heads on pits - and you are right - even in this pic he looks like he has some girth to him!

Great to see new pics - glad you are liking him,

mary v.

12-15-04, 09:21 PM
I love it!

I've always loved the colubrids and always will. Before I got into the boids briefly, garters were my first snake as a child, so I welcome this little guy with open arms.

I'm really liking the pits. I think I might have to eaither get a black pine or have mine probed and find a mate.

*rolls eyes* It never ends! LOL. But I love this hobby :)

12-15-04, 09:25 PM
Lookin real nice Jess. It is REAL hard to powerfeed a pit, such a quick metabolism lol.

12-16-04, 04:53 PM
Hey man! Good stuff! Glad to hear you're really enjoying the lil booger! Well I guess not lil anymore. You'll see phenomenal growth on him since he's on rats. Thanks for the update man! :)

12-16-04, 10:15 PM
Thanks Vanan! You to Vanderkm(if I havent said thank you already)

Ya, I let it "run around" in a very large tank. I was like "Hmmm, nope you'll get lost in there" LOL. So I'm thinking by the spring or a little less I've move it to a nice sterlite enclosure.

I'm still waiting for the day when I get musked, hehe.
Thanks again guys.