View Full Version : My Dum won't eat!! Help

12-11-04, 05:02 PM
I am worried, Gunther my Dum hasn’t ate in 2 whole months. He is around 6 ˝ foot with an average girth. I have been trying everything. Changing temps giving him privacy. I even just for the sake of trying I gave him a mouse. Still nothing… I have never had this problem with him before. Can anyone enlighten me on this mater?
Thank you in advance

12-11-04, 06:30 PM
have you put him hibernation yet? Maybe that is why he is not eating. They usually will not eat for a couple of months. watch in spring he will be eating like a champ.

12-13-04, 12:30 PM
Am I suposta put him into hibernation? I have never done that before. Have never actualy heard to put Dums into hibernation. I have had Gunther for over 6 years now and never once did it even cross my mind.

12-13-04, 12:40 PM
hi,do you know somebody with a female dum?he might be ready to breed.a friend of mine had a female and she stoped eating about this time if year(he did not try to breed her).if he is healthy a couple months wont hurt him.good luck

12-13-04, 03:55 PM
Dumerils do not hibernate. Some breeders cycle their boas to prepare them for breeding. And many do not.
At certain times during fall & winter some adult boas will stop feeding. This is normal. Its just a sign that it is breeding season. Your boa is just wanting to breed. In the spring his feeding should go back to normal.