View Full Version : My favorite Ontario salamander

12-08-04, 08:39 PM
This small little guy/ gal was found in May of this past year. Roughly 10m from Lake Huron.


12-08-04, 08:40 PM
Oh I remember finding those all over the place back when I was younger and camping with scouts... yea they are beautiful... I believe I used to find them up somewhere in orangeville

Double J
12-08-04, 08:48 PM
You gotta love Ambystoma maculatum. I found a ton of those little guys at Killbear provincial park in the summer of 2003. Salamanders never cease to amaze me.

Great find! Great pic!

12-08-04, 08:48 PM
cool find. So tiny!

12-08-04, 11:29 PM
I have only found one that small. The rest are the average 6-7in guys BUT ONE! This one was HUGE and patternless EASILY 9in! I wanted to take her home, but I know better than that.