View Full Version : War of the Worlds - the movie

12-14-04, 04:08 PM
I know allot of movie talk.. but I cant help myself when I see movies like this comming out :D

Anyone else looking forward to this one?

I know I am :D

Trailer Here (http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/waroftheworlds/)

12-14-04, 05:27 PM
I've been saying "they're here already" for years...

I will definately go see that.

I listened to the original radio broadcast (from late 20's early 30's ??) in grade 6 and that was pretty good. People actually believed that it was happening.


Double J
12-14-04, 11:17 PM
Looks great......

I would have assumed it would be a lousy film, but direction from Spielburg, and with actors like Cruise and Robbins, it is definitely worth a view.