View Full Version : Shedding

12-12-04, 10:51 PM
I just have a couple of newbie questions, and any info or suggestions would be appreciated.
My BCI is going thru his first shed with me, right now his eyes or opauge and I know not to touch or feed him. But I notcied hes not as active and tends to stay in his hide alot more.
How often should I mist him ?
And how long should I wait to feed him after his shed?


12-13-04, 01:46 AM
If your cage is set up properly, you should never have to mist him. If not, then anywhere from once a week to 2x per day. Its really hard to say without actually working with your animal in your setup. There's no general guideline to say "how many mistings for a good boa shed?". Just doesn't work that way.

They'll eat 5 minutes after they shed. Heck, 99% of them will eat before the skin is half-way off.

12-13-04, 01:32 PM
Thanks Jeff, The humidity is usually around 55-65%. I think thats ok. I have a heat gradient A big enough water bowl for him to soak.

12-13-04, 02:07 PM
You shouldn't need to mist with humidity levels around 55%-65%. to get a good shed out of your boa.

12-13-04, 04:23 PM
Thanks thats all I was wondering, I had read that you should mist when your snake is in shed, but I had also read that if your humidity is correct you shouldnt have to mist. I was just basically looking for clarification.


12-13-04, 05:08 PM
Hey my bf and i usually give our snakes a bath..let them soak in a holding cage..it just helps them along.
And about feeding and handling your snake while its in shed, it all depends on your snake. All of ours will eat while in shed.. sometimes its just a smaller meal..but dont deny your snake a meal if its hungry. Just judge each snake individually..some may not want to be touched in blue...but..some act perfectly normal. OK!:)