View Full Version : uros

king nick
12-12-04, 02:12 PM
well i just got home from the pet store with a new uro. im quite new to kepping uros. it only my second one
at the moment im planning to keep the 2 of thm together, but im concerned about the size difference,the new one is about twice the size as the younger one.will there be any problems wit houseing them together at the moment?they moth arnt sexually mature yet so if they are both male that shouldent matter yet,right?

thanks every one

Tim and Julie B
12-12-04, 02:42 PM
I would hold off on putting them together, for one, most Uro's that end up in petstores are usually WC. Even if it isn't, you should keep them seperate and quarantine the new one to make sure it is healthy. You don't want it making the other one sick. Also make sure they are close to the same size when you introduce them. They are pretty mellow lizards that live in groups in the wild so it should be ok. What type of Uro's are they?

king nick
12-12-04, 03:17 PM
the uro i bought had been at the pet store for over 2 months so im pritty shure hes in good health.the mew one i bought today is a mali he is the larger one and the other is a CB nigerian (thanks rhonda). i understand i probebly shouldend be houseing them because they are different species but there still young so im planning to seperate them when the get older.

12-12-04, 06:14 PM
I personally would stay FAR away from keeping them together as I found when I had my two together they were extremely stressed all the time. It’s also easier to keep track of there health when they are separated. As well, the new one you bought could have parasites that in two months time could not be visible by just looking at it. It is always recommended to quarantine all new acquisitions, especially if you're going to house it with another one.

Just my 0.02