View Full Version : Your collection!!!!!!
12-11-04, 09:02 PM
Post your WHOLe entire herp collection!!! I bet I have the biggest!!!! a bearded dragon and a ball python....:p
well basically every thing listed bellow plus a few more....
2 colombian red tail boas (3 and 6 feet), 2 ball pythons (2 and 4.5 feet) western hognose (1 foot), 2 baby black rat snakes (for sale)
chinese water dragon (about 4 years old and about 2 feet), albino leopard gecko (half a year old and about 4 inches)
2 baby snapping turtles, red belly turtle (about 3 years old and 6 inches), 2 young red eared slider brothers (for sale)
tiger salamander (about 5 years old and about 6 inches), albino pacman frog (1 year old and for sale)
12-11-04, 09:29 PM
I have:
2.4 Spotted Pythons
2.2 Ball Pythons - 50% het pieds
1.1 Macklot's Pythons
4.15 Corn Snakes - Snows, Motleys and Normals
1.1 Yellow Rat Snakes
1.1 Tamaulipan Rat Snakes (Psudelaphe flavirufa)
0.1 Speckled King Snake
1.0 Texas Longnose Snake
1.2 Bull Snakes
12-11-04, 10:00 PM
ok ive got tons so here gose
1.1 cane toad (the girl is 7lbs.)
1.1 horned frogs
0.0.2000 suriname roaches
0.0.30 hisserz
0.0.15 disciod roaches
1.1 giant cave roaches
2.3 true deaths head roaches
0.0.4 lobster roches
1.2 eublaburus roaches
1.0 pixie frog (giant of course)
0.1 cuban tree frog
0.0.3 whites tree frog
2.2 african giant black millipedes
1.2 african pygmy hedgehogs
1.0 leopard gecko
0.0.1 savannah monitor (its only half mine half me bros)
1.0 veild cham (im taking care of it for my mom)
0.1 brown lab
1.1 irish setter
and im buyin cams 1.2 kenyans (those will be fun lol) <("<) (>")>
and i cant stop buying AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
thanx froggy
Manitoban Herps
12-11-04, 10:08 PM
My Reptiles
1.2.0 Corn Snakes (amelanstic male, anerythristic female and snow female)
1.1.0 Ball Pythons (normals)
0.1.0 Amazon Tree Boa (Garden Phase)
1.1.0 Jungle Carpet Pythons
1.1.0 Colombian Boa Constrictors
0.1.0 Pueblan Milksnake
3.1.0 Californian Kingsnakes (high-yellow, albino and desert males and desert female)
1.0.0 Western Smooth Green Snake
1.1.0 Tokay Geckos
1.2.0 Leopard Geckos (high-yellow female and normal female and patternless male)
1.0.0 African Fat-tail Gecko (striped phase)
1.0.0 Viper Gecko
0.1.0 Crocodile Gecko (light phase)
0.1.0 Mediterranean Gecko
1.1.0 Skunk Geckos
Assorted Lizards
1.1.0 Eastern Collard Lizards
0.1.0 Inland Bearded Dragon
1.0.0 Veiled Chameleon
0.2.0 Green Anoles
1.0.0 Chinese Water Dragon
1.0.0 Giant Green Iguana
0.0.1 Indonesian Blue Tongue Skink
0.0.1 Red Footed Tortoise
0.0.1 Usumbara Baboon Tarantulas
0.0.1 Grey Tiger Salamander
EDIT*, my Dad has a male amazon tree boa to go along with our male :)
12-11-04, 11:03 PM
Nice collection Manitoban Herps. Didnt realize you kept so much :D
I have...
1.2 Ball Pythons
1.0 JCP
1.2 Corn snakes (amel, snow, anery motley)
1.0 BCI (reduced pattern you could say)
1.0 Savannah Monitor
1.0 Veiled Cham
0.2 Leopard geckos(ones not really mine)
0.0.1 Crested Gecko
0.1 Russian Tortoise
0.0.1 Emp scorp
1.1 cats
1.0 Ball Python
0.1 Guyana BCC
0.0.1 Hog Island BCI
1.0 Colombian BCI
0.0.1 Corn
1.0.1 Cali King
0.1 Brooks King
1.0 Durango Mountain King
0.1 Red Sided Garter
0.0.1 BRB
1.3 Leos
1.0 AFT
0.1.1 Cresties
1.0 Albino Horned Frog
1.0 Green and Gold Bell Frog
0.0.1 Whites Tree Frog
1.0 Veiled Cham
1.1 Dogs
0.1 Emp Scorp
Lots of Bugs
Lots of Snails
Rescued Hamster :)
12-11-04, 11:08 PM
Wow, some nice collections. Here's my little one :)
4.7.5 Leopard geckos- Various morphs
1.2.2 Crested Geckos
1.1 Helmeted Geckos
12-11-04, 11:55 PM
Just look below
Manitoban Herps
12-12-04, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Bartman
Nice collection Manitoban Herps. Didnt realize you kept so much :D
I had a couple not make it the past few weeks..nots sure why though......0.1 western painted turtle, she was old though, 0.1 northern brown basilisk, also old, 0.0.4 usumbara babbon tarantula slings, I think someone sprayed something near them and killed them, b/c they were all found dead that day.
