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View Full Version : Dart frog price question

12-10-04, 11:04 AM
I was just wondering if $99 CDN plus 25% off is a decent price for what I believe is called a dying poison dart frog. (something like 85 bucks right?) They are mint green on black. Anyone know the scientific name as well?


12-10-04, 11:13 AM
I saw them for around $130 at Superpet just last night.. so who knows.. :D

12-10-04, 11:18 AM
Sounds more like a green & black auratus to me. The average price is around 70-100 depending on whether it's a breeder or a store. I used to sell them for $80 at shows, discounts for more but I assume you're talking one only? Check my photo gallery album "Frogs and other amphibians" for some green/black auratus pictures, see if that's what you're talking about. The dying poison dart frog name refers to cobalts, blue/blue black and yellow, very pretty frogs but not green and black.

12-10-04, 11:26 AM
Hi Adam,
I can't offer you any information on the price, as it's quite variable in Canada.
However, something isn't quite right with your description. I am assuming that since you get 25% off you're referring to an animal where you work. Reptilia sells the so-called Dyeing (not "dying") Poison Frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) for $99 but these guys aren't mint green on black. Dendrobates auratus has a form that is mint green on black, and I notice your store also sells this species (for $89). So there's some confusion I think on your part, get that figured out and you'll get some more accurate answers.

P.S. Here's a pic of D. auratus:
Here's a pic of D. tinctorius (cobalt form, same as Reptilia has):

12-10-04, 11:27 AM
Dang, Hilde beat me to it!

12-10-04, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by RMBolton
Dang, Hilde beat me to it!

He heeee... and I'm an old lady to boot. Doesn't make you feel better does it?
Beaten by an old geezer from the yesteryear generation. LOL

J/K But it feels good. ;)

12-10-04, 12:26 PM
The first one is what we have now. Ive seen those blue cobalt ones , but they dont have them anymore. The first picture you posted is what im talking about.

Where the cobalts used to be, now we have a couple baby D. auratus and those little tags on the tag says dyeing dart frog, so maybe its a mistake?

But I was talking about the D auratus just to be clear :)


12-10-04, 01:15 PM
If it says Dyeing Dart Frog with D. auratus on the tank then, yes, it's a mistake...
P.S. Hilde, you only beat me because I spent so much time locating pictures and providing too many details... Where are your pictures? Huh, huh...? :)

Double J
12-10-04, 01:29 PM
Both of you guys beat me to it!

Great posts!

Jordan B
12-11-04, 01:53 AM
$89-$130 for D. Aruatus? Jeez, over here they go for 15 max for the G & B, and the most i've seen them for is 30!

12-11-04, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Jordan B
$89-$130 for D. Aruatus? Jeez, over here they go for 15 max for the G & B, and the most i've seen them for is 30!
You do realize you're in a slightly different geographical area than Bartman, right?
Adam, Mark Pepper has auratus on his website for $60-70, a more relevant comparison.

12-11-04, 07:05 AM
Who is mark pepper? Is he from understory enterprises?

I always see the frogs next to the tanks at the shows, and was thinking of maybe getting one next show if I have the room by then. I really like them!

Do you have that site, if its not UE.

12-11-04, 09:11 AM
Mark Pepper (a.k.a. Mr. Dart Frog Canada) is UE.