View Full Version : What is this mammal? <<FEEDER>>

12-13-04, 01:12 AM
Anyone see this pic online before? A forum I'm on is trying to figure out what it is...


Guesses are Dog, Rabbit, Fawn, Fox, Goat, and Calve...

I honestly have no idea, but would like to clear it up for them if anyone here has any idea...

12-13-04, 01:22 AM
im leaning towards goat or fawn cause those look like hoves,not paws so dog,rabbit n fox are out.Too bushy a tail for a calf i think to.Probably a goat.

Brent Strande
12-13-04, 01:24 AM
I thought hooves too, but wasn't 100% sure

and that tail looks just plain strange!

BTW, I have NO IDEA where the pic originally came from...

Scales Zoo
12-13-04, 01:52 AM
I'm not sure if those are hooves or paws. At first, I though paws, it's also got a fluffy tail, and my first thing I said was "is that a dog?"

Some baby animals have fluffy tails I think, and the body shape doesn't really look like a dog to. And those very well could be hooves, maybe it is some kind of wild pig, asian deer or something I'm not used to seeing. Kinda looks like a calf, but it has a fluffy tail. Calfs, around here, also are usually 70 lbs and up born.

Something about the snake and the bricks it's on, makes me think it's not a very big snake. That is still a very large prey item for that snake, and it may weigh up to 30 lbs. Could be the angle too.

I hope someone knows, cause I am really curious now.

Did you get emailed the picture? Any information with it at all?


12-13-04, 02:13 AM
Looks like a dog to me.

12-13-04, 02:22 AM

All guesses look good, mine from judging all the possibilities......hmmmm I say its a fawn.

Poor BAMBI bit the bullet.



12-13-04, 02:27 AM
Look at the feet, it's not hooves, so it can't be a fawn/goat/or calf. If you look at the front legs, imagine how the animal would sit on them, like a dog, straight, it looks more like they would be bent like a rabbit. Plus rabbits tails can be quite long.

So I go for rabbit!

Double J
12-13-04, 02:30 AM
To me, it looks like dog feet and dog tail.

Brent Strande
12-13-04, 02:49 AM
I am leaning towards rabbit now, but it's very confusing...

Ryan, no info on the pic... I was posting about my local herpers forum, and a buddy posted a pic that he'd found and saved off the net sometime ago...

We started trying to figure out what it was, and there's still a debate on it...

12-13-04, 07:20 AM
My first thought was dog , becasuse of the tail, then I took the pic into an imaging program and zoomed in on the feet, there are no paws/claws , they are hooves, so with that tail and the hooves plus what you can see of the outline of the jaw just outside the snakes mouth, I would say it is some kind of deer. The color looks off to be a North American species; it’s probably an Asian species of deer.


12-13-04, 07:42 AM
hooves are flat on the bottom and those are definetly curved like the soft pad on my dogs foot so i am sayin dog

12-13-04, 07:47 AM
that's totally a rabbit, not a "bunny" but a hare, they look just like that. Those look like paws to me!

12-13-04, 07:59 AM
well i say my guess is liek a ground squirell or praire dog

just a guess still but im not bound by the bounderies given lol


12-13-04, 08:22 AM
Maybe this?


Source (http://www.ultimateungulate.com/Images/Tragulus_javanicus/T_javanicus1.html)

12-13-04, 08:31 AM

12-13-04, 08:32 AM
Here is a side profile. The size, shape and location of the animal seem to match up. Like Ryan said, from the background, the snake is not very big, but the prey item has the body shape of a deer, especially the tail. Mousedeer are found in SE Asia, the same place as burms.


Lesser Mousedeer (http://www.ecologyasia.com/Vertebrates/lesser_mousedeer.htm)

12-13-04, 08:32 AM
It's a dog plain in sight. Or to say the least those are not hooves. Living on my uncles farm for a year, i can say those are not goat hooves or any other hooves. You can see each individual toe, hooves are hooves, no toes. Looks like a cruel yet awesome picture of a burm eating a dog ( or non hoofed creature).

12-13-04, 09:01 AM
If it was a rabbit, I think the ears would still be sticking out since the head is not that far down the snakes throat.

12-13-04, 09:52 AM
Those r diffently hooves on that animal not paws.( you can tell because the hoove goes from the front where a dogs nails would be all the way to the back of the hoove in one solid peice. I don't see any nails or a couple of pads on the foot.) I have been around goats for quit a while before and I would have to go with a young goat.