12-12-04, 12:11 AM
Yikes, it's turning into a break and enter wishlist here.
It's cool to see what people have, but it might be wise to be a little less detailed about collections.
Skink Keeper
12-12-04, 12:21 AM
1.2.3 Monkey-tail skinks
2.3.2 Blue tongue skinks
2.3 Leopard geckos
1.2.4 Bearded dragons
0.0.1 Collard Lizard
0.0.2 Crested geckos
0.0.1 Tiger Salamander
0.0.1 Mali Uromastyx
0.0.1 Nigerian Uromastyx
0.0.1 Meller's Chameleon
0.0.1 Tokay Gecko
1.0 Ball Python
0.1 BCI
0.0.1 Red Footed Tortoise
1.0 Three Toed Box Turtle
0.0.3 White Lipped Tree Frogs
0.0.1 Pixie Frog
Thats all.... for now
12-12-04, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Cruciform
Yikes, it's turning into a break and enter wishlist here.
Forgot to mention:
1.1 Dogs (80 lbs and 110 lbs)
1.0 Pellet-Gun Crazed Sibling
We currently have :
2 tiawan beauty snakes,(blue and a green)
2 corn snakes
2 king snakes
1 yellow rat snake
1 milk snake
1 ball python
1 cooks tree boa
17 tarantulas
1 savanah monitor
1 red footed tort
1 pacman frog
3 moon crabs, watermelon , red claw crabs
9 iguanas
fur/feathers:3 cats,2 flemish giant rabbits with new litter, green cheek conure,3 degus,2 hamsters,3 doz pet rats and some mice.
400 gallons of fresh water fish.
Crossing fingers for a hog nose snake for xmas.
12-12-04, 01:05 AM
9 iguanas
How'd that happen... rescues??
Manitoban Herps
12-12-04, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by CamHanna [B1.0 Pellet-Gun Crazed Sibling [/B]
You wouldn't beleive how FUN those are, but they hurt...LOL
Well lets see, I have
4.7.2 leopard geckos(from normal to superhypo carrottail)
0.0.1 bibrons gecko
0.0.2 occelleted skinks
0.1.1bearded dragons
0.2 garter snakes
0.0.1 map turtle
2.0 cats
1.0 lhasaapso
0.2 guinea pigs
4.0 rats
1.2 dwarf hamsters
0.1 budgie
I want to get a childrens python once I downsize a bit :P
12-12-04, 07:15 AM
The list- as of December...
1.0 Taiwan Beauty snake
0.1 Coastal Carpet Python
1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas
1.1 Western Hognose
0.1 Mexican Black Kingsnake
1.1 Mandarin Ratsnakes
1.1 Leopard Ratsnakes
0.1 Kunasir Island Ratsnake
1.0 Thai Red Bamboo Ratsnake
1.0 Vietnamese Long-nosed Ratsnake
1.3 African Housesnakes (red, brown, and black/green phase)
1.1 cats (Bengal and Lynx point Siamese)
Lots of fresh water fish...
