View Full Version : Crocodile attack video.

12-15-04, 12:28 AM
This is R-rated. I am serious, its not for the weak at heart.


12-15-04, 12:32 AM
that is one way to loose a hand....

12-15-04, 01:00 AM
ok theres gotta be something wrong with me coz i laughed at that

i dont know the laughing has to do with my thought that stupid people get what they deserve and boy he was stupid lol

enjoy all


12-15-04, 01:12 AM
I have to admit, I laughed as well. It is serious, but he's also one big ****** and was lucky it wasn't his head. A couple times before that bite I thought it was going to be the head. Anyways, he deserved that and I honestly don't feel bad for the guy at all.


12-15-04, 01:16 AM
That was awesome.
Terrific, really.

12-15-04, 01:23 AM
How many times does this single video need to be posted? There were three threads with a link to that EXACT video. Pay attention.

12-15-04, 01:24 AM
that was nasty. That croc did to full rolls with his arm before he even moved

12-15-04, 01:43 AM
sorry mykee some of us dont live on this site and we do miss some posts


12-15-04, 02:44 AM
Sucks to be him.

12-15-04, 06:02 AM
well, thats a stupid thing to do

12-15-04, 06:42 AM
darwin was right.

12-15-04, 07:15 AM
Darwin was right! It's just like ridding a bull. You get what you deserve.

12-15-04, 09:43 AM
Wow Mykee,

That was a little hostile...

Anyhow.. this video.. classic...
Croc: 1 Dumbass: 0


12-15-04, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by BoAddict
sorry mykee some of us dont live on this site and we do miss some posts

no doubt!!

I missed the thread too.

Gawd, that dude in the video was a complete moron!! Imagine trying to explain that to his insurance company!!!!

12-15-04, 10:36 AM
Poor sod.

12-15-04, 10:42 AM
His arm was FUB R'ed, no doubt about that.

12-15-04, 10:54 AM
OUTCH, its true that the crocodile spinned a few times before the kid started swinging too... Actually, i dont really get the point of him teasing the croc like that. It's like playing with a gigantic mouse trap no wonder he got hurt.


12-15-04, 11:27 AM
my guess on the spinning would be that it was shredding the flesh then it hit bone and caught and grabbed and thats when he started rolling

that is how i see it

i love the giant mouse trap analogy too


12-15-04, 12:08 PM
I'm sure he didn't really want his arm anyway.

12-15-04, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Vengeance
I'm sure he didn't really want his arm anyway.

lmao ---especially the way he shook his arm/hand like a dead chicken before placing it in the crocs mouth.

12-15-04, 12:17 PM
As a "Reptile Guy" who owns Alligators and big Snakes I hate that video but I watch it to the end every time. It reminds me of the fact that "Reptiles-- They are what they is"...I bet that poor guy was an experienced and knowledgeable "Reptile guy ",who had a "moment of complacency". He had to have lost his arm for sure counting the number of rolls the crocodile did...bummer.
PS....Chuck post this anytime it reminds people that the reptiles they own are, "Wild Animals" and shouldn't be taken for anything else.....

12-15-04, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by chas*e
"I bet that poor guy was an experienced and knowledgeable "Reptile guy ",who had a "moment of complacency".

If he was an "experienced and knowledgeable reptile guy," then what the bleep was he doing teasing the crocodile and then placing his arm in it's mouth? !!!

12-15-04, 12:30 PM
guess he cant count to ten anymore.

12-15-04, 02:05 PM
guess he cant count to ten anymore.

Ohhh..that made my day lmao

No matter what, you cant argue that he made a stupid move, but its sad that, that is the only way he can make a living.

12-15-04, 03:43 PM
Does anyone have a quicktime video of that?

12-15-04, 03:51 PM
Not like us..who can screw around on the computer all day, Joey-boy ...he had to make money the only way he could...it might have been stupid in our eyes to tease the croc but as I said before it was something he has done most likely everyday for years....to entertain the jerks in the crowd. ..not any more ..unless the sign now reads.."Watch Sangie the One-armed Croc Tamer"

12-15-04, 05:35 PM
Eeep. That was pretty gross. But I agree with everyone who said he got what he deserved! You don't tease an animal like that...not a good idea.

12-15-04, 05:42 PM
The dude was COMPLETELY disrespecting the croc.----c'mom, job or no job, the guy got what he deserved. What did he expect?

Asian Jon
12-15-04, 05:51 PM
I know the guy that got bit j/k...That is a gruesome vid. but I've seen worse, like seeing vid. clips of glitter with mariah carey.


