12-13-04, 06:11 PM
Hey I was checking out Guinness World Book records to clear up some confusing and I found some neat records so i thought I would share. I made another Posting in the Giant Python Forum if you want to check it out about the Oldest, Heaviest and Longest snakes. So heres some more:
LONGEST FANGS: The longest fangs of any snake are those of the highly venomous Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) of tropical Africa. In a specimen 1.83 m (6 ft) long, the fangs measured 50 mm (2 in). Not only does the Gaboon viper have the longest fangs of any snake, it also produces the most venom. Thanks to its 50-mm (2-in) long fans, this creature also injects its poison deeper than any other snake!The unlucky recipient of a single bite was reported in Switzerland. Bitten in the chest, the victim died one and a half hours later from the massive doses of venom injected into his system.
LONGEST VENOMOUS SNAKE: The King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) originates from southeast Asia and India. It grows to an average length of 3.65-4.5 m (12-15 ft) – that's as long as a family saloon car. Eek! The King cobra has 1-cm (0.5-in) long fangs but digests victims, usually other snakes, by swallowing them whole. A specimen measuring 5.54 m (18 ft 2 in) long was captured alive near Fort Dickson in the state of Negri Sembilan, now Malaysia, in April 1937. It later grew to 5.71 m (18 ft 9 in) in London Zoo, UK. It was destroyed at the outbreak of war in 1939, to avoid the risk of escape.
MOST HUMAN DEATHS: The saw-scaled or carpet viper (Echis carinatus), which ranges from West Africa to India, bites and kills more people in the world than any other species. They have an extremely toxic hemmoragic poison and are very aggressive when provoked. A hemmoragic poison causes uncontrolled outflow of blood leading to massive bleeding.
LONGEST FANGS: The longest fangs of any snake are those of the highly venomous Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) of tropical Africa. In a specimen 1.83 m (6 ft) long, the fangs measured 50 mm (2 in). Not only does the Gaboon viper have the longest fangs of any snake, it also produces the most venom. Thanks to its 50-mm (2-in) long fans, this creature also injects its poison deeper than any other snake!The unlucky recipient of a single bite was reported in Switzerland. Bitten in the chest, the victim died one and a half hours later from the massive doses of venom injected into his system.
LONGEST VENOMOUS SNAKE: The King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) originates from southeast Asia and India. It grows to an average length of 3.65-4.5 m (12-15 ft) – that's as long as a family saloon car. Eek! The King cobra has 1-cm (0.5-in) long fangs but digests victims, usually other snakes, by swallowing them whole. A specimen measuring 5.54 m (18 ft 2 in) long was captured alive near Fort Dickson in the state of Negri Sembilan, now Malaysia, in April 1937. It later grew to 5.71 m (18 ft 9 in) in London Zoo, UK. It was destroyed at the outbreak of war in 1939, to avoid the risk of escape.
MOST HUMAN DEATHS: The saw-scaled or carpet viper (Echis carinatus), which ranges from West Africa to India, bites and kills more people in the world than any other species. They have an extremely toxic hemmoragic poison and are very aggressive when provoked. A hemmoragic poison causes uncontrolled outflow of blood leading to massive bleeding.