12-12-04, 08:24 AM
Cornsnakes & Ratsnakes & Kingsnakes:
1.0 Grey Ratsnake
1.1 Red-tails Green Ratsnakes
1.0 Red-tails Green Ratsnake (Yellow Phase)
0.1 Texas Ratsnake
1.1 Leucistic Ratsnakes
1.0 Bullsnake
1.1 Mexian Black kingsnakes
1.1 Albino California kingsnakes
2.1 Pleublin Milksnakes
3.0 Abrant Kingsnakes
1.0 Blotched Kingsnake
1.0 Hognose snakes
1.2 Regular Cornsnakes
2.1 Albino Cornsnakes
0.1 Snow Cornsnakes
0.1 Anery Cornsnakes
0.1 Het for vanishing stripe Cornsnake
0.3 African Housesnakes
1.1 Northern Pinesnakes
1.0 Patternless Pinesnke
1.1 Black Pinesnakes
1.1 Albino Burmese python
1.1 Jungle Carpets python
1.1 Macklotts python
1.0 Yellow Headed Reticulated python
1.2 Brown Water pythons
1.1 Spotted pythons
1.1 Ball pythons
1.1 Yellow Anacondas
0.1 Green Anaconda
0.1.3 Kenyan sand boas
0.2 Russian sand boas
1.1 Het albino redtail boas
1.2 Circle back boas
1.2 Columbian rainbow boas
1.0.1 Amazon Tree boas
1.0 Diamondback Watersnake
0.0.1 Black Throat monitor
2.0 Savannah monitors
0.0.1 Nile monitor
0.0.1 Dumerils monitor
0.0.1 Water monitor
1.1 Paraguyan Red Tegus
0.1 Blue tongue Skink
0.0.1 Spectacled Caiman
0.0.1 Cuviers Dwarf caiman
1.3 American Alligators
1.3 Leopard Geckos
1.1 Corcodile Geckos
0.0.1 Pixe frog
1.1 Whites tree frogs
1.0 Cane Toad
0.1 "HUGE" florida softshell
1.0 Mud turlte
1.1 Rose Hair tarantulas
1.3 Emperor scorpions
2 Giant land snails
550 Hisshing Cockroaches
All this makes our happy little Herp collection :D
Scotty & Les
12-12-04, 09:27 AM
1.2 Selayar Golden Retics
1.0 Sulawesi Retic
0.1 Makassar Retic
1.1 Tiger Retics
0.1 Jampea Dwarf Retic
1.1 Burmese Pythons
1.1 Green Anacondas
1.1 Pastel Columbian Boas
1.0 Anery Het for Albino Columbian Boa
0.1 Double Het for Snow Columbian Boa
1.0 Crocodile Monitor
12-12-04, 09:31 AM
Alot of nice big collections! Just wondering the time frame it took everyone to build up their collections?
i have
0.1 Burmese Python
1.0 Ball Python
1.3 BCI
1.2 beardies
0.0.1 spectacled caimen
1.0 Argentine BW tegu (got 2 females coming in soon)
0.1 Rotti/pittbull mix
0.1 German sherpard/siberian husky
12-12-04, 10:32 AM
Cool collections!! Well, I also have 3 dogs. 1 golden retreiver, 1 rottwieler, and a shitzu. :)
Id looove to see belly draggers Herp room!!!!!
12-12-04, 10:44 AM
The kids and I currently have:
1.1 corns (miami & red albino)
1.1 children's Python
1.0 spotted Python
1.0 coastal carpet X IJ
0.1 IJ
2.2 boas
0.0.1 savannah monitor
0.0.1 ocliated skink
0.0.1 sulcata tortoise
1.2 rosey trantulas
0.1 skleton Trantula
0.0.1 curley hair trantula
0.0.2 white knee trantulas
0.0.1 Emperor scorpion
1.0 beta
and a australian cattle dog named Dingo and Casha Blue (Chow Chow).
Laura-Lee L
This just goes to show how addictive reptiles
Manitoban Herps
12-12-04, 11:26 AM
Well since everyone else is posting the other animals the own are, I decided I will too:
1.1.0 German Short - Hair Pointers
1.0.0 Border Collie (pain in the @$$)
0.0.20+ Cats (Barn Cats, most are siamese)
0.1.0 Peach - faced Lovebird
2.0.0 Cockatieals
2.0.0 Quarter Horses
2.0.0 Paint Horses
4.3.7 Rats
1.0.0 Tiger Oscar
0.0.1 Pleco
0.0.1 Up - sided Down Catfish
12-12-04, 04:04 PM
I thought it was only Herps. owell here we go
4 Dogs
5 Dats
1 Ferret
2 hedge hogs
10 Japanese quails
5 Button quails
5 Rabbits
There i believe that covers them all...
Scotty & Les
12-12-04, 08:33 PM
Ooo these threads are always fun :)
Here goes then;
1.2 Corallus hortulanus
0.1 BRB
1.1 Gonyosoma oxycephala
0.1 juvie cornsnake (escapee from a litter that surfaced after 2 months)
17 beardie kids
2.1.3 paroedura pictus
1.4 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus
0.1 Uroplatus sikorae
1.1 Phelsuma m grandis
1.0 Savannah monitor
Thats about it right now I think. more on the way, but that doesn't count :)
Edit: Oh yeah, and 1.1 blue tongues
12-12-04, 09:33 PM
Is that your name or is that a King's Quest reference..? =)
12-12-04, 09:42 PM
You're the first one EVER to spot the KQ thing!! Thankythankythanky!!!!
