View Full Version : 'Tis the season to be ..... breeding???

12-12-04, 06:11 AM
Last week Tuesday I found the first clutch of the new season. Normally that would happen around Christmas or New Years, Dec 7 is a bit early. I candled them this morning and they're pink :D Three other girls are gravid too, looks like the winter rest period is over, spring can't be far off, right? LOL

12-12-04, 06:52 AM
lol, my leos are about to go into a two week cooling period (still have the UTH but no above heat lamp) as the females laid their last clutch a month ago and seem to be all done.

Happy early chrismtas present for you!!

Tim and Julie B
12-12-04, 01:55 PM
Do your girls ever quit?:D Man, mine are like "that's it, no more!" after about August. Although they do lay every 3 weeks from March to August. I suppose 8 clutches isn't too bad. This year though, they best not be lazy about it! I want eggs darnit!


12-12-04, 02:02 PM
I tend to find the last eggs in June, though some girls might finish in May. On 'average', they start in January, or the early birds in December, and lay every 2-3 weeks or so. They get about 6 months rest, which isn't bad.
The exceptions this year were my DH Patternless/Albino females - they each produced 12 clutches! But even those girls are now all plumped up again, though they never really looked thin even after the last clutch.
Guess I'd better stock up on pinkies again for their 'after clutch' treats.

12-12-04, 02:23 PM
I just had two more eggs laid by the same female that laid eggs about 3 weeks ago. This is her first breeding season, and she's looking like she's going to be quite the prolific breeder.

12-19-04, 12:55 PM
Oh yes, it's breeding season here ... officially now. Friday I found 2 Patternless Albino clutches, and Saturday 1 SHBCT x SHCT.

-Incubator on,.... check
-deli-cups stacked and ready,.... check
-ceramic soil (incubation medium) washed,.... check

... I'm all set.

The first AFT seems to be chubby enough to lay soon too....

Tim and Julie B
12-19-04, 02:10 PM
Well, sounds like a very merry Christmas!:)
