View Full Version : CNN Newsshow on Canada and the USA

Greg West
12-09-04, 12:44 PM
Go here to see the video. Some people are so closeminded. These people are the type that I would expect to see in Europe whoa re from the states but choose to wear a Canada Flag patch on their backpack. Makes you just want to jump through the TV and punch some sense into them.


12-09-04, 12:57 PM
"It's called geography". LOL! After all that stupid crap that came out of her mouth, she was shot down by those 3 words. I love it.

That made me laugh. Thanks.

Double J
12-09-04, 01:33 PM
I couldn't even watch that whole clip, it was making the hair stand up on the back of my neck, and I think I was growling, though I cannot be sure with all the steam that was emitted from my ears.

I truly wanted to reach into the computer screen and smack that blonde woman on the back of the head. I cannot beleive the racism coming from that woman's mouth, not to mention her arrogance and utter disrespect. I have no respect whatsoever for anyone that bashes French Canadians. In fact, I would buy her book and have a public burning of my copy, that is of course if I wasn't against book burning. Whatever happened to cultural relativism? As a student of Anthropology, I am appalled to the n'th degree over her ignorance. I am glad that her two co-anchors came to Canada's defence. I am also grateful that they pointed out the resource issue, as well as our right to disagree with our neighbors. I would thank those two personally if it were possible.
As for that little republican dork in the CNN clip, I have repeatedly wanted to reach through the screen and choke him with that stupid little bow tie of his. That man is the world's biggest wiener.

12-09-04, 01:52 PM
That chick needs a good slap on the face... both sides might help...


Same goes for that bow-tie sporting right-wing yuppie!

Anyway, no politics, right? ;)

12-09-04, 01:59 PM
Tim is more than correct. No politics allowed. Sorry guys. :D

Thread closed.

But I did watch the video! LOL :D