Everyone just thinks its a stupid name, and have no concept of that there were once quality gaming that wasnt first person shooters...
Good to see someone still has some memories of those times!
*snif* thank you for bringing me back *sniffle*
12-12-04, 09:57 PM
AHHH! I'm so glad that it WASNT just a name!!! That makes me equally as happy!!!
The name mannannan has always put a fear deep inside me... I'm always paranoid as to whether I've fed the chickens yet, or if I've cleaned the kitchen well enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHHH! Oh I'm so glad =)
ps - I still play them.. King's Quest, Police Quest... Hugo's house of horrors...
My entire herp collection:
1 BP
1 red tail
3 cal kings (2 banded, 1 striped)
1 greybanded
1 mexican black
1 snow corn
1 red bellied slider turtle
1 red eared turtle
7 blue belly lizards
1 alligator lizard
2 pac man frogs
2 whites tree frogs
2 firebelly toads
2 firebelly newts
Not too much, but I am working on it.
12-13-04, 12:45 PM
I have -
0.1 corn snake
1.0 ball python
1.1 Leopard geckos
0.1 Wall gecko
1.1 Crested gecko (I'm hoping!)
and to think at the beggining of this year I only had 3 snakes!
My collection currently consists of
1.0 African Rock Python
0.1 Burmese Python
1.0 Charcoal Corn
0.1 Orange Candy Cane Corn
0.01 Bearded Dragon
1.2 Pictus Geckos
12-13-04, 11:52 PM
1.1 BP
0.1 Indonesian tree Boa
0.0.1 Corn snake
1.0.5 Crested geckos
0.2 Leopard geckos
0.1 Bearded dragon
1.0 Veiled Chameleon
0.1 Pac man frog
0.0.1 Emperor scorpion
2 Betta fish
12-14-04, 04:20 PM
I have:
0.1 Surinam Redtail boa (rescue)
1.1 Ball Python (male was rescued)
1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python
0.0.2 Frog eye Geckos
2.2 normal Leopard Geckos
0.0.3 Hypo tang leopard geckos (adopted) all babies
0.0.1 Het for blizzard Leopard Gecko (adopted) also baby
small rat colony
01-30-05, 09:56 PM
here it is...
2.2 Anery KSB (Runt, Tiger, Dune (gravid), Adriana
1.0 Het for anery KSB (Zak)
1.0 KSB (Rocky)
1.0 Albino het for snow KSB (Buster)
0.1 Snow KSB (Snow Bitch)
0.0.1 BRB (Chestnut)
In order from first to most recent is
Nicky my male normal cornsnake
Bob my male western hognose
Starburst my female ball python
Craxy my female cornsnake
Nolie my ex green anole
also planning on picking up a crestie at the feb expo
01-30-05, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by kaa
kaa, is there a reason you like to ressurrect old, dead threads and then contribute nothing to them?
01-30-05, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Cruciform
Yikes, it's turning into a break and enter wishlist here.
It's cool to see what people have, but it might be wise to be a little less detailed about collections.
5 big dogs including a rotti, and austrailian cattle
More shotguns in my brother collection than I'd care to count.
And of course 6 years of martial arts training, and 3 yrs of boxing :)
Gary D.
01-31-05, 08:45 PM
At the moment:
Common Boa 4
Guyanan Boa 1
Haitian Boa 1
Amazon Tree Boa 3
Green Anaconda 2
Burmese Python 4
Reticulated Python 1
Carpet Python 1
African Rock Python 4
Scrub Python Moloccun type 1
Scrub python Barneck type 2
Blood python 1
Ball Python 1
Pueblan Milk Snake 2
Western Hognose 1
Red-tailed Ratsnake 1
Water Monitor 1
Nile Monitor 1
Argentine Tegu 1
Veiled Chameleon 2
Toad Headed Agama 1
Sudan Plated Lizard 1
European legless lizard 2
Bearded Dragon 2
Green anole 7
Com. Snapping Turtle 1
Florida Soft shell Turtle 1
Snake Neck Turtle 1
Mata Mata Turtle 1
Malayan Box Turtle 2
Red Eyed Tree Frogs 1
Black Eared Mantella 2
Painted Mantella 1
Tiger Salamander 1
edit: oops missed one
Yow. You guys are killin' me. I've just convinced the other half to allow the reptile of my choice, and then she reads this thread, and says, "You're not going to turn into one of THESE folks, are you?".
I haven't even decided yet what course I'll start off with, but I've already decided that there'll be likely more to follow. Why do wives know so much?
You're NOT helping LOL!
01-31-05, 09:39 PM
all of what i have are in my sig
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