12-15-04, 06:12 PM
what did the guy expect lets just piss the croc right off then just rest our hand on its pallet. you guys are right the guy is lucky that is all that happened maybe that'll make some of these dumb exhibitionists think twice before messing with an animal like that again

12-15-04, 06:22 PM
Well, then I guess we all get what we deserve......hahaha

12-15-04, 07:17 PM
i think he was trying to make a demonstration that the crocodile would be so focused on the stick he threw aside to not notice his arm.. just an unlucky day

12-15-04, 08:45 PM
The SCARiest part of that whole deal was the amount of racism from our fellow neighbours down south. Not suprising, just disturbing. Gotta love the yanks (not).

12-15-04, 09:48 PM
I can’t speak Chinese of whatever language he was yackin in, but I am pretty sure he was explaining the trigger mechanism. When he was hitting the bottom jaw with the stick he was explaining that if you do not touch the inside, it will not snap. Then demonstrated that same thing by slapping it on top of the mouth. Then he explained he can run his hand inside the mouth as long as nothing touches the trigger, but unfortunately he either brushed the tongue or some water or sweat dripped and sprung the trigger. The corc has a very different biting mechanism then our alligators. An alligator tends to kill smaller prey and swallow it whole. Its teeth and reflex is geared to that. Crocs kill larger prey and rip it into smaller pieces to eat, therefor, they have teeth designed to rip and the “death roll” reflex. If that was a gator, he may have kept his arm, as it was..I am sure lost it.

I looked to see if anyone had posted this before I did. I got it couple weeks ago, but just now got time to upload it. If someone else posted it, it never got any attention. Sorry for being redundant.

12-15-04, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
The SCARiest part of that whole deal was the amount of racism from our fellow neighbours down south. Not suprising, just disturbing. Gotta love the yanks (not).

Did I miss something? Where have you read anything that has to do with racism on this thread? As far as I know, no one has made ANY comment on the the nationality of the man in the video.

He could've been my next door neighbor and I would have thought the exactly the same of his stupidity.

12-16-04, 01:03 AM
Did I miss something? Where have you read anything that has to do with racism on this thread? As far as I know, no one has made ANY comment on the the nationality of the man in the video.

Get a clue. I wasn't talking about anyone HERE. Look at the comments on the LINK for the video and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Thanks for coming out.

12-16-04, 01:06 AM
Original link that has been changed since I posted:


12-16-04, 11:47 AM
Geez Jeff, cool off man. I had no idea of another link. You sounded very hostile and I read your entry thinking you were refering to comments on this thread. My mistake.

I HATE racism and ANYthing to do with bigotry. I got upset when I read your post. Just don't believe that everyone "down south" are yankee racists. That would be ignorance on your part.

Another example of --you never know exactly where people are coming from when you read their words on these forums--. Everyone deciphers things very differently.

12-16-04, 01:36 PM
I got upset when I read your post. Just don't believe that everyone "down south" are yankee racists. That would be ignorance on your part.

I have immediate family that lives in the US, so no, I don't think that everyone down there are yankee racists.

12-16-04, 01:39 PM
Oh my god that was wicked !!!!!!!!!!!!

12-16-04, 05:24 PM
Sorry about that ...lol...just trying to reach 1000 posts

Edited: you can reach 1000 without comments like that! - Matt

re...Comments like what? Matt.

12-16-04, 06:45 PM
I'm glad you guys here aren't like those people at the other link! Reading those racism comments pissed me off...

12-16-04, 07:25 PM
Me too John. Pretty sad in general, but even more sad that its the 21st Century. Yikes.

12-16-04, 07:36 PM
Yeah that is unfortuante. The other day someone driving by my house yelled totally racist comments to an old lady walking down the street.

I hope their car wasn't racist towards the color blue because that's the color gatorade that end up all over it. It fell out of my hand. :D

But jokes aside, it really upset me. I am not one to confront people normally but I was so angry at their attitude I just had to.


12-16-04, 10:07 PM
One thing i've learned in my time on the planet Earth...

Stupidity trancends all racial, religious, sexual and pretty much any other line you can think of :)

I'm sorry, only job he could get or not that's a just plain stupid thing to do. I'm all for taking calculated risks to have some fun but damn, I'd need a whole lot more than a few bucks to give that a try.

12-20-04, 06:33 AM
Asides from what Chuck has already said. Crocodiles attack from the side, where they can see. The man putting in his hand was showing you crocodiles cannot see in that general location. Actually, he probably wasn't showing you that, but that is the true reason to why he did it. Much like people putting their heads into alligator mouths. Good thing that wasn't his trick...

12-20-04, 05:11 PM
People do stupid things, hope the crocks ok.....

12-21-04, 09:47 PM
It was definitely dumb, but none of us really know what led up to it.

Chuck and Zane have made a couple of intelligent observations on what he might have been showing the audience.

We also don't know if he was the regular trainer, experienced, or new. For all we know it was his first week at the job, and he was just repeating what he had seen others do successfully.

The bite trigger is a good theory as to why it snapped. I saw an example of it in action on one of the Croc Week specials. Just like a mousetrap, supersized.