View Full Version : Pluc Lizard Gecko?!

12-10-04, 10:52 PM
Ok, there's this ad in the newspaper here for a PLUC LIZARD GECKO... Any idea? I might just pick it up either way ^_^;; Here's the ad:

PLUC LIZARD GECKO and all the accessories - heat lamp, cage and lights. Asking $99. Phone ******* leave message.

BTW, I'd call and ask, but right now it's 12am here ^_^;; Thanks~

12-11-04, 08:03 PM
I have no clue whatsoever about that one. A 'lizard gecko' almost sounds like an amateur talking, so chances are the whole name is some mumbo-jumbo made up thing that stores are famous for. I couldn't even find a reference to a 'Pluc' reptile in my books.

Have you contacted the vendor yet? I'm really curious about this critter.

12-11-04, 08:40 PM
i have no idea either, but if you go look at it/get it, you should tell us what it is after all.

12-12-04, 12:00 PM
It was already gone when I asked about it.... But the guy said it was spotted and yellow, so I'm thinking leopard gecko. Maybe 'pluc' was a typo or something? I dunno, ah well. ^_^

12-12-04, 02:06 PM
I had thought of it being a shortened version of 'Patternless LeUC'... but if it had spots, there goes that idea. (luc could have been a spelling problem with leucistic).

Manitoban Herps
12-12-04, 04:42 PM
Hilde, your a smart ladie, I would of never though of that :D