12-13-04, 11:01 AM
i seriously dont think those are hooves......if you zoom in and look closely you see the toes........


12-13-04, 11:42 AM
That's a rabbit. The ears are hidden behind the snakes body. I'd bet my lunch money.


Brent Strande
12-13-04, 12:01 PM
I am now resting firmly on a rabbit as well, look at the back legs... the 'lower' portion of 'em.

12-13-04, 12:03 PM
It's not a dog. Those back legs and hip area are not a dogs. That's easy to see.

I am going with some form of rabbit.


12-13-04, 12:42 PM
I saw this on another forums several months ago. According to all the vet techs, as well as some guy who went through all the trouble of recreating the scenario, it's a rabbit.

12-13-04, 01:16 PM
Just because the animal is from the same place as the burm, did you not notice that it was an ALBINO?? haha, not likely a picture taken in nature. LOL!

But damn, it DOES look that animal in the picture. Especially the tail and back legs.

12-13-04, 01:37 PM
I'm gonna agree with everyone that has said some type of rabbit. That was the first thing that popped in to my mind when I saw that pic, and after staring at it for a while, still is.

12-13-04, 01:39 PM
look at the back feet, dead give away that it is not a dog. Some sort of jack rabbit or hare would be my geuss/

12-13-04, 02:50 PM
there's so much confusion because this picture was taken in North America, and the animal is very rare.

The answer, to clear up confusion, is that it is this:


A western jackalope

Chris ;)

12-13-04, 03:05 PM
Look closely at the rabbits neck you can actualy see the tip of an ear.


12-13-04, 03:08 PM
OMG!!!! ReptileHQ that's brilliantly hilarious!!! LMAO!!

Seriously though....that's got to be it.....LOL!

Jungle Jen
12-13-04, 03:18 PM
I took the picture and zoomed in at various areas. I'm with the majority and say rabbit/hare. To be even more specific I think it is a rex rabbit looking at the fur, very distinguishable (Yes I am also a vet tech)

Asian Jon
12-13-04, 04:09 PM
Its gotta be a rabbit.

12-13-04, 04:19 PM
Im gunna say dog...some sorta mut...i dont think those are hooves at all...but just like the rest of you just a guess

12-13-04, 05:35 PM
I’ll say it is an ungulate. I’m not sure what type exactly but I will guess one of the smaller Asian antelope. The front-right ‘foot’ appears to have a smaller hoof. This is not evident on the front-left but I believe it is still hoofed. The neck is far thicker and longer than that of any rabbit I have seen, but seems to match that of an antelope. Also the midsection is quite ‘lopey IMO. The length and shape of the front limbs do not even remotely resemble that of any rabbit or dog I have seen. The hair does not look goat-like to me as it is too short straight and oily looking.

12-13-04, 06:35 PM
it a rabbit for sure just look at the general shap of it.

Double J
12-14-04, 11:21 PM
The front feet/legs, and the tail are completely wrong for a rabbit. Nto to mention, where are the ears????

That malaysian bush pig photo... or whatever it was called... seems a little more likely. The shape of the legs seems much closer... not to mention the fur patterns, and the general body shape.

I would bet the farm that it is not a rabbit.

Scales Zoo
12-15-04, 01:50 AM
I showed the picture to Sheila, and enlarged it, and she thinks the feet part look like a fetal hooved mammal.

It could be a prematurely born mammal of some kind, which is why it looks weird. I would not have expected the fur to be all clean and dry if that was the case though - but who knows.

My money says it's not a rabbit.


12-15-04, 02:34 AM
A rabbit no question about it. The tail looks like my mini rex and the ears in the picture would be in the snakes mouth and covered by the coil by the snakes head. if it is a smaller rabbit they do have fairly short ears that wouldn't be visable in the picture due to the snakes mouth and coil by the rabbits head. Even the colouring on the side, belly and tail match a rex

12-15-04, 02:42 AM
Those are definately hooves. The bottom of both feet are white, how often do you see a dog with pure with paws and pads? I've never, and it's definately not a bunny. It's legs are the same length on all four, bunnies or rabbits have shorter arms then legs, did you people get chocolate bunnies for easter? I would guess it's a goat or a ?deer?.


