View Full Version : Anyone keep niles?

12-09-04, 06:40 AM
Anyone have any pictures? I'd like to see some full grown ones :) heres mine.. hes about 8 or 9 inches long.. does not bite , hiss, or whip me with his tail.. Butt, he likes to bolt as soon as i get him out of his cage..

12-17-04, 08:13 PM
How many rows of yellow spots does your monitor have down his back, just between where his front and back legs connect to his body (between his shoulders and his hips)?

What color is his tongue?

To me it looks like your "Nile" is an Ornate Monitor (Varanus ornatus), not a Nile (Varanus niloticus).

12-17-04, 08:38 PM
Looks like an Ornate to me... I don't own them but I have researched them intensively.;)

12-20-04, 11:14 AM
BTW, who sold it to you as a Nile?

12-20-04, 11:41 AM
Ive keeping nile and water monitors for a while now ill see about putting up some pics for you. As far as V.niloticus or v.niloticus ornatus, i think its is a v.niloticus but i could be wrong. Ornatus tend to have 5 bands of spots on there back with a pinkish tougnes they also seem to keep more of their yellow, where as the niloticus will have 7-8 bands of spots and a blueish-black tounge. An easy way to tell is look at his tougne.....lucas

12-20-04, 03:30 PM
I keep Niles, mine is a little larger. Arent they great? I wish mine was as nice as you described yours, mine bites and bolts constantly :P

12-23-04, 02:43 PM
Here is our Nile monitor.


He is great he likes to smack you with his tail and loves to bite every chance he gets.. haha

We believe it give him character. :D

Nile monitors are one of our favorites.

Scotty & Les

12-26-04, 12:47 AM
Awesome Niles!

12-27-04, 10:12 AM
Looks like a tanzanian nile monitor from my experience.

If I get a chance I will post some pictures of some examples of different types for you.

01-02-05, 03:35 AM
i bought him at a petshop in toronto as anile heh.. he has about 7 rows of yellow spots and a pink tongue if that helps.. and about 7 bands of yellow on his tail.

01-04-05, 12:54 PM
7 rows is proper of a nile.

01-09-05, 09:43 PM
If hes got a pink tounge id say its an ornate nile monitor. You cant really tell just by the spots as some will have more or less then others.

Bellydraggers .........Thats an aqsome nile you got there.....how big and old is he/she?

01-09-05, 09:59 PM
I would not go by the tongue coloration as the determiner.

It is better to go by the overall appearance. They look very different. I will post pictures as examples tomorrow.

01-10-05, 03:21 PM
timminsreptiles - Our Nile is just a little under four feet now..and still growing rapidly. As for age i am not totally sure on the age i have had him a few months now.

Scotty & Les

01-12-05, 07:54 PM
Alright a little slow but here they are.

Female Ornate

Male common nile copulating with a female Ornate, here you can see the pattern difference.

My male tanzanian nile

Same male tanzanian with a high yellow colored female

High yellow female nile (unknown local)

Blue egyptian nile

Baby west tanzanian nile

Scales Zoo
01-12-05, 08:34 PM
Awesome Jody, I really enjoyed those pictures.

The picture of the 2 tanzanians really reminded me of our argus' at first glance - which is interesting.

I have to get a picture of our nile / ornate. It is very blue in color overall, and quite unique from any I've seen.


01-12-05, 08:38 PM
Thanks, thought they might help.

Post your pictures when ya get a chance, I'd like to see them.

Scales Zoo
01-12-05, 08:43 PM
I don't think I have any recent pictures at all, and even the old ones I do beleive did not turn out well at all . Will try to get some pictures of it soon. Also gotta get some good pictures of our mystery argus type monitor.


01-12-05, 08:53 PM
what about it makes it a mystery argus?

01-12-05, 08:56 PM
;) nice nile collection jody. We don't see nile lovers everyday. I think nile are special, they aren't intimidate by anything. The more you learn them, the more you like them. I will try to post you some pics of mine soon.

