12-11-04, 05:19 AM
a few months ago i posted about my monitors shedding problem. i thought that i would update you guys on it incase this ever happens to you.
the first time my monitor shed while ive had her it took forever and it looked as though she had rubbed sores on her back trying to get the skin off. we treated it with triple antibiotic and it got better.
then she started shedding again a few weeks ago and the same thing started happening again, only the little sores kept getting bigger and bigger until almost her entire back was covered with a layer of hard skin that ooozed and smelled, and it would not come off. we immediately made her and appointment with and exotics vet and got her taken care of.
he had to do surgery on her to get the dead skin off, and she had to be treated with antibiotics for two weeks afterwards (she's still taking them). we have to change her bandage once every two days and put burn cream on her wound.
he did a biopsy (sp?) of the tissue and sent it off for tests to made sure she didnt have salmonela (sp?). turns out that she didnt have salmonela, but she did have three other infections that could have easily killer her. he said that if we had waited two days longer, she would have died. he informed us that these infections were hereditary and very rare, but can be cured with antibiotics if caught in time.
the first time my monitor shed while ive had her it took forever and it looked as though she had rubbed sores on her back trying to get the skin off. we treated it with triple antibiotic and it got better.
then she started shedding again a few weeks ago and the same thing started happening again, only the little sores kept getting bigger and bigger until almost her entire back was covered with a layer of hard skin that ooozed and smelled, and it would not come off. we immediately made her and appointment with and exotics vet and got her taken care of.
he had to do surgery on her to get the dead skin off, and she had to be treated with antibiotics for two weeks afterwards (she's still taking them). we have to change her bandage once every two days and put burn cream on her wound.
he did a biopsy (sp?) of the tissue and sent it off for tests to made sure she didnt have salmonela (sp?). turns out that she didnt have salmonela, but she did have three other infections that could have easily killer her. he said that if we had waited two days longer, she would have died. he informed us that these infections were hereditary and very rare, but can be cured with antibiotics if caught in time.