12-22-04, 01:03 AM
Late but thought I'd add my 2 cents worth,,,, To big to be a bunny look at the paving stones under them as well as the throw rug corner you can see. The animal is to big and built all wrong to be a rabbit. Enlarged it looks like it has hoves and the way the feet are shaped , not a rabbit or dog. The hair color and coat are from an animal non native to North America. There are lots of places that sell exotic animals deer etc.. If you look you can see an old scab and a fresher looking scrape on the front legs also the animal looks pretty stiff looks like it was dead before the snake got it I don'y think it's a neonate you'd still see the mess on it's belly. Could maybe be a goat a pigme (sp) or my guess would be some kind of small deer not a fawn. But untill whoever took the pic fesses up we're just guessing

12-22-04, 07:18 AM
There are no hooves at all.

Brent Strande
12-22-04, 10:06 AM
I have been looking at this some more, and you can DEFINITELY see the rabbits ear... plus the more that I look, those back feet sure do resemble a rabbit.


12-22-04, 11:09 PM
I don't know those feet look hoofed when you blow the pic up. Just doesn't look like a bunny to me. What does really get me is if you look at the front legs you see a hooked shaped something on the right front down near the foot. Could be nothing or maybe a dew claw. My best guess is a Iovian giant two toed rat lol who the h@#$ knows what it is...... Hey Brent where abouts in ND are you

Brent Strande
12-22-04, 11:18 PM
Brent Strande

12-22-04 09:06 AM

Registered: Sep-2004 - Location: Fargo, ND - Posts: 328

12-23-04, 10:26 AM
Wow I can't believe all you rabbit feeding snake fans and you can't tell that it's just that a RABBIT!! Holy!!


01-20-05, 01:12 PM
If you look at the animals closed eye, just visible at the point were the snakes upper and lower jaws meet you can tell it's a forward looking animal.( Stereoscopic ) That would leave out everything but a canine. I think I see claws on the front foot. The somewhat fluffy tail looks like a foxes. The body looks a little funny but so would I if I had just been constricted by an animal larger than myself! My guess is a redder than normal fox.

01-22-05, 03:00 PM
looks like a dog with the tail and the paws

01-24-05, 10:00 PM
It is a rex rabbit. In addition to the features already pointed out, the spine is sloped in a natural way once you take the constricting gap into account, and the tail cuts out just at the right time to be deceptive.
Besides that, who wastes dogs in such manner???

01-24-05, 10:32 PM
never mind

01-28-05, 01:59 PM
Those back legs are definetely not from a rabbit. Rabbits' rear legs are larger. Also, the fair is strange. Not a dog for sure.
As for the tail, looks like is from a rabbit. What if it's edited??http://reptilesalonica.ipbhost.com/html/emoticons/huh.gif

02-02-05, 01:31 AM
yah i was thinking someone took a pick of a dog(feeder) and cloned a set of hooves and a rabbit tail on it

02-05-05, 08:54 PM
Compare the size of the snake and feeder to the size of the door mat right next to it and the cement walkway blocks it's on top of. I can't tell you what it is, but my vote is strongly that it ISN'T a rabbit. I've never seen 3+ foot rabbits.

Double J
02-05-05, 09:57 PM
For crying out loud.. take a good look. It is not a rabbit. If that s a rabbit, then I am a gibbon.

Mark Jones
02-08-05, 04:57 PM
'Tis a small Peckery.

Senator Gracken
02-08-05, 07:53 PM
perhaps one of those large rodents from austrailia, i dont remember what they are called but they are large and that shape. they look kinda like an odd shaped guinea pig. just my guess

02-08-05, 08:11 PM
That is DEFINITELY a rabbit, I've seen enough of them and even groomed enough of them to know.


edit;= I mean the shape of the legs, paws with claws, and tail are perfect indications, the fur alone should shout REX rabbit and they don't have big ears anyways!!

02-15-05, 08:41 PM
senator gracken..that was my first choice..i think you were thinking of a capybabr...thats what i thought it was when i saw it and i still think thats what it is....same features!..thats what is is..capybara!

02-15-05, 09:18 PM
With those long front legs and that reddish short pelt it has to be a Belgian Hare:


02-27-05, 11:54 AM
I think its a cabybara, or something like that - there are piles of gigantic, guinea pig like rodents - they ususally have long legs and that agouti type colouring, and the barrel shaped body...just my two cents...

03-03-05, 01:13 AM
i saw this picture and a few others of the feeding, including the owner, and it is a nutria(sp). the owner lives in Miami. it was a couple years ago i saw them on another forum. for thiose that are wondering, a nutria is a large rodent that lives around water that was introduced into the united states to boost the fur trade as beavers were becoming rare at the time. they mostly live in the southern part of the US and are native to south america.

03-03-05, 01:29 AM

nutria - I dunno.......