01-12-05, 09:24 PM
ok here they are ...
1. little nile
http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?shopperid=GLEKCHN3VAKK9LK9M70LDCWC8S RKDRR1&userid=chuck911jeep&album_id=166747&image_id=5&effect=

2. little bigger nile
http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?shopperid=GLEKCHN3VAKK9LK9M70LDCWC8S RKDRR1&userid=chuck911jeep&album_id=166747&image_id=18&effect=

2. same little bigger nile head shot
http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?shopperid=GLEKCHN3VAKK9LK9M70LDCWC8S RKDRR1&userid=chuck911jeep&album_id=166747&image_id=19&effect=

4. almost 4' ornatus
http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?shopperid=GLEKCHN3VAKK9LK9M70LDCWC8S RKDRR1&userid=chuck911jeep&album_id=166747&image_id=20&effect=

I have another little ornatus but i want my buddy to see how is girl are going personally before posting pics of is unique girl ...
somebody want's to take a guess on the sex of those number?

Scales Zoo
01-12-05, 09:50 PM
DK, I'll take some pictures. Most people's first impressions are that it is a c.b cross of some kind, but it is an import. It also does not look and act like our argus pair, or any argus' I've seen so far. It's tail looks just like a woma python, really neat looking monitor even if it is just an argus.


01-12-05, 10:17 PM
Those are Amazing shots guys!! The niles we got at work, have quite the attitude :p No chance of getting into their enclosure unless they're busy with something else. Incredible animals though.

I love that last baby pic too..im assuming you hatched that out yourself? Good work!

01-12-05, 11:19 PM
Ryan, I'd definitely like to see photos.

01-13-05, 11:21 AM
Chuck911jeep some reason I cannot see your pictures.

Here is a nile nest, plus more eggs that are incubating. So I should have more little yellow ones running around soon.


01-13-05, 11:59 AM
oops...here they are.....bizarre:D

01-13-05, 08:51 PM
I can see your pictures now, awesome niles. I will take a crack at the sexes even if they are just a guess.

#1 to small to tell for sure but hey I got a 50/50 chance so um female haha

#2 looks male in the head

Both #1 and #2 look like tanzanian local.

Your ornate looks female in the head, but would need to see the full body to tell. At 4 foot the hemipenal bulging begins to be pronounced as the animal is becoming mature.

Here is a cool patterned ornate a friend of mine owns. I call it ornate cause it has the same large head seen in ornates as compared to a niles slender head, its body proportions also match that of an ornate. I do not have the local data on this animal though. It came to me as an abused rescue. But it does have a burundi look to it.

01-13-05, 09:50 PM
That's a beautiful looking ornate!

01-13-05, 10:57 PM
Really nice this weird looking ornatus. Could it be a ornatus/nile cross? I will take some more pics of number 4 when i get the chance. Thank's

01-14-05, 11:54 AM
I doubt it is a cross, as I have crossed them and the little ones looked nothing like that.

I have seen a few similar to it but not many. Here is a link to one that I had found online. I have yet to find any locality data on them.

Smiley (http://pets.burnerkitty.com/1300)

01-14-05, 05:00 PM
awesome pics!

01-14-05, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by jungleshadows
[B]I doubt it is a cross, as I have crossed them and the little ones looked nothing like that.

Hey, Jody, I remember you showing photos of the pair mating, but I never did see photos of the resultant crosses. Would you be able to post some?

02-01-05, 10:36 AM
That would be interesting to see. :)

02-01-05, 05:35 PM
Awesome pics everyone!

02-06-05, 11:06 PM
Alright everyone here are the pictures.
As you can see the first clutch of 3 eggs only gave me still borns. The rest of the 9 eggs of that clutch went bad early on. My and her second attempt went a little better giving me 4 live babies out of 8 eggs. But again ended up with 1 still born and the other eggs just going bad early on. I have not tried crossing them since and sold my breeding pair. But I do know they can be crossed, I believe the bad luck I had with the eggs is all on my shoulders.