03-03-05, 01:31 AM

Just double checked - no offense but these things have webbed feet - that totally doesnt

03-03-05, 01:50 AM
Its definatly a little goat. No doubt about it in my mind. Damn.. im getting hungry for goat curry with rice now! I think Ill cook that tomorrow ;)

03-03-05, 01:54 AM
thats a rabbit........they can have different colored hair on the bottoms of their feet to either protects from hot sands or snow

03-03-05, 10:14 AM
a 3ft rabbit? Ever heard of a flemish giant? Those things can get up to 40lbs! (sometimes bigger)!

I still stand with some kind of rabbit :)

plus rabbits have dif color feet because that is the way they are bred.

03-03-05, 08:42 PM
looks like a dog....i say we find out who took the pic and if its a dog thats gross....looks way too big to b a rabbit

Tim and Julie B
03-03-05, 09:40 PM
Looks to big to be a rabbit??????? You should go to Beth Wallbanks house (member of this forum). Her rabbits at 3-4 months were almost as big as my Am. Staff. (female). Those things were huge!

03-04-05, 12:34 AM
like I said, look up info on flemish giants, they are HUGE, about the size of a med. sized dog!!

03-05-05, 10:48 PM
I agree %100 with havenbounce. It is most deffinitly a Belgion Hare, a rabbit. I showed rabbits, including the Belgiom Hare for several years and everything adds up to a tee.

03-09-05, 08:11 PM
Whewww. that took some time.
Well in my oppinion, any type of hare, or rabbit is out.
at the mid section of the body, appears to be something penile in my opinion. Rabbits and hair got lil bitty things pretty much hidden between there legs, and much farther back.
By body shape, id say goat for sure. even the tail. But this animal is NOT cloven hoofed. It obviously has paws. you can see the toes without even zooming in.
gotta go with dog by my reasoning.

ReptileHQ........There are people here in texas that actually think those thing exist.

03-09-05, 08:36 PM
OK, I just looked at it zoomed...The front legs don't look right for a dog...the knee (actually the wrist, but who cares!) joint is not the right shape, and the feet are wrong too...Also, no breed of dog I know of had that type of flat, fluffy on one side tail...I have to go with a big a** rabbit or hare of some kind...but where are the ears? Flemish giants have huge ears! I don't know about hares for sure, but shouldn't you see ears from that angle?

I also looked up capybaras and they have long finger like toes, so my first idea is out...

Definetly not a dog in my opinion though....but I guess we may never know for sure!!

03-09-05, 09:21 PM
maybe its el chupacabra?

03-09-05, 09:33 PM
i think its a fawn. What i see on the animals front left foot doesn't necessarily mean toes. I think it could just be different colouring at the bottom. It's front left foot looks like a hoof to me.

I'm going with a fawn. It's definately not a dog.


03-09-05, 10:13 PM
If it had hooves you would see a very distinct line where the leg stops and the hoof starts, even in a young animal...and I just don't see it! Could be wrong though...it has happened before! ;)

Gregg M
03-09-05, 10:39 PM

03-10-05, 06:15 AM
Agree with kpugh, hooves are pretty noticeable. still gotta go with "paw"
but ive been wrong before. I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong. LOL
just kidding.

03-12-05, 04:35 PM
Ok, if this is a rabbit then its a dog sized rabbit at that. see the leaves in the background, now can you see the real size?

Im not sure what it is, but i know its not your everyday rabbit. that would be a GIANT rabbit. the bricks are concrete, that prey item is about the size of a medium sized dog. Looks like it might be a juvenile europeon wild boar, and it vaguely resembles a capybara.

03-12-05, 08:40 PM
You'de be surprised on the size some rabbits can get. A Flemish Giant Rabbit (female) can weigh more than 14lbs (good snacking size that would make) and the Giant Chinchilla rabbit can hit a max of 16lbs.
But I still think this looks like a Belgian hare
The "feet" are the right shape the colour is exact and the undertail is also the right colour.
What kind of leaves are in the background I can't tell because they look dried up.

03-12-05, 09:36 PM

03-13-05, 06:40 AM
hey ginnette, you may have something there.
The color is exactly the same, even under the tail.
the leaves at the bottom of the pic are Italian Cypress clippings, or Juniper clippings if you ask me. Ive had to rake up enough of them in my life.
Cant tell about the other leaves, but the clippings when compared to the Burm, make it a not very big snake, but still a huge meal. You may be right.
Whats the prize if we guess it right? thats what I want to know. LOL